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Everything posted by Capital

  1. Capital

    Make All Water Sources Able to Fill Canteens.

    There are a few wells and ponds where it is impossible to fill your canteen. I think the filling scripts just need to be applied to them.
  2. Capital

    The Bad Idea Thread.

    Wow, you win this thread. Worst idea possible. The worst idea I'd seen until this one was the "pooping and peeing" mechanic thread. Just...so...dumb. I'm all for realism, but I guess even I have my limits.
  3. Capital

    Weapon Durability

    First of all, let me start by saying, this mod/game is absolutely incredible, and a lot of the suggestions on here are great! I searched for this and there's nothing regarding it so here we go! I am a long time player of OFP/Arma/Arma2/OA and ACE and I love the direction this game is going. Rocket was unafraid to add things like blood loss, hunger and thirst, even though these features often alienate players who prefer an easier time. The thing I'm missing is weapon durability. Before I get jumped on, there would be concessions in my view on the design. Here's the WHAT: 1) All weapons would be able to fire a finite number of rounds before deteriorating and breaking down. 2) The number of rounds a weapon could fire is dependent on the make and the rarity of the weapon. Military-grade weapons would last longer, civilian weapons would deteriorate faster, but it doesn't deteriorate over time, it ticks down for every round fired. 3) Numbers of rounds fired would be substantial, so it isn't unrealistic and isn't too urgent (or as urgent as food, drink and ammo). An M4, for example, might be able to fire 750 rounds before needing to be cleaned, 1000 rounds before breaking altogether. A Winchester might do 600 rounds before breaking, 450 before needing to be cleaned. Some more knowledgeable firearms experts could contribute more accurate numbers I'm sure. 4) Two new items: cleaning kits and repair kits. Cleaning kits are common one-slot items and can be used to recover 25% of the weapons durability (consumed upon use). Repair kits are VERY rare one-slot and can be used to repair a fully broken weapon back to 50% (consumed on use). 5) At 25% durability the weapon would have a chance to jam. Okay, now here's the WHY: 1) Right now it is too easy for people to get their favorite weapon and hold on to it forever. My trusty M4 and I have been together for days now and I don't really feel that tension any more of losing my precious rifle. 2) It would make the rarer weapons more valuable due to their higher durability. 3) It makes everything finite, requiring people to continuously move around searching for weapon replacements, further reinforcing the design idea of having to constantly be on the move looking for resources. 4) It is another real-world problem that would exist in a Zombie Apocalypse, furthering immersion, realism and difficulty. Thoughts?
  4. FYI I fixed the bug by checking the game cache for ARMA 2 OA and it said 1 file was missing or corrupt. The fence kits no longer create a graphical glitch for me.
  5. Capital

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    This is so exciting. It's so awesome to see this game being community-developed like this, and to have a dev like Rocket who is open to these kinds of contributions. If I get my hands on a garand I will never let her go.
  6. Capital

    the temperature indicator

    No, the temp indicator indicates your temperature, not sickness. IE: if you are standing still for too long at night, you will freeze to death.
  7. I'm getting them now! I wasn't yesterday on 1.5.7! I have a GTX 9800 and this has never happened to me before, even when other people were complaining about it. Also, I couldn't get through some of the glitch areas, thinking maybe the deployed fences were glitched for me too?
  8. Capital

    Way to distinguish friendlies

    Nothing, but that's not the purpose of this suggestion. That is part of the fun of the game. (I use the term "fun" very loosely, in this case: tension)
  9. Capital

    Sniper rifles.

    Are you saying that the aggro generated is the same, or the sound is the same volume? If the former, I wouldn't know, if the latter, you are very mistaken. I can pick out the major difference betwen a CZ, M16 and AK. The AK is the most distinct, with minimal echo. The M16 has a hollow plastic sound and the reverb from the CZ is massive and deep after the initial crack. If you can't tell the difference you might want your hearing checked.
  10. Capital

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Yes it is, it makes it even more AMAZING!
  11. Capital

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    No thanks, real time is the best time.
  12. Capital

    Why DayZ is extremely FUN

    I love this game SO MUCH!!!
  13. Capital

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    I would love to see romaing packs of wild dogs, but they should attack everyone, including zeds and docile animals.
  14. Capital

    Way to distinguish friendlies

    As I said, allow players to choose their own skin, make sure you know what your buddy's skin looks like, what kind of glasses they wear, weapons they carry and what face they have. Also it will help a LOT when direct comms are fixed. We all decided to use the William W. face with the blue-white face-paint to readily identify our clan. Be smart and you will survive. Be stupid and you will die.
  15. Capital


    I love this idea. +1 No further comments. :) EDIT: Just kidding. In my opinion this should replace humanity.
  16. Capital

    Way to distinguish friendlies

    I do NOT support this, sorry. The nametags on Easy mode are silly enough. If you want to enter into a pact with someone, you should have to stick together, communicate well and perhaps even try to memorize details about the person. We had a group of four, two bandits, two survivors, moving through NW airfield. Our point-man moved up without tell us, to a treeline across the way. When we turned to see where he went, we spotted a bandit in the woods across the way looking at us. I knew it was our point man, because I was paying attention, but our spotter panicked, and shot him in the head. Luckily he wasn't killed and we were able to resuscitate him, but it's those kind of awesome scenarios that we would miss out on if we had some kind of game-y tagging system. This game is not for the feint of heart or weak of constitution. It's not for everyone and I sincerely hope that features like this do not make it into the final game. I do however support the idea of the player being able to choose their own skin (discarding the bandit/survivor skins altogether and just allowing players to use any skin from the OA/BAF/PMC library - except ghillie, suits, that'd be too easy and everyone would wear one - they should be an item you craft).
  17. Capital

    Sniper rifles.

    I was doing fine last night with my CZ. It was my first time playing a bandit and I had 10 murders and 6 bandit kills before I got too tired and logged off, and I'm not even that good of a shot. There was aggro, but that was what my M1911 was for. The CZ is insanely loud, and the danger of it attracting the horde makes a sniper think twice about taking a risky shot which is a good thing. The last thing we need is to make it easier for bandits to snipe down everybody without repercussion, and this is one organic, emergent repercussion that makes sense.
  18. Capital

    Zombies--Too many now

    You are my favorite fucking dev ever.
  19. Capital

    Night is just TOO dark...

    Please do not change night, it is so beautifully horrifying. You have to use flares, chemlights and flashlights which give your position away like madness. If you ever find NVGs they are a god-send! Lightning strikes can save your life from the zombie two feet away! Please keep it dark!
  20. Capital

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    Great ideas OP. With the right balancing this could be very interesting and actually kinda scary...
  21. Capital

    More low tech.

    I love the idea of all electricals (NVGs flashlights, holo-sights) requiring batteries (that can be looted and are one-time use like food/water but used to recharge electrical items). I also like the idea of the recharging thing as well.
  22. Capital

    ST_Movement Addon?

    I love the look of this but the only thing that bothers me is that the rifle more or less ignores doorways now. I know a lot of people hate getting stuck, including me, but that's why in reality if you trying to go through a doorway with a rifle up like that any way but straight through, you'll have to drop your rifle momentarily to get through. This makes doorways very dangerous and I'm pretty sure this is a "feature" as opposed to a a bug.
  23. Capital

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase. Give Rocket a team (studio). Kickstarter