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Proper Gander

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Everything posted by Proper Gander

  1. Proper Gander

    So many Suggestions on Serverhopping/Ghosting

    How about they reskin server hoppers in a huge rabbit suit and replace their loot with carrots. When you kill them, you get fresh rabbit and carrots for a stew.
  2. Proper Gander

    People who server hop

    Perhaps there should be items required to server hop and be a loot farmer (thinking overalls, straw hat, and hoe). This could then aid in the identification and disposal of these greedy little piggies.
  3. Proper Gander

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    Your "zoom" is actually 1x magnification. The default view is actually "zoomed out" less than 1x in order to give you a larger FOV.
  4. Proper Gander

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    Yes, "bionic eye" that zooms to 1x magnification.
  5. Proper Gander

    Newb..What do now ?

    Really, what more do you want? This is supposed to be a survival game. Go survive.
  6. Proper Gander

    This Is DayZ... (funny)

    At least it was only 1:45 that I would have wasted elsewhere on the Internet.
  7. It depends on the kind of movies that you are talking about; the adult movie industry has a whole genre dedicated to POV films. Of course in that industry few people would say that POV is more 'hardcore' that the traditional 3rd person films.
  8. Proper Gander

    Serverhopping mother-effers

    Therein lies the rub... you really can't. But some people use the same name on their Steam accounts and in-game, and it might be nice to develop a thread that calls them out here on the forums. Sort of like a wall of shame. As for the "low ping," yeah, that is always possible. But if you really look at the sheer number of people who are on for less than 5 minutes (many who are on for just a minute or less), I think that it is fairly safe to assume that these people are server-hopping loot farmers.
  9. Proper Gander

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    While I get your point on being able to "observe the area" before entering it, nobody is forced to "rush" into an area without any kind of proper reconnaissance. And I don't know how many fresh spawns will be finding binos before gearing up anyway. So maybe it would be a "game changer" for players who currently run around with reckless abandon, but it will probably just be another useful tool for all the others.
  10. While I relish the back story, I am interested in the demographics of our formerly war torn nation because this should be an indication of how many infected should be roaming the map and how much survival gear should be available.
  11. Proper Gander

    Do you want binoculars? POLL

    While I really want the capabilities that a pair of binos have to offer, I am not sure that they will be a real "game changer."
  12. Proper Gander


    Don't have an answer to your question, but I will remember this lesson in the future.
  13. Proper Gander

    Serverhopping mother-effers

    Quite simple, really (especially if you are on a single server for long periods of time): look at your Steam friends list and the "recently played with" tab; anyone on this list for less than 5 minutes is a server hopper.
  14. Proper Gander

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    I suggest a 30 minute timer to join a new server with your avatar standing stationary with a bat signal. That way you can still server hop and I can enjoy my single server non-hopping experience.
  15. Proper Gander

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    I play both. However, I find myself playing 1st person in regular more than 3rd person. I have just gotten used to it from HC.
  16. Proper Gander

    Casuals and DayZ

    How many people who play this game are master bowyers, fletchers, or archers? Crafting these items are surely as difficult as flying a helicopter.
  17. Proper Gander

    Loot balance

    Part of the issue is that one must go looking for "basic development plans" that are "posted all over." Perhaps there should be feedback by the dev team here on the official forum addressing these issues. And if one does have the answer to these questions/issues, maybe he/she could post a link to said reference.
  18. Proper Gander

    Our first kill

    Nice hunt. Why was he just standing in the corner?
  19. Proper Gander

    Killed upon connecting to server

    Unlucky. Don't logout in a populated area.
  20. Proper Gander

    The "Zombie Threat"

    Actually the Walking Dead zombies are virus based, and bites do infect people. Also (spoiler to anyone who hasn't watched the show), in the show, EVERYONE already carries the virus; when ANYONE dies, they become a zombie. It seems to me that this scenario is more like the movie "I am Legend" with Will Smith, which premiers a virus that either kills people OR turns them into a "zombie" with a swath of survivors who are immune to both (although this percentage of "immune" people is quite small).
  21. Proper Gander

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    If "super human abilities" include the ability to see objects at 1x magnification, I'll be Super Man.
  22. Proper Gander


    As I agree with your sentiment, can you please provide a link to the "official lore"? Thanks.
  23. Proper Gander

    What to carry?

    You should drop all the weapons besides the M4. You can only use one weapon at a time anyway. There will be plenty of items that you won't need and should leave behind.
  24. Proper Gander

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    I got you, but in this case you should argue that the default "zoom out" be removed, as the "zoom in" is the normal 1x view.
  25. Proper Gander

    How long is your average Dayz session?

    Between 1-4 hours; depends a lot on how long my bro wants to play.