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Everything posted by c4ptmiles

  1. c4ptmiles

    Goodbye Dayz

    Goodbye! It has been a lovely time with you, but i see nothing more than getting hurt over and over again. Not that you are not challenging enough, it's simply your residents are not able to play on a human level. Why do I have to get shot, when I wave at somebody and loud and understandable say "Friendly! Hello!"? They are the reason why it does not even make fun anymore to spend time with you. I know, it's not your fault, but as long as this does not change we have to split. I realy hope in an real apocalyptic scenario, the people come to value life more. And that there are much less guns. So... Goodbye! See you when you got privat hives. Otherwise there will be no future for us. with love Miles
  2. c4ptmiles

    Goodbye Dayz

    Who? I assume there was someone trolling? Can assure you I'm not.
  3. c4ptmiles

    Goodbye Dayz

    So Devs, please fix stupid player who belive this is CS or GTA. Did you even ready my post? I didn't say anything about alpha...
  4. Hey guys. Some thoughts I want to share with you. Key for weapon flashlight I hate to go into the inventory and manually switch it of. I just takes to much time and make the whole thing pretty much useless. Long Range Scope If you inspect the scope (like on the picture here which I borowed from orcz.com/) you can clearly see that it is using a RIS-Type Rail. So I think, I should be able to mount it also onto the M4. KOS-Problem Wouldn't it solve the problem with KOS if you can't loot death players? I know that would take out some realism but so the only way to loot a player is to handcuff and rob him. This, of course assumes that the combat logging problem is solved. Yes, I'm totally aware that the game is in Early Alpha. Everybody is invited to give constructive feedback. Thanks for reading Captain Miles
  5. Hey Merino. Thx for your work and those awesome videos! You have my beans :beans: ! Would you also do one about all the medical stuff and when to use it. Like the injection vial and all the different tablets. all the best Captain Miles
  6. c4ptmiles

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    I think we since we have Duct Tape, we definitly should have WD40 in the game. Like in this universal flowchart here (which I borrowed from http://blog.onlinemetals.com/), you can see there are a lot of uses for WD40. Some examples for you: Lubricate somethingClean weaponsUse as starting fluid for enginesUse as fire accelerant for campfiresSpray on top of ladders to make survivors slip off (just kidding)Thanks for reading Captain Miles