Thanks for the reply. I understand holidays are a huge draw away from work (my liver was well deserving of a vacation). The flip side however makes many users feel like they are being hung out to dry, Too many players 10 days of nothing substantial even in terms of just official announcements can seem way to long. This is far from a standard release just on shear size and scope but in most betas i played in many players had constant and excellent communication with developer staff. The communication side however could be my fault due to general avoidance of social media like twitter, I almost use this forum and the Steam community hub exclusively I really hope their development team gains in size and strength, currently it appears to many players that if they are one developer down the whole project slows to a standstill. I see so much potential in this game that i often find myself day dreaming about future features, i want nothing more than this game to rise to the top of the Zombie/Nature Hike Murder adventure MMO genre.