LaughingJack (DayZ)
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Everything posted by LaughingJack (DayZ)
Isn't "DayZ" quite possibly the dumbest name ever?
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I think ozelot is mad, because she found out that DayZ is not pronounced "days" or "Day-Zed" but Day-zee, like Daisey, what in fact is ozelots real name. Case closed. -
What song best represent ts DayZ's intended atmosphere?
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to leefriendfield's topic in General Discussion
Blue Öyster cult - don't fear the reaper ;) -
I wish we were forced to interact with others to survive...
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Grimey Rick's topic in General Discussion
Good thread Grimey, but in the end, not the game or anything in it is the problem you are facing, it's just the players. If there is no "outside limitation" that forces players to play together - e.g. Teams - and there is no penalty in being an asshole, people behave like assholes. As you pointed out, the only way that there is a small chance that people will work - sometimes - together, is when they are facing problems they simply can't deal alone with...like an abstruse mass of Zombies. Just go through some of the most mentioned things... Chars life is not valueable (like it is now) : Kill everyone because...fun? Chars life is valueable (gear hard to acquire, slowly gained passive skills): Kill everyone because otherwise I don't die. People just kill, because they don't have anything else to do - Even if there were a million things to do, people would kill each other. Why? Because they can. Massive amount of Zombies: Wait for player to loot town, kill him afterwards. Meet player in town? Kill him as fast as possible or hide because he might kill you. Even more Zombies: Help player to loot town, kill him afterwards. Even more zombies: Wait close to a town. Kill everyone that is alone and eat his meat....well, or his beans. And I'm not even getting started on Clans or other teams, that don't need anyone but themselves and will always just...well...kill anyone. So in conclusion: 1) I hope so. Not only a huge amount of Zs but also every other danger in the environment - from diseases to weather. 2) "have to" is too much. So...imho, no, never "have to". Except you count a bullet to the head as interaction... 3) Risk is already here. Relevant? Hm. Maybe? See above point... 4) I hope it is coming. It may be coming...who knows...a guess? It will be unforgiving and hard, but in the end nothing a skilled player can't do alone. And even IF it was impossible to survive alone, people would not interact, but kill. Because even then, the rule would say: "If I go into interaction, there's a chance I get killed. If I just shoot this guy down and grab his things I'm fine." You want interaction? Play a game that forces you to play together because you have to - BF, CoD, LoL, PS2 whatever. If people are not forced to play together in a team and there is not only no penalty but maybe even a reward for killing everyone they see (no matter if it's loot or sadistic joy because they know that that guy has to start from scratch or just fear that they maybe would have been killed otherwise), people will do exactly that. And no, I'm still not for any humanity system - doesn't make any sense at all in a game like DayZ. Or like my friend Psycho said so eloquently "Everyone I shoot is a sucker more, that has to start at the beach again and is no threat for me, because until he is geared up or only run back here, I'm gone a long time and he can't shoot me anymore." You know, if you read the bible (I have, even tho I'm an agnostic), god kicked the humans out of the paradise, because he gave them a free will. And what did those brats do with the free will? The only thing they shouldn't do. Same goes for DayZ - Give people the possibility to do what they want in a game and they will kill each other. You want interactions between players in a sandbox game with weapons and no penalties for killing? Well. The only possibility for some of the players (for sure not all) to get into interaction is what you mentioned: Make the environment so freakin' dangerous and impossible to survive alone, that it doesn't make sense to kill anyone, because it actually lowers your chances to survive if you kill another survivor instead of interacting with him. Can that be? Maybe. If there IS a game, that can make this possible, it's DayZ I believe. But even if they achieve it to make it so (and still somehow balance it out), a ,lot of players would still kill, just because they can. So...I know, I'm not that optimistic as usual, but yeah, you asked and whiskey makes me dramatic. -
What dayz could have been without zombies
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to gibonez's topic in General Discussion
And in that case....that gimmick is THAT bad? Yeah Zombies have been overused, especially in the gaming industry (and DayZ is for sure to "blame" for this, at least a little bit) Just my guess: Dean added Zombies in the mod not to make it interesting for the Horror-gamers but to add something dangerous to make survival harder and force players not to only to kill each other. Well, in that case, I hate to say it, he failed, just because of 2 reasons: a) people are deep down egoistic assholes b ) in games, people are even more egoistic assholes. Sure he could have replaced it with an overpopulation of bears, wolves (even if they do not attack humans normally) etc. but in the end it would have bee the same. The problem is....make a Chars life more valuable: People shoot in fear that they will get killed. Make it less valueable: well, you see at the moment what happens. #YOLO PoS-festival, running straight to the hotspots to join the Deathmatch. Make resources rare? Kill others for their goods. Gimmick or non gimmick...the problem is, without "factions"/teams whatever, something non-realistic that forbids them to kill some of the others, people will always do that...and that's DayZ. And not only DayZ, that's every open world sandbox game with weapons ever. The only chance that people would not try to kill each other, without adding something fictional like "teams", is to make the environment so dangerous that people actually need to work together or die...but well, that fine balance between this status and "unplayable" for 90% of the time is hard to find... Aradia & Judo: Shhhh. Everything is good. And now play nice or you get no Icecream. -
^This. Additionally: Don't vault if you are not on ground level. Like...never. And take your time (if you are not under fire) if you move up/down, no matter if you use stairs or ladders...patience is always the key in DayZ. No matter what the topic is ,) But a glance at the bugtracker ( that's, where you report bugs btw.) shows taht these issues are known since some time and I'm pretty sure the devs are aware of it. So, also on regarding fixing this bug: Patience :)
What dayz could have been without zombies
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to gibonez's topic in General Discussion
What if I told you that Zs are part of the environment? An additional danger if you want? Call it "gimmicky" if you want and replace them with....wild dogs or just delete them all together, it wouldn't change anything. And "non gimmicky gameplay"...what does this mean? Hunger? Thirst? Temperature? Weather effects like rain that makes you cold? ...because all these things are in DayZ already. So basically you want the Standalone just without Zombies? And still: Even if everything you described in your posts in this thread (extreme survival aspects, "authentic" post apocalyptic scenario without Zombies, etc.), it would be an open world PvP. Players would just have one reason LESS not to kill each other... -
What dayz could have been without zombies
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to gibonez's topic in General Discussion
...but removing Zs would...? And what DayZ "evolved" into. Yeah. Evolved. *chuckles* because it was never this way. If never means always... Zombies or no Zombies would make absolute no difference for the game experience you seem to want (and honestly I think that's the kind of game Dean always had in mind - with or without Zombies). - your problem (and the problem of the game of course) are the players.... If an Arma3-DayZ (and Z stands for Zero and not Zombie)-without-Zombies would come exactly like in this pictures, all that would be there would be an open-world-pvp without any environment danger, that isn't in DayZ as well... -
Would you want foldable clothing in DayZ?
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
I want a volume & weight based inventory system. Rocket said in...hm...I think February that the old inventory system will be revisited, so maybe there is a chance...a little one...^^ I like the trolling from Irish. -
Lorewise. You get washed up there... But i think hicks talked about this and mentioned, that it is considered, but with some restrictions (as far away from high loot spots as possible, nowhere where you are stuck etc. )
Poll: Are you happy with update news/management?
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Ugly (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Well....If you are only here in the form, you may not be well informed, if no changelog is posted. If you follow the other official channels via the devtracker (twitter, and especially tumblr) and reddit, you get a lot of Information. Example from yesterday: What happened to this weeks patch? Rocket: Some of the implemented changes caused some gamebreaking issues. We've been wanting to do a push to experimental for over a week now, but there have been some major issues that we wanted to resolve before this occurs. I'll outline more in this week's blog post. And: Roger, I'm trying to be much more regular with the updates via the blog. Will make sure I cover the status of item persistence in it. And: we are still on target for these dates for push to stable. We don't commit to specific times for pushes to experimental. We consider doing an update to experimental daily, however we don't commit something to experimental if there are issues beyond a certain point. -
I just quote Dean Hall on this one: so...well...Start of the Alpha in January 2017? At the same time, when Arma 4 comes out and the same question with different numbers would occur? IF anybody would be interested in DayZ still? And cashgrab...that's such a thing to say...sure, BI is a company and wants to make money, like every company out there...so every game would be a cashgrab by that definition. The question is: Did you get your moneys worth already because you played and had fun? Yes? No cashgrab. And thinking, that the game is still in development and you may have a lot more time to spend with it and fun, you will even have a better revenue.... Edit: They have. They have an entire team working on it right now... -> look here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175596-summary-of-dev-qas-from-streams/
So after a time spent on Standalone, here are my thoughts.
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Countercruel's topic in General Discussion
"Now, look at where we are now in this game, look at it as unbiased as you possibly can and finally say" ....so you telling me that i should finally say something and now telling me that you didn't do that? And I just told you off, because you weren't posting an opinion, you war stating "facts". And obviously wrong facts, which, in internet slang, is "spreading BS". This is an example for this. "already had a better foundation then the standalone will ever have" - is a fact (sorry: the "truth" as you wrote.) And, btw. a wrong one. Which leads again to the "spreading BS" thing I was talking about. So please, take no offense, but if it is the first time in life that someone told you that you should not state an opinion as a fact, well, then it was goddamn time. -
Do you like that rubberbanding? Server chooses your position not your client
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to crazyandlazy's topic in General Discussion
This. And no, I don't like it (what a question....), it's annoying and just a bummer. But better teh server determines where I am, than the client. And as quoted before, I hope it will be reduced...a lot. ^^ -
So after a time spent on Standalone, here are my thoughts.
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Countercruel's topic in General Discussion
Just to make sure...you know that the DayZ engine is not the ArmA 2 engine? It's a complete changed arma 2.5 heli engine. And "the mod had a better foundation then the standalone will ever have" is pure and absolute BS, sorry for that harsh words, but if you state "facts" and "truths" that are obvious wrong you deserve it. So you either know nothing, but still post "facts" that would require knowledge, which would make you an idiot or you know them and lie on purpose...hm. Either way that's not nice. Unbiased perspective? My ass... I'll try to explain with an analogy I used already here: Imagine ArmA 2 as a small house with a shower (the Multiplayer) in in the second floor. Somebody started building a bathtub there (DayZ). The inhabitants were absolute happy, but soon demanded more and more, it should be bigger, have more things, made out of marmor etc. etc. But the stairs were too small to bring the things up, so a crane was put on top of the house and a hole was broken into the side of the house to bring it in. So the bathtub was getting bigger and better, but the house wasn't made for that and it became cracks and the water pressure destroyed the pipes, the floor was hanging through and nearly breaking and the neighbours brats were inserting nasty things in the pipes, since they had to be made outside the house... So, since there was no way to make the bathtub any bigger without completly destroying the house, a new house was built. This time with a bigger stair, hardened, waterproof floor, better pipes inside the house etc. etc. But the inhabitants only saw the bathtub, that was brought upstairs and as soon as water was running they demanded to bath, even if they were told, that it was not as comfortable or shiny or with all the funny extras they knew from the old bathtub, hell not even the roof of the new house was finished and sometimes it was raining straight into the bathtub. But since they were begging and begging, they were allowed to bath - and they complained about the missing of the shiny things they were used to, the cold water that sometimes came out, the rain that fell through the roof, and that these idiotic brats still were able to get to the pipes, because some windows were missing. But you could see that now it would be nice, because the bath would be bigger, better without destroying the house... I really hate to say this but....that's what an Alpha is. Developing new features, breaking things, pushing other features in, breaking more things. And that is totally normal.. That the Engine isn't the best...well that's no question for me. I'm not gonna debate (again) if DayZ should run on snowdrop, Arma3 or unity because, tbh, that is going nowhere. DayZ belongs to BI, BI has an inhouse engine that they want to use and that's it. And, while I also could think of other possible engines for DayZ (just from guessing), I think the used engine is by far not the worst possibility... Ah, and the dev team isn't that small anymore. DayZ has no end. Well, it has an end, the death of the char. But if you don't want to play anymore, because you already have a M4 and vehicles are not in the game, you have two choices: a) play somethign else and come back next year or B) live with it and don't see "gearing up" as the main goal. Pf. Don't tell me what to say. And 1) BI would't have paid the devs for supporting the mod (they also can't chew on lines of code), 2) the limits of the mod (mods) have already been reached a long time ago. There was nothing more that could have been added or bigger changes that could haver been made...well let's say "correctly". So, I look at you as unbiased as possible and say: "You state facts and yell "truths" without having an idea what you are talking about. You know what this makes you? A complete tool." -
About persistent objects and immersion
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to brazorf's topic in General Discussion
Yeah because you can't repost a vid... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLBebi-7N6Y (3 weeks ago, even by the same user...) especially this one was already posted here and discussed... -
About persistent objects and immersion
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to brazorf's topic in General Discussion
Rather old vid (3 weeks? more? )and not the actual crossbow...and also not the actual tents that will come in. Somebody inserted leftovers from Arma after he cracked it up... -
About persistent objects and immersion
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to brazorf's topic in General Discussion
Just guessing: Yes, could be possible but, as usual, not that easy and could cause a lot of problems (Starting with clipping to unreachable and finishing and server load). But nontheless I'm on your side on this idea. Since the memory of the place where you stored your things can not be deleted with char death (...by now), this would be the best solution...well I don't know about the map, but right now I can't think of any other solution for this... -
Version 0.43+ Known Issues List (April 4, 2014)
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to blazinone's topic in General Discussion
Pf. I know I am too naive for this game. But one can still hope ;) -
Version 0.43+ Known Issues List (April 4, 2014)
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to blazinone's topic in General Discussion
Beans and a bump. I hope this helps to reduce redundant threads^^ -
Hunger Isn't an issue. And it should be,
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to 4AcrossIsEmu's topic in General Discussion
For some strange reason I like your ideas. Well, maybe because I like most of the ideas that make DayZ harder ;) Was announced that it should come that way (reduction of food you can find when hunting, cooking comes in, further reduction when harvesting comes in)...and rice...well..it will be bad for your health in the future if you eat it raw... Ah I want cooking in with the nutrition system where eating raw rice will be unhealthy for you. And infected water that you have either to boil or to sue water purification tablets on if you don't want to get sick. And less food that can be found when hunting comes in... Goddam rocket, program faster! ;) -
Since our beloved DevTracker can't get this one automated in (for obvious reasons), I thought I create a little topic where I collect these things for the players. Because a lot of these things, that the Devs say in the Q&A sessions, are asked over and over and over again... Also, if you haven't please read the "Confirmed upcoming features" in the announcements: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/ I'll try to update this first post every time with the newest information, but I can't promise that I'll be able to deliver all information immedeately (or even within a day ;)) And, if you don't mind, bump this thread with an answer, so it doesn't get lost :) Also, if a stream comes up, there is always the possibility that I miss it/never get to know that there was one, so please inform me (just post in this thread^^) about every stream you hear, that is not mentioned in this post. So here we go (Changed the direction: Newest entry is on top now) Roadmap of DayZ and Q&A with Dean Hall - 28.03.2014 Started with roadmap a year ago; Now when more units were sold than calculated, more things can be done and the roadmap had to be redoneFocus of DayZ: Survival & ImmersionTeamsize:BI "Riverside": 16 people in the core team + 4-30 in QA as neededQA is scaled as neededBI "Slovakia": In Bratislava, formerly "Cauldron studios", bought by BI; 25 people atm, scaling up to 40 people; dedicated to DayZspent the last month getting ready to deploy on DayZImmediate Goals More robust process for testing/delivery (to stable)Bow&Arrow / CrossbowArrow/Bolt sticks in target, can be recoveredInteresting for hunting as wellFireplacesGraphical work, emmesive textures etc.Skyrim inspiration for Bow shooting and cooking; also from Project ZomboidCan cook thingsMust be craftedCan be upgraded to ovens (bake bread)Server persistent objectNetwork optimizationsImportant: Desync/Lag fixesChange to guaranteed messaging (described below - short: Client / Server spam each other all the time to make sure that all the messages are recognised)Lowered bandwith usageLowered overhead (CPU), mainly for the serversNo spawn penalties for joining same serverWhen:best case: 2 weeksWorst case: End of AprilRespawning loot prototypeWorld divided into quadrantsQuadrant resets when it is empty for a set periode of timeIncludes resetting doors (status of door randomly set)Accelerated timeWas already in the game but accidentally removed when fighting desync/lag issuesConfigurable by server adminsUp to 64 times faster day/night cycle (can also be slowed down)Rules for hardcore tbdThrow-able items: Any day on exp nowEverything that can be held in hands can be thrownDifferent materials (wodd, metal, plastic etc.) react differently (bouncing off, rolling etc)Uses "Bullet" physics SDKCalculated on server (to stop clientside hacks, maybe performance issues)Player controlsMouse acceleration issuesArma 3 dev working with programmers to implement whole new system for player controlsDexterity (the more attached to the weapon the slower it can be turned around)FreelookPhysics based movementJumping consideredShort term (Q 2)RagdollNearly functionally completeBased on "Bullet" physics libIncludes falling charactersThe futureDragging unconscious/dead bodiesBlended body injuriesNew AI pathfinding (whole team in bratislava working on)Animals and ZombiesTechniquesVoxelization (terrain voxelized; how AI sees it)Walkable polygons (define where and where not AI can walk; helps Z attacking through walls/floors)Navigation mesh optimizationObject avoidanceFirst iteration nearly complete, maybe sometimes earlier turned on on exp. for testingHandles interiors, small objects64 bitCompiling now on 64Servers can use a lot more memoryImportant in the future for physics (including vehicles), new AI, Navigation meshes etc.Prototype animalsPrototype implementationAllows player "hunting"6 new animal types from scratchWandering the mapPersistent objectsAll objects make persistent (experimenting with that, may not come that way) not only tents & backpacksPretend that everything is persistent and saved to the DB to monitor the load + performanceMaybe most objects persistentAdvanced weather effectsSnow & fogWill not stay on the ground, but snowflakes can be seen, temperature is going downWill affect ballistics, same with windSome way to visualize how the wind is blowing without using UIWorld containers, can hold itemsHelp with performance a little bit (allow more objects in the world)RefrigeratorsOvenCupboardsMedium term (Q3)Multithread / Multicore"kind of exists in the engine a little bit"Probably a lot more focused on the server, because most calculations are done thereMore Zombies, more players, more animals...More flexibility to server providers: Scale down for small server, private hive; for large communities 100-200 players on one server also possible soAdvanced animalsHostile animals (wolves, beers)Neutral animals (rabbits, zombies)Companion animals (dogs definitive; horse on the cards but lot of work to do)New zombie behaviorMore responsiveRedeveloped "agro" systemMore benefits to stealthZ stabilized in Q2 and improved after thatCentral Loot economyControl loot numbers centrallySet for all servers per hiveControl amount of NV goggles, advanced weapons for all servers on the hiveBarricading (inspired from the dead linger)Physic based constructionMainly focused on existing buildings (barricade windows, doors)Server persistentWith new Z mechanics (Z piling up on door & bvreaking barricade)Basic vehiclesVehicles pushed to Q4 maybe beyond to make them really work and not use Arma 3 files, wouldn't allow crafting; advanced physics etc.So at first: Small vehiclesBicycle, Motorcycle, ATVPossibly small carsCustomizable/configurable like weaponsPhysics basedModding supportActually already in but turned off, because too much changes are made to the game architectureProbably tied with private hivesFull support for modsSteam workshop integrationPlayer statisticsSteam achievements already in but turned off (like: Survived for X days)Database interaction API for developers (statistics can be read out easily and shown on websites)HorticultureBerry picking already in, same will come with apple from apple-trees, Pumpkins from fields etc.Inspired by Project Zomboid: Plant plants and harvest themAlready worked on prototype, maybe releaseing protoype earlier, concerned about performanceLong term (Q4 and beyond)Advanced vehicles:Cars/trucks/Planes/Helicopters/boatsCombined with central loot economy: Not all parts on one server / not enough for 2 helicopters on hive/ steal things from existing onesUpgradable componentsSimilar approach as weapon attachmentsAdvanced animals:Horses?Animal husbandryExtended barricadingExtending barricading to full constructionAllow players to create new structuresPersistent to the serverAdvanced social mechanicsFaction identification methodse.g. make own armbands etc.Spawn tied to controlled locationsBetter UI support for tradingQ & AQ: Plans to improve nighttime (lighting, Z mechanic)A: Plans for lightning, but atm limited, bc. DirectX 9 which is tied to the simulation; plans to disconnect it and replace it with DirectX 11 if possible; Hard because DayZ has to deal with HDR when light goes sliding from midday to dusk and night, where the sun is, the moon is; torches used etc.Q: Plans to implement rivers from (?)A: What scarmed it, prototyping how to do it; not on roadmap because it's not keyfeature; if team grows maybe things will be added to the roadmap; also for low priority map features like riversQ: Food&hunger times balancing done by server admins?A: Server admins will be able to do that as well (food & hunger timer)Q: Full release ETA?A: Finish at end of the year, test it for some months, end of Q1 next yearQ: Favourite pokemon?A: PikachuQ: Did you sacrifice some part of the un in the game for realism?A: Yes, absolutely. Example: You can't move the character very well at the moment: Instead of a Counterstrike-like movement control more realism; precarious balance between how much realism before it takes away funQ: Underground areas?A: Not on the roadmap, make sure core pillars work, not written out for done in the future, because some achievable goals have to be done to a date, reaching that points is a process, so no more information on that subject at the momentQ: Barricading: How to stop people from server hopping in barricaded buildings?A: Reasons why it has pushed further; start with concept of "controlled areas" where you can't spawn in, probably barricading working before controlled areas will work (so server hopping into barricaded houses will be a problem for some time ) but at the time barricading come sin, the concept of "controlled areas" should be finishedQ: Face on the character like in arma 2?A: Immature things done be people, much more customizing, 20 new character things including beards Live stream with Brian Hicks and Lead Animator Viktor Kostik - 26.02.2014 Experimental patch: 2 handed animation overhauled: now you have to bring the weapon up (space) to swing it correctly (just like guns) - "activated"-modePerishable food: a point in discussion; food will perish later; importance of cooked/harvested(!) food later onSo harvesting will come somewhere down the road (also the hoe and hicks comment on his twitter was a good sign for that)Gamma exploit: There should be unified settings for all players; but some people have to adjust them to make it playble; it will be looked at and may be changed when game develops on lightingMouse acceleration bug: Dean commented on it, team is aware, working on itSupporting events like survivor games, not super-critical but continously talked aboutGraphic-hardware optimization: ATI/Intel/Nvidia: pushing optimization with hardware manufactorerMilitary vehicles: Not talked in detail about which vehicles will be in, first about the system and get the system workBicycles first, will also take time, chopper not a matter by nowAnimation for walking with raised weapons: Work in progress"Don't expect to see a camping tent in game anytime soon" (actual quote)Writing names on protective cases/ammo boxes: Not talked about; interesting thing; no MS paint like paintingAnimation: Bug crouched walking diagonally to the right with gun on back: clips through the head: aware, addressed later onNo ETA on respawning loot, but it is being worked on; ETA: Soon. (was asked 10 times I guess, answered 2 times ;))Animation for holding a map: worked onDucks? ("like...the bird?") MaybeShouldering 2 firearms: design decision, from animation it would be no problemSound: positional&ambient: it is actively been looked at & will be addressedNew guns/new items: Added in the game all the time during developmentWill zombies carry loot: Yes. They will carry loot, not always but there will be a chance, like in the modDuarbility of clothing/armor: More different types with different values, also against environmental effects"JESUS CHRIST, THEY ARE COMING UPSTAIRS!" (sorry had to include that...was just so horror-movie-cliche^^)Multiple profiles per cdkey: Right now not looked into it, maybe in the futureOther spraycan colours: maybe in the futureLadder glitch should maybe been already fixed in experimentalClose interaction like giving items or even advanced like double attacks would be very nice to have, but from performance/synchronization itvis too hard to make at the momentServer hopping: Ongoing issue, as game develops, it is watched how player reactWill a Char get infected if a zombie kills him: NoBut different diseases from Zombie attacks (if the character survives them) will comeDuct tape+rope to handcuff: At the moment not, but in the future maybeETA for Physics: Next experimental patch maybeDMR: Right now not, doesn't make senseFridge will not be moveable by playersAge: discussed again and again; beard+hair growth: wanted to do, but not for one specific type of character, it has to affect larger scale of characters; In the future (after core features): Yes, why notBinoculars: Finished (art&design) configuration pending, specific programmer support is waited for some itemsSteam workshop: DayZ will fully support it when it gets releasedNot understanding DMR in 50 cal: started modelwork an SVD (Dragunov?)AK: Worked on right nowAs confirmed on reddit: It is the AKMSuicide: Will come, the topic is not scrapped, has to be done correctlyWeather: bigger effects on Gameplay will be there; e.g. 1st rain->wet->cold etc.Will Zombies be a danger to freshspawns: Yes, absolutely intended: Started with the first respawning mechanism that is now on experimental, and there is a ongoing polish on Zombie systems; they will be "a real pain in the ass for freshspawns"NPCs: Not planned, the only human life are the playersPlayer spawning: keep as far as possible from high risk/high reward areasRestrict logging in in high risk areas: not plannedLimping animation: Fully intendedMigrating engines: not any time soonNo immediate intend on adding "hissing" (?)Extensive crafting is planned: recipe system, ongoing feature and developing; futureproof system, it can be built on; after core features it will comeBI intends on continue pushing updates after releaseCharacter backstories: The character should not be too far away from the player; Char is built by the player as he plays, not defined by a spreadsheet at character creationNext experimental patch: "as often as possible", focussing on feedback of the last one, iterate on bugs, getting it ready for stableStable push, next maintenance (wednesday) if no major bugs occur in experimentalSlow vault: No direct plans on removingLight machine guns: Every intend to support them at some pointsAnimation: Plans for cancelling animations (food, bandaging): Yes, will be possible to cancel is worked onSMGs are in workMid march another Q&A with hicks and possibly with a designerMap expanding: Map will not become bigger, but populated with new towns, interesting areasBase building: Rich support for some kind of...and the headset died. DayZ behind the scenes, Studio Tour - 25.02.2014 Not much to mention here, but also interesting to see it :) Poking with sticks (not sure if that will really come^^)Glance at a new gun on a developers screen DayZ Devblog 24.02.2014: As rocket twittered: "Just a quick look at some of the progress for our next patch." UPDATE after watching it myself (and checking it with iBanes List ;)) Lighting will be more important for gameplay purposes. Flashlight, headtorches, gaslamps will work now during day (HDR improvement)Physics : throwing items will be on experimental soon (atm already in but disabled)throwing items: To give a friend ammo or to attack.Physics allows ragdolls to be implemented, this will also change the weight a character actually movesItems have own materials now - that means, they will react in different ways., also in terms of penetration (and in my guess also weight?)Containers (e.g. refrigerator, filing cabinet) can be interacted with, models will be redone (opening doors etc.), more deep for loot systemBow+arrows (PVC bow+composite arrows were shown from a "very early state", so some variety may be coming here as well), arrow deflecting of the ground, sticking in zombies/players and can be recoveredAnimations smoother and more precise; Especially for one/two handed combat (but still not finished), this will also change the way items are held, and attacks are performed and also how hits are resolvedMap updates: new buildings (e.g. police stations, health center and other ones all over the map, new towns), far more to comeFixing loot spawn bug (buildings that should spawn loot but don't do)Weather & environment will be much more important and should be like an antagonist: In the first step: clothes get damp, will affect items, different clothes have different values for absorbancy valuesRain (weather) completely is synchronized for all clients on a server;Medical System: improved messaging to the player so they understand their actual condition.Hunting+Cooking: Whole new (big) team, big experience from hunting games, dedicated for hunting, making animals, behaviors of them, how hunting worksSame team will also be work on Zombie pathfinding, hit boxes and collision detection (wall glitch^^)Maximize the element of survival: Campfires to cook and keep characters warmGas canister works for cooking+pot/pan on internal (soon experimental?), campfires are worked on nowDesync: Problem is the huge amount of bandwith DayZ uses when players with lot of items are close to one anotherProgrammer speaking: non-guaranteed updates for inventory items are sent all the time from server to client, the more items on player and players around, the more messages are sent, the more desync.Some fixes are done now as far as it is possible, but in long-term (some weeks, maybe months): change to guaranteed server updates (messages are sent only once) but will also be ongoing worked onZombies and Loot respawning: Big topic at the moment (loot respawn should come soon now that Z respawn is on experimental I think...)Zombie respawn mechanics optimized, already on experimental, should be on stable in 2 weeksRespawning should work soon sensible: no respawn in front of a player or in an overtaken townPersistent objects: Backpacks, paper (I swear he said "piper" ;)) and wood (once barricading comes in)Next Steps: Once the things on this list are complete the next focus will be on low-speed vehicles like bicycles and barricading. Faster vehicles like cars would follow the slow vehicles in later updates and will have a complex part system. Items like spark plugs and car batteries will need to be located to make a car operational. Cars will also break down and need to be repaired with items like these. Live stream with Rocket (20.02.2014) - from reddit, thanks to rudette :) UPDATED after hearing it myself 2. Update: merged with iBanes list (thanks ^^) Female models now have female voice acting.Bugfix for lootspawn buildings/cars/tents is worked onRain: Damp clothes make you cold, lowers body temperature makes you use more energy, damages equipment etc.Bows are still worked on, arrows will stick where they hit and be recoverableZombie wall glitch is priority task together with performancerun up hills: should maybe be possible (actually a collision issue)flashlight performance will be increasednew gas lamp is worked onLight sources: resolving the collision/leaking issues with light sources would be incredibly difficult and largely unusable at the momenthunting, cooking, crafting before vehiclesvehicles will come afterwards, starting with bicyclesVehicles: No carbon copy of the mod - vehicles will be totally redesigned, bicycle are possible already with the code that is in the game, but other vehicles will need far more work, but will definitely in before betaWhen will barricade houses, set up camps come: short to medium term, they will be persistent server basedPrison: Work in progress, longterm thingServer Files (privat hives) : working on security/control protocolsFriend Identification System (to ID Steam Friends in-game) - not planned. Would likely be left to the modding community and only for non-hardcore serversWallhack/floorhack: known & worked onHacking is dealt with every day, continuous ban wavesNew towns and buildings - being worked on all the time (Senchi) and will be part of many major updatesBetter fps in cities: ongoing thing, working with graphic cards manufacturer, lot of work to find out where the problems areZombies getting more aggressive, higher numbers as server performance gets betterBackpacks as first persistent storage, tents laterRocket wrote yesterday (23.02) on reddit: Refrigerators and other static scenery items in game will have storage values and gear spawning in them in the future.Ragdolls are being worked on with other physics (throwing: not only weapons)Hunting, Cooking and Crafting up next for major implementation.Dead linger inspired boarding 'short to medium term'Binoculars done but not in game yet"Complicated" medic system is comingheart attacks not common (fever, then hit with blunt, electrical shock etc.)disease mechanics are already in game just not turned onMorality System: Not planned at the moment possible console versions: When the game is successfull enough, he doesn't want to affect the pc release, so after pc release maybe, doesn't affect him as a pc gamer, it would be nice but there is no timeframe on itBlood on hands after looting a dead player is being considered.Suicide: Is worked on, Pistol & rifle & knife suicide is plannedNo custom faces (scanned in, like rainbow six) due to TTP and performance hit.Axes to have spawn chance in stumps near woodpiles.3 types of animals: Predator (Wolves and Bears), Prey (Food), Companions (Dogs, horses)Dog mechanics were working ok, becoming owner of dog was not, that's why it wasn't implemented nowAmputations are tabled till performance testing can be done with ragdolls.DMR/Other weapons are implemented when they get around to them, no real road map for when certain weapons are introduced. (AK is being worked on now "quite a beautiful and brand new")self made silencer: maybe, crafting is worked on atmBeards may not get in due to being to gender specific and too much work.Indian faces being worked on.Chainsaw almost done.Stats will be available on siteDegradable items (food, medical supplies) over time, being worked on with refrigeration devicesPaint Fire-axes ("I thought they were in")Stamina to be improved (balanced?)Physics based doors, locking doors and a complete overhaul of doors in the future.Player will be able to lock doors, zombies pile into them until they breakFishing ConfirmedCannibalism: Definitely want to put it in, but need to work on the consequence system of something like this100 slot server in stable would be very interestingSlow vault"jump" will be removedAxes take damage every time you hit something with them but depending on what it takes more/less dmg (flesh, stone, other melee weapon in hands of opponent etc.)Sliding down ladders probably comingDampness from sweating seems to be implemented on experimental branch nowWeight based+volume based inventory system: Old system will be revisitedNew maps/enlarge chernarus: (no answer because he was distracted - happend more than once, just mention it once)Lootrespawning will happen soon ("has to be done first") beforethings like loot % per server population can be thought about (the mor epeople on a server, the more loot spawns)Skills: It will mainly be passively skillbased. So as you get better at repairing certain things, you will be able to repair more and more badly damaged stuff. It won't be something you'll put a skillpoint in. It will only be the more you do it, the better you get at itKids: Very complex to put in, has to be done tastefullyNudity: Talked about it, no rush to put it inEnvironment should be more effecting the player (e.g. rain, wind)Barricading/player built camps & cooking are the things Dean looks himself most forward toCampfire: Will come but is very complex for something like so specificHardcore mode should be hardcoreParticle System - will be replaced at some point in the future. Will allow for better visuals/animations.Better blood effects: Unknown, probably when the particle system is replacedMelee System - it's clunky, but it's very difficult make it really smooth. Would like to improve it, but focus is improvements to the medical systemCurrently in 3-4 week update cycles for stable branch. This should be the expected time frame for updates to Stable branch for the foreseeable futureQ& A with Hicks ( 19.02.1014) (quotes taken from reddit) ambient sounds are being worked on every building should spawn stuff there is no "right" way to play Dayz suppressors, depends on work organization about some key devs environmental effects should be done right, so patience here loot from zombies: is alreay a dev task WET, SOAKED state on experimental have no meaning yet (regarding sickness) hardcore ideas: no reticule, more damage to bullets, more damage done by zombies....many things might be happen hacking: permanent being worked on, also with battleye viewing around corners in 3rd person mode: permanent discussion topic clan/community support: private hives(shards), form community around features/feature sets physics system: almost made into exp branch, was being worked on today, for throwing items 1st person lift over walls: teams has to see if this unbalances things almost 40 people (to whatever question that was the answer. Maybe teamsize?) damage slots on containers: is not Hicks_206's department balancing: will happen all the time campfire: not in yet modding: we available (e.g. Taviana), not earlier than beta/release wish of hicks: persistent storage naturally suppressed pistol will be in game, is being worked on "suppressors will suppress soon." config needs to be done little story: throwing poop was in very very early game (because of the 3d poop model i guess) dev process: features with some content -> bug fixes -> more content per feature -> bug fixes maybe regular(weekly) streams on http://www.twitch.tv/dayz with changing team members 10/22 needs some bug fixes, almost done IEDs: some ideas are being worked on(?) lights and walls: bugs in arma engine, nights will have more lights to the player available Dean is working on vehicles, maintance might be needed dynamic events like helicopter crashes needed to be done right. It was a useful addition to the mod. Indeed added sniper cycling on mod, but there were also guys watching the crash site fishing: maybe Dean is working on it throwing knives and axes: "Would be very interesing!" new spawn points near Svetlo, Berezino, Kamyshovo - also better loot spawn near these spawn points (med kits, etc). Already on experimental. "Swords would be bitches!" Bows are still worked on steam controller: not being worked on, but close relationship with steam target style: not realistic, but authentic. good feeling of being in another world boonie hats should be in next update Senchi (map designer) has a work roadmap for a year. For locations in the north. snow: needs to be figured out the right way timeout system for login/logout is work in progress NVGs: might need spawn limitation for whole hive. No clear idea for this snap someone neck: Don't tell Dean about this. Players create better experiences than devs. Give players the right tools. Narrative elements (should) come from the players. Q&A with rocket (12.02.2014) Binoculars models is ready, but not yet configured6 Month is a very conservative estimation for vehicles, rocket expects them much soonerFacepalm gesture is coming ;)Animals/hunting will be in very soonCooking has already started workMachete killsBow & arrow models are ready, need some programmingFishing is a biteasier (dont now compared to what...)Spear is coming as wellHorses look to be very hard, but they will defently be doneSaddles with inventory spaces ==Easy"I'd love a snow area"Experimental build makes use of steam cloud (saves profile)They'd like to do a CZ550, it's on the list but it's not sure when it will be inWhen throwing (Physics) is implemented, guns and pistols will be very rare, because it will exist an option for ranged weapons beyond rifles/pistolsRocket worked on Tazers, as part of the unconscious systemThe medical system is also expanding a great deal tooThat all togetherallows them to reduce military style weapons a lotHand signals: They cannot go much beyond the current gesture system (like manually made ones). But if they run out of F-Keys, "we will simply make it you can configure the gestures however you want"Bows should work almost like they work on Skyrim, then they will look on for poisoned darts etc. which nwill be easy when the basic bow system worksMore pistols will be added (while reducing rifles) Dean loves the Brown HP, so chances are good, that it will be in gameA "Stream straight to twitch" mode will be considered but focussed will be a "cinematic mode" so that youtubers have an easier way to make contentServer based persistent containers is coming in next update and will appear on experimental any day now (Said 4 days ago)"Medical system is getting a major facelift and cooking is starting shortly"Major performance updates (which is already an experimental)
- 83 replies
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Summary of dev Q&As from streams
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to LaughingJack (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Yeah I was also a bit concerned about that topic. Maybe I got it wrong and he meant "Not enough parts on one SERVER for 2 helicopters"... Edit: sry for not adding the interview with #askrocket - I just have no time atm (Warcraft peon says: work work...crunchtime as a programmer is always SO much fun ;)) I will add it asap AND 69 Beans for the opening post. Party! ;) -
http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175596-summary-of-dev-qas-from-streams/ In the Live stream with Rocket (20.02.2014) :)
Watch it :) But if you only want to read... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175596-summary-of-dev-qas-from-streams/
Meh. This is not true as far as I can tell from my experience. People cheat in every game and there are a lot of games - finished games - that have a higher percentage of cheater. Try Rust for some days or WarZ and then come back and say again that cheaters have greater success in DayZ ;) ...welcome to DayZ...