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DrillSgt (DayZ)

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Everything posted by DrillSgt (DayZ)

  1. @Ovomaltine, thank you so much for this post. I had exactly the same since a few days. I was shot and survied a few days ago. the same day I found my first mosin long-range-scope. I thought, hell this is hard to aim and tried to train it anyway, did not know about my broken arm, because I was healthy same as you. Right after reading this topic (laying in bed with my tablet), I need to get up - even it was 3am - and test it . Really it works: injected morphine and the sway was gone completely. Hell now I can aim much easier. LOL. @Rocket and his team: pls put an indicator for a broken arm. With broken legs is obvious as you can't walk, but a broken arm is hard to figure out, at least when you have it the first time.