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Everything posted by Mr_Tyson

  1. Hi, I have 2 folders named Dayz and Dayz other profiles. The files from Dayz other profiles are also in my DayZ folder, under a different name. I have screwed around with the files in order to better my gaming experience yet everytime I play it displays a combination of the two file settings in game. Can I delete Dayz Other profiles folder if the same files are in the Dayz folder? Thanks
  2. Was just wondering what dictates how far the end of the long grass/ detailed foliage... Not shadowz Not viewdistance unsure if its scene complexity or preferred object view...
  3. Mr_Tyson

    The end of the long grass...

    That does not solve my problem. Im not talking about getting rid of the grass. What determines where the detailed grass ends... i have about 100m of detailed grass and then undetailed grass. Looking through a scope all you see is undetailed trees grass and foliage.
  4. Greatly appreciated if anyone knows the original values in place
  5. View distance and preferred object should be the same I reckon, or else you can have towns appearing as great plains...
  6. Mr_Tyson

    The end of the long grass...

    Yea its a bit off, do you have the same problem? i.e. is your picture of a similar discription?
  7. Mr_Tyson

    The end of the long grass...

    I'm talking about the distance at which the grass is no longer detailed. The distance until the long grass is no longer there... just a flat green, undetailed version of 'grass'. Makes it too easy to shoot people.