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Everything posted by aleza52

  1. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    My game is not in English. I can not understand what my log in screen says. Can anyone tell me how to change this to English so I can play?
  2. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    It is fixed. I had to relog into the game and now it is in English. Thank you guys!
  3. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    Ok, I got that .cfg file open and the first line says it is in English?
  4. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    Paradox092, I tried that but I get some box that pops up and it says Windows can not open this file.
  5. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    Thank you for the fast response. I clicked it for English but now some is in English but most is still in what looks like French.