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Everything posted by komadose

  1. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    true that lol
  2. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    yeah well, i'm just saying that they would kill Oculus if they tried to shift it to mainstream markets. i don't think it's gonna happen. thread is totally derailed from the OP's concern now lol...
  3. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    i'm not liking the fact that Facebook bought Oculus, but it would be completely stupid of them to destroy everything that made Oculus as valuable as they are right now. that's just not good business, so it's hard to think that Facebook would do it. also, not a single mainstream Farmville-player would buy $300 (are what does it cost?) VR to play free games on it... lol
  4. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    who was asking that? jesus...
  5. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    i understand your examples and marketing in general, but are you SERIOUSLY trying to say that Facebook will make Oculus less compatible with PC games? i mean, really? it would be a complete suicide, resulting in global boycotts towards Oculus. it was invented for PC games in the first place. there are Valve coming in from left with their own VR, Microsoft coming in from right with their own VR. you think Facebook could afford restricting Oculus? and once more, the original post was more about performance, not compatibility.
  6. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    wow. just wow. i still don't see how Facebook purchasing Oculus, branding and marketing has anything to do with the performance wich OP is talking about, or even compatibility. or are you suggesting it won't be compatible with PC games?
  7. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    read the original post again.
  8. komadose

    DayZ sells 1.7 million copies

    it depends on the developer entirely. i believe Rocket is so passionate about this game, that it only creates more incentive. he's now able to do more than he initially planned. if you are making a game just to make money, it would result having less incentive.
  9. komadose

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    they will optimize the game further later on. hard to say anything for sure at this point. how is branding related to how well DayZ runs?
  10. komadose

    DayZ sells 1.7 million copies

    i think it's because they can afford to hire a much bigger team now (and already have hired), so once they get all the new staff running with full steam, it will speed things by a fair margin.
  11. komadose

    DayZ sells 1.7 million copies

    sales will jump to +2M when the first goddamn bicycle is introduced to the game. mark my words.
  12. komadose

    South coast spawns?

    yeah i remember reading somewhere that you were washed to the shore for some reason, so that's why you spawn at coast.
  13. komadose

    South coast spawns?

    you were cruising on the coast with your yacht before your unlucky ass rammed it to Chernarus. that's my story, atleast.
  14. komadose

    South coast spawns?

    i can find Mosins, SKS' and M4s on coast, so why would i bother travelling for hours to inland, where there's no one around? when they make travelling more fun (=vehicles) i would happily roam the map. even a bicycle would do for starters.
  15. komadose

    Spreading disease ?

    haha yeah i'd try to collect them all (diseases) and then jump on to people with my germ-filled body. imma hugger-killer.
  16. komadose

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    i just mean it's still American. i'm not sure what you meant with the whole China post. just like McDonalds is American, even if you eat in McDonalds that's located in China. but what i meant with my original post is that you would not encounter Segways or Chevy SUVs in rural eastern europe. not even if Chinese police uses them.
  17. komadose

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    i like the part where Segway is an American company.
  18. komadose

    Should it be easier to revive players?

    good idea. a good slap will shake that bullet out of your buddy's head, and he's good to go again.
  19. komadose

    Do bandits really exist on DayZ Standalone?

    i don't think good or bad players can yet exist in DayZ, since there's really not much to do in it. when i find guns and ammo, i goddamn want to use them. i will definetly not waste them on those poor zombies, since it would be stupid to alarm more zombies, wich will make you waste even more bullets. they are just plain easier with an axe. therefor, i need to seek thrills by hunting other players. call me a douche if you want, but the reality is that that's how this game works at the moment. when they add other goals wich i can pursue as a geared player (basebuilding, etc.) i will do it. preferably something that requires player interaction, so that bullets-to-face wouldn't always be your best choice to approach situations.
  20. komadose

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    Yeah Chernasrus needs much more 'murica. Not.
  21. 1. physics are not yet implemented to the game. yes, the current fall damage is stupid and unpredictable, so avoid falling altogether before it's fixed. 2. pathfinding is being worked on, like mentioned. 3. just see key bindings. 4. if you have lost blood or have been sick, eat and drink lots to get a "healing" status for your character. it will then eventually go away. 5. yeah that sucks. we need a suicide option. 6. someone has just propably looted that area already. there are certain building types, however, wich almost never contain any loot. some smaller villages may consist of these building types completely. also, if the door is open, someone has been there already. 7. when it comes to zombies, i believe their attacks are still placeholders. when it comes to other players, yeah, fists are crazy powerful at the moment. i think bleeding is good, though, even if not completely realistic. there's plenty of clothing around that you can tear into rags, but first you need to find a safe spot to use it.
  22. komadose

    The ducking desync/lag is real.

    a funny desync/lag situation i encountered; there was this bambi running around me and i guess he got scared of my fireaxe. he climbed to the tower at the factory near Solnichniy to escape me. the server desync caused him to appear jumping down from it every once in a while, when he would appear to be on the ground, and then teleport back up to the tower. for testing purposes (yeah i might be a douche lol) i took a swing at him when he appeared on the ground, and bam, he started bleeding and teleported back up to the tower still bleeding. basicly from his client's perspective, i guess it seemed like i swinged him with an axe from ground level, while he was up in that tower.
  23. komadose

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    expect such game breaking bugs to happen next time you start playing. problem solved. the game is just alpha, so game breaking bugs are allowed. not wanted, but allowed.
  24. komadose

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    for fun, since there's nothing else to do atm.
  25. komadose

    Alien on map?

    if you use your imagination, you can see all kind of shit on that map i think.