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Everything posted by TLaw

  1. So this may be a bit long, but it has to be to get everything in, so please have a little patience. The whole event took somewhere around 6 - 10 mins, but felt like a lifetime. For me, its experiences like this that define Dayz from other FPS's and add a feel of, almost, a game within a game with regard to interactions with other players. The entire time, the focus was GENUINELY to help other players, but ended up instead wiping a squad of 6, with 7 kills total (including one guy twice), easily inside 10 minutes. Simply put, how the hell did that just happen..? Was this paranoia getting the best of me, or a genuine defence of my own characters life, prioritised over other random strangers? Firstly, a key thing to point out right at the start, I didn't even actually play these few minutes, I was watching over the shoulder (at times pretty much sat on it) of my friend who I let use my rig while he was visiting. As such, if I refer to I, Me, us or we in whatever context, remember there was only a single game character involved. I had been playing with a couple of other friends a few nights ago and had finally kitted up again after being KOS at the NEAF by someone I presume was server hopping, and then again by "getting spawn killed" after a lucky coast spawn which included a M4 and other Uberloot.....remember....ALPHA...its OK....sigh... So when my friend come round to visit and bugs me into giving him a go, I'm very keen for him to keep my character alive, so I can link up again with my buddies when they are online later, and as such when he is playing, I was pretty much sat on his shoulder for the first few mins, so please appreciate the pressure he was under right from the onset to "STAY THE HELL ALIVE, WHATEVER HAPPENS"! Here is our adrenaline riddled perspective of how it went down: Trying to avoid confrontation, we picked a nice quiet server, 9/40, dropped back into game just outside Berezino and after dropping a couple of zombles to acquaint him with his, or rather my, shiny new M4, headed to the factory to try find a better backpack, (this being the premise of his argument to let him play). So into the factory he cautiously moves, looking everywhere at once, trying to scan for a green/hunter pack & keep an eye on the approaches to his building at the same time. There is NOTHING in the lower levels of the building, not even junk, this starts to get me a little prang, as all other signs point to a fairly fresh server (Zeds everywhere, closed doors), and I tell my friend this, just as he hits the landing to the the third floor and scans the east & southern approaches to the factory...There!....PLAYER!...Very close, maybe 20M away, sprinting into the bottom of the stairwell we are at the top of. Second guy close behind, clearly running together into the factory!!! Shit!!! Heart rate sky-rockets and I'm not even playing!! Wait, its cool...neither have a weapon, they are fresh spawns by the look.... My friend does what he has seen before and calls friendly to the players and tells them he is in here, armed, but friendly while we both calm down and decide what to do... It takes a while...these guys are no threat to us unarmed, but they are going to want the same loot we do, and we think it a bit harsh to withhold loot, especially packs, from fresh spawns, considering we have.... CRAP...I forgot...the TARDIS pack!!! This will no doubt be patched, but at present it is possible to put a pack inside a pack inside a pack... etc.. and on my previous play with my buddies, (a rare 3 way day off) had ended up with said pack, filled with all sort of goodies, a couple of pistols, multiple Saline IVs, tack vests, a ton of food & soda - all the gear we couldn't carry on our persons after looting the whole map pretty much, then one of us getting blind-sided by that most feared of enemies....the ladder...and the others trying to carry as much as possible with the intention of re-uniting him with it - In short, the pack I had on had another 2 inside it, with enough gear to save these 2 hours of Zed dodging through the towns on the coast. A tack vest, food & drink, can opener, IV kit PLUS blood bag kit AND fricking blood test kit!! Along with a pistol & ammo, all crammed inside the 2 spare mountain packs would be like several Christmases all at once for these guys, and as a great believer in trying to help new spawns, rather than farm them for kit/blood/sport, and having been KOS on several heartbreaking occasions as a newbie myself, thought, here is a chance to really set someone up and maybe bring a little love to the apocalypse. However.... While coming to this conclusion, my friend had tried to stall for a little longer while making up our minds by asking the guys not to come upstairs...there were two of them after all, and it only takes a punch to the head, or someone taking a weapon from our kit/pack and this Christmas present could really come back to bite me in the ass...and they totally ignored him and ran up the stairs, stopping a few feet from us..."OK.....don't do anything stupid"...directed at both the guys on the stairs, and my friend playing...who had become nervous and raised his gun..."explain to them we want to help".... my friend does, starting to talk to them, asking their story, finding out they are 2 guys running together, finding out they had been killed by bandits - not on this server so no chance for revenge / getting their kit back, but it does strike a chord with me. I have already had a good few characters lost to bandits, ladders and spawning....Alpha....and it seems the idea to kit up the new spawns was looking better and better. Possibly stupid, but certainly friendly. The two had, by this point advanced slowly and were now in the room with my buddy. My friend, getting a little twitchy about having to keep moving his screen to look at both asks them to sit by the door where he can see both of them... they sound like nice guys, fairly chatty and they have accents similar to ours, I bet they lived no more than 25 miles from us before the zombies came... And yet....No....I decide I'm just being paranoid. Just stop trying to be a back seat gamer and let your friend play...they seem to be fairly experienced players, they are using the correct game terms and saying the right things at the right time...after fairly long delays...they are understandably happy to have met a friendly player, and are excited at the prospect of free loot...they are intrigued at the idea of the TARDIS pack and want to know what's in it... Hmm....My prang sensors are going again...STOP IT... Although....having learned the hard way that putting guns in the hands of people willing, but inexperienced with their use, usually ends with disaster sooner rather than later, "maybe its a good idea to make sure your a little way away from them by the time they can load that gun" seems the way to go. My friend agrees and backs into the room, telling the pair to stay put while he sorts the gear he is going to leave them into the two packs. While backing up, he passes a bat on the floor, and I notice its position, slightly out of sight now behind that pillar. My friend goes into inventory to start sorting the kit, making conversation with the pair as he does, struggling a bit with the kit. It's a real bitch unloading more than 2 packs, and he has to move around slightly to be able to get close to it all, and in so doing, I notice one of the guys has moved out of position, and picked up the bat. Prang sensors pulsing again, I tell my friend to watch it, and he tells the guy not to be "creeping around on him", to which the guy reassures him everything is fine and he is just excited. My friend relaxes a little and goes back to struggling to sort kit, with half we wants to keep in the packs being given away, and vice versa, all the while having to move about to access it all....suddenly a pack is not where it is supposed to be, has the server reset...no...wait, one of the new spawns has picked it up!, followed quickly by the other! Uh oh, this is starting to smell like a cluster fuck...my friend needs no instruction, and begins to tell the players they have kit he still wants and that they have committed an act of "starting to shit me up", ...to which they apologise and both drop the packs on the ground and step back slightly...OK....Fine.....everything is cool....these guys ARE friendly, they are just a bit new I think, which explains why they don't seem to be able to keep still...and why they keep raising and lowering their hands / newly acquired bat...and maybe why they take a long time to reply sometimes....I still don't like this much though, they are seeming to be making a point of standing so I have to have my back to one of them....and now the bags are in the centre of the room...hmm...going back to sorting kit....they are shuffling about....gear is nearly ready, just need to move my medical supplies back to my own pack... BULLET STRIKE..... WTF....where are those 2 guys?!?!....one is right up against me with his fists raised, lowering them and backing up when confronted with the muzzle of the M4 and some terse words...the other one I can't see..... My friend glances at me, seriously unsettled, he has played maybe a couple of hours before this, enough to know the buttons, but not enough to really know what bullet strikes sound like....especially what bullet strikes unaccompanied with gunshots signify.... "CHECK YOUR BACK" I practically scream in his ear, making him jerk around just in time to see the dust from a bat hit settle over my head, having glitch-hit a pillar next to me (thank you ALPHA, I'll never say another bad word) "he tried to jump you" I tell my friend, my friend already backing off, starts to shout at the guy to get back, at which point he makes a single step forward.....BANG BANG BANG, a burst catches him in the arm and shoulder, making him turn and run a few feet and stop..... Chaos erupts, with the 2 guys both screaming,, my friend screaming back and me screaming into both the mic and his ear for everyone to just chill-the-fuck-out-a-minute.... Number two sits back on the floor like a good survivor, and number one continues to shuffle around, bleeding from at least 2 wounds, maybe trying to bandage / tear shirt and generally glitching pretty bad. This is going pear shaped quickly, I just wanted to get a green backpack, now we have shot an unarmed survivor, given away far more kit than planned, no doubt scared the shit out of the other one....although he does seem to be enjoying this and laughing a bit....not typical 'shit scared new spawn' behaviour at all....Did that guy really hit out with the bat?...I start to doubt myself....I didn't have the headset on...maybe there was a gunshot from far away I couldn't hear...maybe there is a third party sniper somewhere in the woods or hill sides watching us all shit ourselves and shoot each other, laughing his ass off....we were all prime sniper bait in this exposed sided building. Fuck this, lets just undo the damage we have already done, bandage this guy, leave them with the extra medical supplies (they now need, only because of us) and get the hell out of this area... We tell the guy with the bat to put it on his back and turn away from us so we can safely bandage him....he ignores us....maybe these guys can't hear properly, that would explain the long delays...his character is glitching badly and we think he is putting bat away...."or getting it out again" I remind my friend as we approach to bandage him...the player turns to face him again, glitched out hands holding a bat.... My friend fires into him again at point blank range whilst backing out of bat range, killing him instantly. FUCK FUCK FUCK... That's it, we have officially killed an unarmed (sort of) survivor...this is not what I signed up for....although WTF am I saying...he tried to jump us, there WAS a bullet hit SURE as hell, right next to us, complete with massive noise and dust, it could only have been him...or a hidden sniper's round landing between us...in mid-air??...either way is not great, the latter is worse... Time to not be here any more.... We start talking to the other survivor, ready to reassure him we REALLY ARE friendly....this is all just a big misunderstanding...we think...sod it....plan stays the same, he can have the building and any loot, the kit we dropped, both on purpose AND by mistake, but we are LEAVING, right now. At which point I ping that all is not quite right with number 2, he is behaving strangely, doesn't seem to be phased by a gun wielding paranoid lunatic taking out his friend...indeed finds it funny we are so paranoid...and wants us to sit back down with him and "be friends, I need a friend". This is a quote of my friend earlier while explaining he wanted to loot them up, and for some reason....just didn't hit the ear right....didn't sound quite...right....and either way, it went against the newly developed ethos of get the hell out of here and away from possible hidden snipers we had suddenly developed, so I said to my friend, "screw that, move now", at which point he sprinted to the stairwell, telling 2 over his shoulder that "if he wanted to be friends, that was fine, but I at least was leaving and he was welcome to follow". Turning to check the other guy was following on reaching the stairwell, the top right part of his screen was showing the staircase... PLAYER!!! Feet moving around the very top stairs, moving away from me, back out of line of sight...only saw feet so no idea if armed.... FUCK FUCK FUCK.... Friend calls to player on DC, tells him he has seen him and that he is armed, number 2 meanwhile follows to stairs, sprints past saying he will check out the other player...."Very brave" I comment as my friend starts to say the same to number 2...whom has very quickly made contact and friends with number 3, and is now standing next to him on the roof doing the friendly dance, encouraging my friend to come onto the roof...which he does, cautiously, not standing still...still conscious of a possible 3rd party sniper...it can't be number 3, he has an axe, no firearm we can see...but he must have been here the whole time, heard everything we said in DC to 1 & 2, he was certainly trying to sneak on someone, either me or 1&2, either way not cool...whilst explaining this to both of them, they confessed they were friends and speaking in Skype. Well that explained the long pauses in conversation, they were talking to their squad mates...or mate...wait, if there were three, one is dead, 2 are here, who else is there left for them to be speaking to? The pauses are still there...hang on...maybe the 3rd party if he exists, isn't a 3rd party at all, maybe he is the fourth member of their group! Christ, there are only 9 other players on the server, 4 are suddenly here, squaded up?? If so, this guy (number 2) is not only really not as in-need as we first assumed, but if he is running with at least two, possibly three others, he deliberately lied to us...this is not panning out well...these new spawns suddenly don't seem that new to the whole meta gaming style of DayZ.. While my friend & I were drawing these conclusions, he moved back into the staircase, keeping his gun trained on the "friendlies" on the roof. As he got there he started to tell the guys he was leaving, the kit was theirs and could they tell their friend it was all just a mistake....on either his, or our part....but either way this was not how we intended this to go down...while this was happening, I noticed number three starting to become fidgity...side stepping about, and looking out over the valley towards the wood....almost like he was looking for someone / someone was looking for him...My prang-o-meter hadn't stopped going ape shit since a few minutes before, there was no point in even listening to it any more, but even amongst the confusion...SNIPER...SNIPER...rang out in my head, louder than before. I communicated this to my friend, along with a punch to the arm to make sure he was listening to the correct voice in amongst the confusion...just as number 3 combat logged. Now, having never played the mod, and only limited experience interacting with other players (about 60% of the time resulting in my death, sooner or later), and even less with PvP in mind, even we know that combat logging is bad. Not only is it not ever-so sporting (we can live with that, if he wants to save his gear, fine), but the possibility for ghosting also exists. In short, ghosting is leaving your server, moving to another location, re-logging into original server in a different spot without having to physically travel the distance in the original server. Now for me, already shitting myself, in the knowledge there are a squad in the area, talking outside of game, possibly with sniper over watch and defiantly not being upfront with us, this was more than enough. I firmly tell my friend...."dude...your leaving....now" to which guy number 2 reply's (he must have heard me in the background) "Na, don't do that, stay here on the roof". My friend says simply, "dude, fuck this, your setting me up, again, and I'm not playing any more" and shoots him in the face. Turns, and starts to run out of the building. My heart is racing, 2 fresh spawns dead, all the gear still here, and number 3 ghosting around somewhere....gangfuck gangfuck gangfuck....why did I even let him play?.....Never mind that now...on the landing for second floor...just turn corner...PLAYER.....FFS! Player number 4, white t-shirt and a bat running across the landing towards the stairwell. !! How many are there!!! "Friendly friendly" my friend calls...and starts to relax as he sees number 4 has no firearm..."yeah friendly says 4, but keeps running around, past my friend and back again, as with 1 & 2 before, not stopping for a second making us turn wide circles to keep sight of him. OMG.....this is getting stupid now. "Where the hell are you guys coming from?" my friend asks, backing into a corner, gun raised, " we just want to be friends" says 4, running around the landing. He has the same 'not afraid' attitude as number 2, especially as the afore mentioned gun wielding paranoid, (now arguably psychopathic lunatic), responsible for 2 deaths and a log on his squad, backs cautiously around him, making for the stairs leading down. "Fuck that" my now thoroughly untrusting friend starts, "if so, why are you ghosting around me, sneaking up on me, all I wanted to do was give 2 new spawns some gear, and suddenly there are loads of you swarming everywhere...."yeah sorry", says 4, running between my friend and the stairs, and making us start backing towards the other staircase down, "there are a few of us". "Well, you can have the stuff I dropped for you guys and wait here for your buddies", my friend states, "I didn't intend on hurting any of you, but you guys are creeping all over me and I'm getting twitchy as fuck here with so many of you ghosting in and around the place, so I'm leaving" my friend explains, all the while keeping eyes on 4, and trying to flick back to the other stairs he is backing towards. Cautiously he edged down the stair well, carefully pieing all the hills and surrounding woods. WTF...a black guy in a camo top axe raised, runs into the ground floor (guy number fucking 5) I ping him and aim at him to ward him back."go the fuck away or die" -he now has been warned- but of course zero fucks are given, and why not (he has but a axe to lose). With reckless abandon he charges towards my friend, strafing, axe swinging.... "are you mad bro?" ....Clearly... At this point I would like to point out that I had gone to length to explain, to my friend who was now fast running out of luck with my longest lived character (with "HEALTHY" status), that the reload mechanic was not overly sound and the game may at time see fit to reload your rifle with a half full, empty or 10 rather than 30 round MAG...but sadly somewhere along the line, whichever MAG he was using suddenly had a bad case of the empties. Click......holy shit buckets.......'Dead man's click'..... this is how it ends, number 5 is in his face and now aware of his advantage. My friend, reloading and franticly backtracking, glances over his shoulder to see number 3 ghosting back in, literally 2 feet away. Axe in hands, at first behind, but moving in front of my friend, well within 'spin and plant axe in forehead' range now meaning my friend is surrounded on two sides and pinned into his corner... Fully in survival mode and now nearly reloaded , my friend spins and fires 3PP, first at 3 ghosting back in, then switching to 5 (crazy back axe guy) ADS and gives him a solid burst to the face, turns to the stairs spraying at 4, missing but making him retreat back into cover close to the first staircase. Number three doesn't stand a chance, he is run / spawning....he had taken pretty much half a MAG and drops as soon as he fully spawns. We stop in the openness of the room, reloading the M4. Turn for the stairs and run for the exit, as number 4 turns a corner in front of us, fists raised. BANG....down he goes, my friend barely stopping, "just keep a beeline for the exit". I instructed. Leaving the building we notice another complete fresh spawn casually jogging up from the beach to the direct east of the factory. "Dude go away. shit is going down here" My friend hails over DC... "I know....." comes the reply "You...errr killed me on the roof". What the fuck! This guy has some luck (and nerve), spawned literally 80M from his body and had ran back. "I tried to help you, dumb ass!" my friend retorts "you and your buddies tried to mug me off, YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" "....Yeah sorry, but can I just get that backpack and I'll go........" he creeped. So....that was it....he hadn't denied trying to hit us with the bat....was there no sniper after all? Maybe he hadn't heard the accusation properly, but then again maybe he had. Maybe there was still a sniper, watching this conversation unfold even now. Either way, we had managed to bump into a squad of 5 on a server of only 9 other players...again the 'time not to be' here bells rang, and my friend made a decision... " Yeah sure you can buddy", BANG, "after you have spawned again." And with that we bugged out south and towards the cover of the forest. Starting across the open field towards the woods, me and my friend start to excitedly recount exactly what had just happened, and make ground between us and the factory / crime scene. Started to semi-conclude that if there was a sniper, he had to have had incredible patience and timing, along with perfect co-ordination with his squad mates to have thrown this much doubt over the whole affair. When talking we further noted that number 3, while on the roof had been looking north-west, so south was a good direction to be travelling in regardless, when.. PLAYER! 7 has stepped out from two bushes directly ahead of our line of travel, around 25m away, with a blue backpack, and axe and a Payday mask.... Pants refilling, "friendly" my friend tentatively calls. having lost all faith in the term, and the word itself rapidly becoming more ironic than anything..."Stay there, I've just had some crazy shit happen to me, and I'm getting the hell out of here". Showing, the now expected levels of dinosaur balls, the guy charges straight up to my friend, axe in hand into the barrel of his raised, ready M4. "No..NO...NO...Friendly!!! My friend appeals, "I don't want to kill any more!!" He stops, for a moment, axe still out. "Did you just kill a load of guys at the factory?" he asks? "Erm.....maybe...." we reply, waiting for that suddenly re imagined sniper's round to land. Trying to find some quick explanation of what had happened we failed.. "Yeah, that was my squad" he replied. "Can you please kill me?" "Erm...why?" my friend slowly inquires, not particularly wanting more blood on his already dripping hands, and still not trusting of anyone remotely involved with this squad of ghosts.. He proceeds to explain he wants to be killed as he got hit by several zeds soon after spawning and was very low blood...we point out there is a metric shit-tonne of loot behind us, but we only have 1 saline bag left, and in the nicest possible way, we want to keep it and get the hell out of here. Even after telling of the medical supplies left at factory, he still doesn't want to wait for his friends to come to him to administer the saline, as he had really low blood and couldn't see. My friend then tell him will be the seventh person has killed in the last ten minutes, and incidentally also his seventh EVER DayZ kill. with that, we knight him with a fire axe to save ammo and disappear deeper into the woods.
  2. Yeah, fully agree with you there. We wrote it in two sittings, and had started to forget details so we ended up putting 'placeholder' text in so remind us. Knew it was going to fairly long, but didn't expect it to end up that massive. I didn't even think about chapters at the beginning, purely cos this whole thing only took like maybe 10 mins, so never thought it would end up taking that long to read! Doh! :)