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Shakes (DayZ)

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About Shakes (DayZ)

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  1. Shakes (DayZ)

    Would You Help This Person?

    1: Yes 2: Probably 3: Doubt it I actually ran into #1. There were only like 6 people on the server and ran into a guy next to a pond in the middle of nowhere literally screaming for help. Completely freaked me the hell out, and I honestly thought it was a trap. He was in his underoos so I have a feeling somebody robbed him. He just asked me to kill him though. That must have really sucked. I obliged him once I was convinced I wasn't about to be jumped ;)
  2. This actually happened to me the other day after beeing kicked from a server. There were only 2 other players, we were not near each other, so I assume the admin just didn't want anyone on his server? There were a few zombies around, but that leads to another question... if I am kicked from a server, do I stand there looking like an idiot for 30 seconds? If so I would assume that is a bug? Logging back in gave me the same problem though. Stuck at the please wait screen for about a minute before trying a new server... lost a newly geared (and well geared I might add) toon to it :(
  3. Shakes (DayZ)

    VoIP hack?

    No this is for sure a thing. I was in a server the other night where somebody was playing music across the whole damn thing. Was pretty annoying. Dude even said to text some number with music requests. Pretty stupid to give out your phone number like that, and worse if it wasn't really his number. That tells me he wasn't only able to spam voice globally, but chat messages. In any case I didn't think to just figure out who it was and mute them, I just bailed from the server. It did scare the hell out of me initially though. Is there an admin feature exposed to server admins to do that sort of thing?
  4. Shakes (DayZ)

    Was I really lucky or was this a stranger

    I dumped one for an SKS. Don't know if you found mine, but that's exactly what I dropped. The doors would have been closed if it was me, don't like letting people know I'm about if I'm on alone. SKS > Mosin with no scope
  5. Shakes (DayZ)

    Sighting in guns

    I like that. I use the web map all the time, so it's good to know there is a legit in game tool to use.
  6. Shakes (DayZ)

    How many shots does gas pump take

    Oh hell, I am lighting up every gas station I see for the rest of time! Gonna need more ammo...
  7. Shakes (DayZ)

    Why Are Servers 70+USD?

    It's likely it's due to unoptimized workload. DayZ currently consumes pretty crazy amounts of CPU time and memory based on things I see from the devs. That will change I'm sure but right now it's means that per player it's likely taking more resources per player than many other games. Then figure that these servers likely in VMs (because who in their right mind would use a $10,000 server to run one instance of a game) and the prices start to climb based on workload, hardware, resources consumed... Servers aint free man, and it's not gonna run on your old desktop you're using as a doorstop :P
  8. Shakes (DayZ)

    Read first before you complain about other players

    Just feel the need to point out that people hunt with AR15s all the time... alot of people hunt with suppressors too :P
  9. Shakes (DayZ)

    Magnum revolver vs FNX45?

    Pretty much how I feel about it in DayZ. RL would be completely different (and is :P) but the power of the magnum combined with the reach out and touch somebody ability of the Mosin... Pretty much a no brainer... no pun intended B)
  10. Shakes (DayZ)

    That'll teach you to take potshots at a guy with no pants!

    No derping. We were NW of Berezino in the middle of nowhere. I saw the guy quite a ways off and didn't have any time to think about whether or not to say hi before he leveled his rifle at me. I took that as a "don't screw around with me" and left heading west (actually turned my back to the guy and ran) still out of mic range and my ax never came off my back until he took the first shot. If a guy with no pants comes running at me with an ax out I'd probably take that shot too :P
  11. Shakes (DayZ)

    That'll teach you to take potshots at a guy with no pants!

    LOL! You know the abosolute best part?!? The guy had a can opener which I very happily took.... pure gold right there B)
  12. Shakes (DayZ)

    That'll teach you to take potshots at a guy with no pants!

    Well that went sideways fast... :P Point is, it seems like almost everything is just more fun with no pants on... just sayin!
  13. 15 minutes old, empty backpack, no water, and a splitting axe.... You just couldn't resist taking a potshot at me huh? Hell even I resisted tryin to run at you with nothing to lose! So how do you like that axe in your forehead? You missed me with all 6 shots from the magnum, reloaded and missed 6 more! Thanks for the gear tho! I really do appreciate all the work it must have taken. Glad I could be karma's messenger. Really hope you punched your monitor ;)
  14. Shakes (DayZ)

    Great Expectations? (All about wheels)

    I'm sure this is the unpopular opinion but.... I'd like to see some banged up cars and trucks, but nothing more than that. Love the idea of bikes. Seeing vids of helos in the mod is a huge turnoff. Seemed pretty obvious the devs just got bored or carried away when they added them.
  15. Shakes (DayZ)

    Stealth anti server hop?

    You know how many times I've set an ammo can down to give a buddy ammo or rearrange it.... then walked off? Yeah i know, not so bright over here. I blame lack of coffee :(