So far been enjoying running around and surviving. Biggest issues I've come across so far is that; 1. There's something off about the mouse aim, can't put my finger on it exactly but it's harder to use than it should be. 2. Melee weapons (apart from axe) suck and are hard to use. It feels like I have to be literally touching to land a strike, been using the big wrench thing, and it takes up to 10 hits to down a zombie, but a couple bites from them and your crippled needing bandages. I know you can circle strafe, I tried this today with two zombies and mid fight, I lost consciousness, presumably from fatigue as I wasn't bit and then woke up face down in the grass being dragged off somewhere by the zombie who presumably ate my face. I just feel like one or two zombies should not be a threat to a fit human wielding a large blunt object, and due to spastic aiming and somehow wrong mouse controls they are. Loving the game though, even if I accidentally ate a rotten banana!