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About aleza52

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    It is fixed. I had to relog into the game and now it is in English. Thank you guys!
  2. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    Ok, I got that .cfg file open and the first line says it is in English?
  3. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    Paradox092, I tried that but I get some box that pops up and it says Windows can not open this file.
  4. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    Thank you for the fast response. I clicked it for English but now some is in English but most is still in what looks like French.
  5. aleza52

    My game is not in english

    My game is not in English. I can not understand what my log in screen says. Can anyone tell me how to change this to English so I can play?