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Everything posted by mirth

  1. mirth

    So much for a "stable" update

    chiming on this matter, I would had rather seen a live countdown, rather than logging off and hoping someone doesn't randomly find you're guy derping around and blows yer brains out, but meh what are you going to do
  2. Anybody else digging the kiddy backpacks? There's variants in red, blue, and green.
  3. I don't see what your problem is, we're getting to play alongside what would most likely be a closed testing period for the DayZ team, why is it so difficult to understand we are currently playing the Alpha build? I for one am VERY VERY VERY content with just being able to play the standalone version even in its very early stage. If you can't accept that go on play the mod or take a break until whatever you're waiting for is implemented, good day sir.
  4. This news is most amazing, thabks DayZ team.
  5. mirth

    Turn on post processing

    Does PP handle effects such as rain? I been wondering for sometime now.
  6. mirth

    Dayz Standalone Update Info Video

    I was hoping to check out the new content, not watch you talk about the patch notes, either way thanks.. I suppose. :|
  7. I am going to second this, already have a mental note of buildings to check and those NOT. Some houses such as that dark wood log cabin never have anything inside, I believe the green/red house is the same, the barn with either manure or hay also comes up empty, the storage sheds now also have no items to loot.
  8. mirth

    The Green Avenger

    great stuff here
  9. mirth

    Long Range Scope Been Removed?

    I can confirm their rareness as it took me a very long time to find one after the recent patch, but thats good :D
  10. In dire need of blood, im reaching out for help.
  11. You used to be able to find them in each storage shed but now even those are empty and the sacks are difficult to find, so much making an improvised backpack :/
  12. mirth

    Where to find radios (walkies)?

    I've found them at Construction sites.
  13. mirth

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Found this earlier today.
  14. With only 5 days or so of this month left, most likely. I am hoping to see some fixes like painted mosins only being able to hold one round, flashlights/gas lamps shining through walls, maybe some new content, and perhaps berry picking since it was delayed from the last patch.
  15. Multiquote, its there for a reason Irenicus.
  16. mirth


    Found it in a Hospital I dare say it completes my look.
  17. Aren't you a nice little troll, look the update is great. It added so much stuff and fixed some other stuff, if anything the only thing that even has annoyed me its jsut painted mosins can only hold one round, besides that I am loving it. Not to be a broken record but as everyone has stated its an alpha, you were warned, no refunds.
  18. Fancy duds there bud, thanks for sharing
  19. Christmas came early, thanks for the patch. Berry flavored beans for all.
  20. mirth

    Berry Picking?

    Mint berry crunch division move out. Go Go Go!
  21. mirth


    You might want to scroll or see the prior page and even if the patch doesnt hit today/tonight theres the weekend to look forward to.
  22. mirth


    Woo! New patch, cant wait to update when i arrive home from work. Big thanks to the DayZ team.
  23. Now unless its something else, isnt there a downed chopper close to Rify?
  24. Can someone take some screenies of the new town?