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Everything posted by exec85

  1. exec85

    Installing on SSD

    ty very much guys.
  2. Well, me and my mates have had so bad experiences with beein friendly, and I think there are many ppl like us, so that we decided to only be freindly to newspawns. Whenever there is some one wearing a waepon, we ask them exactly once to drop it and go to his knees. If he doesn't react we shoot.
  3. exec85

    How I Fixed FPS

    What effect has -world=empty ? TY
  4. exec85

    Where do YOU go to find pvp?

    Mostly Elektro, Cherno or Airfields
  5. Sure you can do this but... where is the fun? IMO loot should not respawn... would not match the DayZ philosophy I think. There are so many towns, and "gun houses" on the map why would I camp at one town and wait the increasing login que after switching servers? In 5 Minutes you can get to another town and loot things.
  6. exec85

    Shooting Through Walls/Floors

    Sometimes it happens that you glitch into the wall. Yesterday it happend to a friend when we were on the Aifield in the house with the cell. Another friend shoved him and then our mate was inside the wall. We found out that you can get out there when you go to a window and press V, E , Q, over and over again. At some point you get out again. But its more annoying that ppl can see you inside the house when you go to close to a wall. Like that I saw so many ppl I should have not seen normally and I always go in and outside houses as fast as I can. At least on military spots.
  7. exec85

    Rent a Server?

    hi, me and some friends are totally addicted to this feeaking game! :D I would like to get a private/clan server and would like to know if it is possible to rent a server currently? When I scroll through the server list a lot of "random or private" names are showing up. But when I search for DayZ servers on the web I am confused as it seems there no private servers relaeased yet ot better sais.. I dont find a provider which is offering DayZ SA servers. Anyone know how to set up a private/clan server? many thanks
  8. exec85

    Rent a Server?

    Oh I see. Ty anyway
  9. exec85

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    I got a 4M with all addons in "pristine" level. It stil almost never shoots where I am at.. weired.
  10. exec85

    Hunting tonight

    Where are u hunting ppl btw? I play a lot on 40/40 or 30/40 servers, but I nearly never meet anyone except new spawned ppl (which I dont wanna kill...) Even when I go to the airfield near Balota or the military base in the NW of balota, I nearly never see anyone :D
  11. exec85

    [Bug/Lag]Position reset

    Hi, I am not sure if this is a known thing but yesterday me and some friends were playing and we got resetted after a while of running through the woods. The reset was to a position ~2-5 minutes (and a lot of miles) before. This happend to me 4 times. Then I closes DayZ for ~ 1h. After that, I found a street and followed it. I coud then play like ~15 minutes and got resetted again to a position some time ago on the street. Not sure if it is a problem on my side on server side. But I felt like it needs to be shared to the project team.
  12. exec85

    [Bug/Lag]Position reset

    Thanks for the information, wasn't aware of the wording rubberbanding. Thanks