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About Pumpkins

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    On the Coast
  1. Pumpkins

    Server jumping quick fix.

    Yeah I like it!
  2. Pumpkins

    Companions, like dogs

    I like this idea. Taming would be rly cool. They could possibly help find food, track wild animals for hunting and fight zombies but has only defensive stance. So if his master is being it attackt it would run behind the agressor and hit him like a normal zombie. More like offhand dps. It should work more like Dead space 3 Scavenger bot when looking for food. http://de.deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Scavenger_Bot What would be nice too is handcuffing zombies, making only one of them your personal zombie slave to detect living forms like animals or maybe players. The zombie slave is bound to you and cant walk free, making you easy to spot but if someone is close to you he would act agitated like this: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/073/f/8/jacob__s_ladder_head_shake_by_elberto333-d4sqsck.gif in a very disturbed way. But everything that interacts with/against players should be discussed carefully for the sake of pvp all this kind of taming and companion stuff should be only for PVE.
  3. Pumpkins

    Bad case of diarrhea

    Ultima Online. Lets pioneer poop!!!!
  4. Pumpkins

    Bad case of diarrhea

    There are already toilets in the game. Another way to heal diahrrea could be using it for a while.
  5. Pumpkins

    Bad case of diarrhea

    everything inside would get "ruined" if you don't remove quickly
  6. Pumpkins

    Bad case of diarrhea

    Hello, My suggestion is to expand the sickness system, so let's talk about it. ;) Atm you can get sick by eating rotten food or drinking unclean water and If I'm not wrong by drinking or eating too much too. Drinking or eating too much makes you puke and dehydrates you. Suggestion: Eating rotten food, raw meat or drinking dirty water without treating fast should cases diarrhea. First you get some msgs telling you that you don't feel good and your belly hurts. If you don't have any medicine to use the sickness will get worse. After a while you will get one last warning: "Prepare your anus". A few secs later your character will squat involuntary and dump on the floor, If you have pants on you will shit your pants full destroying all contents. That's why you should remove the pants when you get the last warning. After shiting your belly empty you will be dehydrated having the urge to drink. A cure for diarrhea could be antibiotics or eating banana in good condition. Eating apple or beans :beans: would speed up or boost the sickness. What you guys think about it?! Imo would be funny to see bad bandits having some trouble or forcing ppl to wear your dirty pants. :lol: