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Everything posted by Marbles

  1. Chainsaws, Molotovs or a Crossbow with a decent sight :)
  2. Marbles

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Hero and Bandit costumes were the worse features of the mod. Want to be a hero? Then do heroic things.
  3. It's simple: the most efficient and least risky method of survival is to kill every stranger you see (if they are alone or if you outnumber/outwit them), at the earliest opportunity. Preferably without letting them know you exist until it's too late. But why is that, you ask? The game is such that the greatest threat to your character is other players. Neutralizing other players means neutralizing the greatest threat to survival. So what can we do if we wanted to reduce the rate of KOS? It's easy: introduce an element to the game which poses a greater threat to your character than the threat of other players. Naturally some players will start banding together, randomly, to cooperate to neutralize this threat. The more threatening this new element is, the more people will work together to defeat it. What is this new 'element'? I don't know, be creative. A giant robot? Or to fit with the theme maybe even a roaming hoard of relentless zombies (hint hint)? Bottom line The enemy of your enemy is your ally.
  4. Marbles

    Defective weapons?

    My (previously working) magnum was non-functional after a guy shot me in the leg where i was storing the gun. (Pristine ammo was loaded too). It is very possible to ruin player's guns mid-combat if you are lucky I think.
  5. My end-game usually involves camping a jail of one of the airfields just to see how long I can survive. I've killed dozens of server hoppers this way because of the login reload sound, but there was one yesterday who either logged in without making the sound (audio glitch?) or passed through the outer wall and immediately killed my friend and then logged out. Not a fun way to die in Dayz, but I guess worth it for the other hopper kills. Eventually I/we kill someone from a group and they get their friends to spawn in all around and eventually kill us. Just one time I would like a group of players to approach on foot, surround, and annihilate me and my team mates. That is the way to go :)