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About xRann

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  1. xRann

    Time acceleration and day/night.

    There will always be 24hr daytime servers. Once night time gets some polish and love some 24hr night servers will sprout up. More importantly, game time needs to be shifted to an odd hour clock. If game time is severed from real time to the odd hour rather than even you will almost never play at the same time every time. There was a reddit post about using a 19.5hr clock and you could alter those figures up or down and alter the rate of time from 1.25x to 4x if you wanted and still would not sync your real time sessions nearly as much with game time even with accelerated time.
  2. xRann

    M4A1 Firepower?

    You see the blood animation even if zero damage ends up on the player, because of gear. So, even though you saw the blood that doesn't mean his kit didn't absorb the brunt of the attack. If I have room in my slots I throw ballistic helmets in there to do exactly that.
  3. If you look back a page at my post you can see that you can also still have accelerated time on servers for people who want shorter days but still end up with a shifting playtime. It's really all about using odd hours to tear game time away from real time and place it in it's own timezone. Nothing but positives all around by making the shift.
  4. xRann

    Bugged M4 Ammo

    They're hacked items, dispose of them.
  5. I've been on about having an odd amount of hours in a day since I started playing the mod so you rarely sync real world time with ingame time and would almost always be playing at different times. Any odd hours will work it just comes down to how much you want to alter the flow. 11/11.5hrs in a day for 2~x game time while still forcing an alternate ingame time for each session. 13/13.5hrs in a day for 1.75~x accelerated game time 15/15.5hrs in a day for 1.5~x accelerated game time 19/19.5hrs in a day for 1.25~x accelerated game time 23/23.5hrs in a day for near real time The affects of using an odd number of hours in a day can be used to accelerate or decelerate time to any threshold and still give a shifting playtime. Anytime you use an even number you'll just shorten or lengthen the day but still play at the same time ingame for each session. Results would vary depending on server restarts but once their hammered out and only need one restart a day you'd rarely play at the same time ingame. You'll still always have some servers running 24/7 daytime but I'm sure once gamma/night/lighting and all that get some work done you'll see some 24/7 nightime servers too. Shifting game time to an odd hour would give servers the ability to accelerate or decelerate ingame time while still severing it from real world time.
  6. xRann

    Suppressor's (RANT)

    Calm down, you're going to shatter their feeble minds with talk of things beyond their comprehension.
  7. Hopefully as the netbubble gets more work and is improved we'll see less overall desync and the high end of the delay won't be as significant or noticeable. That's probably quite a ways off though.
  8. There'll be some good things, buildings, items, textures, mechanics, and more by opening up modding. There'll also be bastardizations, so you've got to be willing to take the good with the bad and hope for the best.
  9. xRann

    Staging Gear

    A server restart will remove all grounded gear. Caches are in the works but no ETA.
  10. iirc this has always been a problem with the engine itself, as the damage and other factors are processed and calculated. Desync compounds the delay but I don't believe there will ever be a time when melee/ballistic damage is calculated and near instantaneously reports the results.
  11. Only major problem, since this is all still a wip, I see is that firing a weapon alerts to your physical character and position and not the location of the discharged weapon. I tested it a few times to see if I was just being blindsided by the alerted zombies but no. Fire a round off, put your weapon away, sprint away, and the zombie will track your position well after the audible gunshot prior to even being visibile. I tested this around some hills and less populated locations where I had a clear LOS and always got the same result, tracked via "magic" to my new location. On some tests the zombie would give chase to my position even while I continued to egress but would halt and being meandering upon stopping and facing the zombie, distance was 25-75m. I found that to happen frequently too.
  12. xRann

    Possible to snipe with M4?

    Just because they fiddled with the values and fucked up firearms doesn't remove the fact that it is running from within a military simulator.
  13. xRann

    Possible to snipe with M4?

    currently m4+magpul+bipod+acog+maxFOV can hit in the 500-700m range...it's really not worth the time and effort, just grab a mosin
  14. You failing to understand that the timeout for switching servers is planned to be adjusted to an exponential increase and loot going to respawn, WORKING AS INTENDED. Shit isn't broken, it just isn't implemented yet. There's a huge difference, guy. Meme's don't hurt, friend. Nor were they anything special other than taunts because you have shit behind your desire to try and complicate joining a sever just to "fix" server hopping and it's quite apparent. Please, continue because this is becoming very humors to me.
  15. xRann

    AKM Sneak peak close to being implemented

    I believe this was just the ballistic velocities that Gews addressed in http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157148-correcting-sa-ballistics/?hl=gews