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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Deity

    New Gun B95

    Neither of which are used by Russia. Unless the Chinese military has a camp in the area I doubt there really would be Chinese arms here. I think the US has a few camps, which would explain the m4. Gun's like the SKS, and Mosin for example are very cheap so it's really surprising you don't see more of them than an m4. I know of a few mosin's that are going for about 100 and in great shape.
  2. Deity

    New Gun B95

    m4's make sense because the United States wouldn't just stand idle when there are reports of a "zombie virus."
  3. Deity

    New Gun B95

    Let me correct myself a Blaser 95/97 is a over and under shotgun rifle. So it should fire 12gauge and 7.62 rifle rounds. http://www.blaser.de/index.php?id=56&L=1
  4. Deity

    Magnum Jam ?

    Unload the gun, first if you can then reload it. My friend had the same issue and that fixed it.
  5. Deity

    New Gun B95

    No, just no.... No stupid samurai or ninja weapons.
  6. Deity

    New Gun B95

    Did y;all not read the title is a Blaser 95. It's a single shot rifle.
  7. Deity

    I have never had so much fun

    But the same could be said about people who bitch about server hoppers. When you go into a server an nearly everything is looted wheres the fun in that? I've made long, boring trips from the northern airfield down to Balota, to a bunch of other places and all of them were looted, so how is it fair for me to just stay in the server and wait for a restart? And numbers =/= survival rate. It's all about your play style. Relying on numbers to survive most of the times could be a crutch, someone fucks up, like shoots when they need to be silent, or makes a wrong step, anyone could be alerted to your area and safeties come off.
  8. Deity

    I have never had so much fun

    You guys do realize it wasn't the best move to counter server hoppers when there is no form of respawn for loot aside from a restart. Having respawnable loot would of solved about half of the server hopping issues, the other being the ghosting. Until respawning loot happens people will server hop.
  9. No it's there. Me and a few friends use it to kill people. It's so much fun to just drop down behind them and axe them while they come up to snuff us out. Or better yet search a hospital or any apt. business buildings just run off.
  10. Deity

    SKS + LRS glitch?

    Oh? Thats good news then, since it won't make the SKS something it's not.
  11. Deity

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Agreed. Gun's are tools. That's like people who call any rifle with a scope on it a sniper rifle, or call carbines DMRs.
  12. Deity

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Can't handle someone throwing your own argument back at you?
  13. Actually if we are talking about mods for the m4 that don't include scopes, and bi pods, it doesn't matter about item damage. Only thing that really effects the other all performance of the m4a1 is the butt stock you use. MP is the best, and CQC isn't that much different than the OE stock.
  14. Deity

    Read first before you complain about other players

    It's funny listening to "heros" trying to justify their actions.
  15. Hunting pack is and will always be better than the mountain pack for 1 reason. The mountain pack sticks out like a sore thumb. Many of times have I picked out/off people using mountain packs because from the side it looks like a solid vertical black bar.
  16. Deity

    Why is the Mosin using the wrong ammo?

    Idk how many times I've posted this but I'll be short 1. 308 =/= NATO 7.62 2. Mosin can fire the NATO but it's not recommended 3. It's like how a .357 can shoot a .38 specials 4. Firing a 308 out of NATO 7.62 gun isn't something I would do.
  17. Deity

    Kill on sight reasoning

    So your saying you would rather take of a bambi coming up to you and straight out decking you in the face, KOing you, taking your gear, and then killing you? I've done this countless times.
  18. Deity

    New weapon! SKS 59/66 Yugo

    I felt the same way when he said the SKS should use a 7.62 x 54mm instead of a 39mm casing.
  19. It's not cold when the fresh spawn is making a b line for me to KO me and steal my gear. I do it all the time as a bambi. Get over it. People who call KoSer's kids or whatever else, their tears add bullets to my gun, and nourishment to my in game body.
  20. Deity

    Kill on sight reasoning

    Hurr durr humanity system deeerrrr huuuuurrrrp. A Humanity system is stupid. I KoS when I get a feeling something fishy is going to happen so I stalk a bit then use my judgement and either wait until he's out of my area or take the shot. I'm doing what I believe it takes for me to survive or anyone else I'm with. This is the sorta of game that is a better safe than sorry.
  21. Deity

    New weapon! SKS 59/66 Yugo

    You'd be surprised at the amount of people who think the reasoning behind the 5.56 for more rounds down range means it takes 2-3 bullets to kill someone
  22. Deity

    Kill on sight reasoning

    It's easier for me just to put one between your eyes than to talk to you, since generally speaking other people are pretty much useless since Zed's are in no shape a threat. > mfw I see these threads too.
  23. Deity

    Problem with In-Game Sodas?

    What dictates hunger in game is when your energy storage gets below 600 out of 20,000. Since you only need calories to survive in this game, all you gotta do is devour everything in sight like Unicron.
  24. Deity

    New weapon! SKS 59/66 Yugo

    Inb4 people start calling this semi-automatic carbine a DMR/Sniper
  25. Deity

    Random Encounters

    So I was running into elektro , when I meet up with Candle Jack I love this ga-