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About edslerson

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Playing games, reading, fishing, learning how to enjoy life.

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  • Bio
    When I was born I was an insignificant slimy lump of fat. Not much has changed but at least now I can understand just how insignificant I am.
  1. I doubt anyone else cares about this as much as you seem to, whether they have experience with guns or not. This is your biggest pet peeve? Really? Now excuse me while I go load my M4 clips with shells
  2. How is his post count supposed to get higher? That matters right?
  3. This update was great and hopefully we can get the server day/night cycles figured out and the mosin working properly again. Other than that good stuff! This thread is starting to look like the other update thread with half the people who clearly have no patience and don't/can't understand what a game in alpha stages actually is like. Think of it this way, this game is broken until final product. So enjoy what works and if it's still broken when rocket says it's finished then you can cry.
  4. edslerson

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    If I borrowed my dad's razor, the blade with shatter into so many pieces your mind would explode with how tiny they are. My beard is something lumberjacks envy over. An entire ecosystem has made home to my beard and wars have been waged in the disagreement on what kind of conditioner best shines it. In all seriousness, the last thing I ended it with was "Go fuck yourself" and that is directed at you personally and every child that is unfortunate enough to call you it's father. another p.s. my dad skipped out to start another family and not pay child support so his razor would be cheap and full of child neglect so fuck that razor too Ill fucking edit this again just because I guess I need to say it to certain mentally challenged people. That part about me saying your opinion is valid when you create something half as awesome as these guys to have your opinion valid was directed at the whiners, criers, and the people who still say YOLO seriously only, and was meant to be taken lightly, as a joke, exaggerating how pointless and utterly meaningless the words that resemble shit fall from their lips (keyboards) are. If you want true progress how about you learn to talk to people in a manner that shows you aren't an entitled 16 year old girl who didn't get a new car for her birthday
  5. edslerson

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    I just made an account on here after playing the standalone and visiting this forum since launch because I felt the need to say this (not that it will matter). The amount of childish responses and ungrateful people on this forum (Like most gaming forums I've been on really) is fucking disgusting. You all act like this game was released as some sort of scam and now that they have all the money nothing is being done. Does anyone actually think that within one month the small team of highly talented, motivated, enthusiastic developers is going to have dayz completely bug free and perfectly optimized with every aspect of the game done? Do you want an update every single day that sort of works for one issue or one BIG update that fixes issues that many people are having? Do you have the patience of a toddler with ADHD? If you do then get off the internet and go take your medicine. Are you an entitled brat who needs instant gratification? Then go play in traffic. This game is terrific even with the bugs and being partially done so have fun with what you have and be THANKFUL that there are hard working people out there who put up with your stupid ass and push your bullshit aside and make a beautiful entertaining game that you do not deserve. Yea, you payed money for this and yea it might have issues now but chances are you're going to want to be sucking the dick of every dev on the team when this game is done because it's so awesome and they will look at you and say, "No." How about you go create something half as awesome as these guys, THEN and only THEN will your opinion be valid. p.s. Go fuck yourself.