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Everything posted by Jimbo_au

  1. why they don't just add a craftable bomb with a dead man's switch/trigger that sits in your backpack, hate kosers and not one yourself go looting with this. options could be... -Destroys gear and body and kills anyone in a 15 meter radius. -Only can be triggered by death. -Can clearly see when you have it equipped, may not be able to equip any other weapon while it is. -Takes a long time setting it up so kosers cannot just quickly switch when in trouble (say 1 minute) -Could attract zombies in the area. -Could be heard from 1 km away. you will never stop people killing just to kill, but now you can guard yourself against people who want your gear, now they have to hold you up not just kos you.
  2. Jimbo_au

    Advice for New Meat

    Thank you captain obvious. no but really lol if you need to be told then shame on you.
  3. Jimbo_au

    Anyone else seen this yet?

    I was waiting for your to get flanked, by his mate with a gun.
  4. Jimbo_au

    3rd Person and KOS are connect

    I kill on sight and only play first person servers... Its more fun. Even today I opened fire on a dude (1 chest shot and he was prone super fast) and what followed was a 1 hour game of cat and mouse ( he won and if your reading this I tip my hat too you good sir). I play lone wolf style not because I don't have friends that play but they all say I am way to methodical and get board I want to move from tree to tree slowly checking every angle, camp places strategically for long periods of time waiting for someone too stumble into my web . But I digress. While I am new (did not play mod) I believe private hives will sort it out... want to play action pack 20 minute restarts go ahead... you paid for the game your not wrong in wanting to play it that way. Me on the other hand will be finding a 3pp off day/night server with minimal restarts... why because I paid for the game and want to play it that way. You can't love a sandbox style game then tell people they are building there castle wrong (3pp wall looking aside)
  5. (yes yes, I know you mean the confessions of a loser. very good pun sir) I Kos, Always have and always will, and wanted to start a conversation about it because people feel so passionate about the subject, for or against its a hot topic. Now I do not kos new players or unarmed (if I see you reach I will), that is being a dick... koser or not. I honestly cannot understand why people hate it so much, You lose gear I understand that but at the same time if you get attached to said gear you're going to have a bad time any which way. I cannot tell you how many people have slipped pass me for they slipped passed me, but the amount of times I see someone running full ball with their weapon drawn.. why should I respect his/her life when he/her clearly does not respect their own. If your firearm is drawn I will kos you, I ask myself why is his firearm drawn? A pistol maybe, but a mosin or a m4... please who uses them for zed killing atm? That must mean you intend to kill, and yes your weapon may be lowered but so was mine and I kos. If someone gets the drop on me and asks if I am friendly the first thing I do... if I can see them is check for a weapon raised if it is I will kill without a second thought. So I kos around 80% of people I see because they fit the description above does that make me a murdering scum that is ruining the game? No, I call it smart, kos or not I felt a risk to my life and made a decision based on the facts, I am scared, thirsty, hungry and don't know if I'll make it the night. Maybe just maybe kosers (not including dicks) are not the problem but how we represent ourselves in game, after all if you walked into a store with a gun drawn the clerk is not going to think this guy just wants to buy some chips. If I get killed on site I made the mistake of letting him see me and should have been more careful and should not have had my weapon drawn if I meant no harm, he was right to kill me. what's your opinion?
  6. Jimbo_au

    The confessions of a Koser. (Defensive KoS)

    when i was killed by this style i could not stop loling I got out played hard, and your 100% right about deception I love how some players think outside the box.
  7. Jimbo_au

    The confessions of a Koser. (Defensive KoS)

    I understand that kosing a new player is wrong and this is not what the subject is about, as posts I have read go beyond fresh spawn killing, to me fresh spawn killing has no defence apart from I wanted to troll, this post was meant to lead to discussion about kosing beyond that of a fresh spawn.
  8. Jimbo_au

    The confessions of a Koser. (Defensive KoS)

    100% agree. But I still observe, I have been shot but someone who only had a pistol on them and was dressed to look like a freshy... I got outplayed, once bitten twice shy.
  9. Jimbo_au

    Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable

    I like this idea/s but would want another layer added. Right now we all know military bases hold the good stuff, and that would be true in real life, but how about a year into the outbreak these places would be looted dry and the weapons would disburse into out lying area's, so at the start of a server they would be in and around military bases but in a weeks time could be lying around villages near by in houses and then even further. This would survive server downs and restarts like tents, (a restart would not put the weapons back in base but refresh the drops) I also think a server restart option should be added to give the admin power to reset the drops back to base because after long enough you would have little chance in finding the really good weapons or cap it at a certain stage. This should add progression to drops and give people a chance to have good fights in bases and villages etc etc if done right it could be great, it also gives people who only play 30 mins a day to get something good without getting shot or server hopping because there scared to go into a base. the speed it disburses could also be based on deaths on server so as more people die the loot spreads out more from its starting location. Just my 2 cents, and of course devs would have to balance.
  10. Most people here have probes played bf3/4, in that game it has a marking/spotting system that will put a symbol above the players head for so long. How about instead of the symbol you could mark the player thus blocking a logout (nothing visual, proper d/c would not count) for 30 seconds or so this could be done up to say 4 times giving another player a total of 2 minutes to kill his marked player, if there is more than one player marking someone then they would not stack otherwise you could troll nonstop and of course devs would balance.. this is only a example. What do you guys think? Sorry if its been suggested ps (simple) means my idea is simple not its simple to fix. dont want to come of sounding like a asshat P
  11. Jimbo_au

    Combat logging fix idea (simple)

    while I have heard the idea of pvp area's, and agree it is immersion breaking I would be totally up for no log out area's, or when in these area's and attempting a logout it would take maybe 2 minutes to do.
  12. Jimbo_au

    Combat logging fix idea (simple)

    I like the system : )... I did not play the mod : (. but as everyday passes am being a huge dayz fan, I am starting to think its worth getting the mod too.
  13. Jimbo_au

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    Dude you can’t suggest something then act like a kid if someone says it sucks... I suggested something and the 4th comment was "it’s an awful idea"... So what? That dude who said you had no friends is a dick, but you need to learn... opinions are like assholes everyone’s got one and everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks... but that also doesn’t mean you rip on them, hence why the guy who said you had no friends is a dick, opinions are not fact thus cannot be right or wrong.
  14. Jimbo_au

    Combat logging fix idea (simple)

    yea times where a bit much looking at other games a 15 second timmer is more the enough, it needs to be just long enough for a few bursts so if a guy sees a bullet hit the wall in front of him he cannot log right away giving the shooter a chance. edit: did not see that it is already being addressed... trying to keep up with reddit and stuff must have missed it, the idea is not ment to be a 100% fix but somethig that could of been used until something better came along.