LaughingJack (DayZ)
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Everything posted by LaughingJack (DayZ)
I think its in the wrong Sub, it belongs into "Suggestions". Apart from that: Nice idea, but "This won't show your character to other players"? No...just no. An "improvised ghillie suit" (as in: I'm lying on the ground an have put grass obver my body) - yes, but really going invisible? Hell no. And even if I see the reason for taking time etc. (and you are right, it shoudl take tiem), it's only really useful for snipers or people who try to ambush someone, not for somebody that is hunted down otr shot at (i never have 30 calm seconds when shit hits the fan ;))
Ouch. In unity most things are easy...but I went over this like 10 times now in different threads, I don't care anymore to explain the pros and cons of unity and why, in my opinion, unity would not have been good for DayZ. (apart from the issue that Bohemia owns (and made) an engine (the ArmA engine...), so I guess, they would not buy another one/allow a game produced by them that doesn't use their own engine...and yes, DayZ still belongs to BI) Short story: DayZ is based on the ArmA 2.5 Helicopter engine, but was nearly rebuilt from scratch for DayZ, to remove limitations and make it possible to expand it in ways that the ArmA engine would not been able to handle. And if you write your own game engine (not only graphics engine or physics engine but game engine) a lot of things that are so easy with an out-of-the-box engine like unity can be very hard. That's the price you have to pay if you want something different that you can expand beyond the limits of an bought engine. To shorten this up for you, here's what hicks (the producer of dayZ) saif about the stages of development: So...yeah. It WILL take long to fix some things, since fixing things is NOT the top priority in an Alpha (expect for things that make it unplayable like the memory leak or somethign that would cause a constant CTD etc.), it is not inessential, but the top priority is developing core mechanics. Edit: BAH. I hate having the last post on a site. People NEVER read them -.- For the record: I tried to be helpflul and nice. 2 times in a row. Next post to the OP if he still ignores what I say is trolling again.
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
These servers violate the rules and will (or should) be reported and will (or should) be shut down with no refunds for the owner. (If you think of the nature of the public hive, this is pretty self explanatory) -
Hm. Yesterday....Try experimental again. Yesterday evening, 20 servers were put on again (after all were taken down), so you might be lucky there (and there was another 68 MB update for exp). For teh stable...hm...maybe the last update (if you missed it) screwed it up? So that you are somewhere between all versions now? (not the latest exp, nor the stable version?)
Again no word about loot respawn
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Rancor's topic in General Discussion
Well....well. Nothing I can argue about here. You're right on this one (as I always said :P ) Well...at this point the server restart loot spawn is the thing that was possible without (extreme) flaws it seems. But again: Loot respawn was said to be in work, it's high on the priority list and the only given ETA for it was "soon". So...let's wait & see. I know, I'd also like to have it in sooner but...yeah. Ranting will not make it come sooner, so why get upset :) -
wtf? I don't make excuses, i tried to explain why these things are the way they are at the moment in my opinion. And I read the whole thread (mostley because it's funny, thanks to highlander, caboose and the others),a nd the only thing you said "why alpha is not an excuse for said reasons in my thread" was: And now read the first line of my post again: So...if I'm mistaken, sry, but please show me in that case, where else you explained why Alpha is not an excuse...? Edit: Or...you didn't read my post an just looked at the Alf picture?^^
You have. Get a gun, guard a church, execute everyone that breaks your rules. ;)
A "good base to start with"....i assume you mean with good base that it has not, the 3 points you mentioned afterwards? Maybe because it is not optimized in any way? You say, you understand that it's an alpha, but you disprove yourself with these words. I don't wanna say it's a good code or that it works flawless (and I'm pretty sure it will never be as smooth as a FPS in that way) because I haven't seen it, but I am pretty sure that there's alot of optimization that can be done. At least inventory desync is gone for sure ;) And the server restarts...well...that's the mod you are speaking about. But yeah, the ArmA engine is neither a MMORPG, nor does it has mapchanges where it can do its destructor work. At the moment, these restarts are for respawning Zs and Loot (how didn't ya know that? o.O), but I'm sure the servers will have to be restarted in the future as well (if they don't get a brilliant way for cleaning up the map objects) at least once a day. Okay sure it's true client side performance optimizations usually occur in beta So, why rant here & now? Wel...if there weren't 50 threads with ~ 5000000 posts about negative mouse acceleratiopn i'd care to comment. But really, I can't talk about that topic anymore, just search one of the threadfs about it. Yes its not good. No, i still dont find it gamebreaking. Yes, they are aware of it and are changing it but will never remove it afaik. Yes, that hurts but w/e. Object collision is as well is a known issue and a wip....again, not defending, just saying what was said about it. So, here, take this as a present:
Just media churning. Hicks wrote no ETA. It will be delivered when it is ready to be pushed. But exp got a 60mb update right now....hicks wsrote about that:
Pf don't be a hater. Everyone can be an extremist, no matter what he beliefs. But an extremist-buddhist would be something interesting.... And what about deerstands? I mean, there is for sure a religion where deerstands are holy. Or cowbarns for hindus? Or *hm* sheep barns for christians? Edit: Disclaimer: Don't feel offended. I really don't care whom you worship or why. It's your business and yours alone as long as it makes you happy and you don't hurt anybody. I don't look down on any religons (well, scientology, but that's not really a religion. Oh and jehovas witnesses. I mean, what the fuck is wrong dudes? Do I ring at 7 in the morning at your door and ask you if you know the Flying Spaghetti Monster?) -----------on topic: One of the first notable things that happened to my buddy psycho and me in the SA was the following situation: We came to Novy and looted our way carefully through it. As we reach the church, I look inside and see someone standing in a corner, three zeds around him, he punches wild, but with no effect. I storm in, kill the Zs with my axe, and asks him if he is okay, the guy waves at me and starts bandaging himself. Psycho looks inside the corner, brings up his Mosin and headshots him. One of the reasons, why I call him "Psycho" when I refer to him in this game. ...so...well...no. Nothing can save you in DayZ.
Again no word about loot respawn
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Rancor's topic in General Discussion
Last thing I heard about loot respawn was in the Q&A with Hicks & Viktor (26.02): but maybe I missed something as well....maybe from rocket on reddit? Not my call, sry, just wrote down what I remembered what was said some month ago about loot respawning.^^ And I'm a little bit split up....full randomized: Good thing because you have to look everywhere, no hopping, no hope for a fast-gear-up-route...; bad thing because annihilation of hotspots (hm maybe all camp cherno, because it has the mos tloot-spawnplaces ergo the most chance for an AKM/M4 whatever?^^) , and well, just a guess, no military weapons in a fridge or something like that^^ -
Again no word about loot respawn
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Rancor's topic in General Discussion
Yep. That's why I wrote, that I hope, they would implement it the way they talked about it some months ago: On server start only a random amount of loot spawns. Every other "loot-spawnplace" gets a timer from 30 minutes up to...well...hours?, if the timer reaches 0, an object (random but regarding the %possibility value in the loottable) spawns.If something gets looted, it is treated the same way as an initial spawn (random timer etc. etc.) -
Again no word about loot respawn
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Rancor's topic in General Discussion
Afaik it will be totally different to the "bubblespawning" of the mod (which means no loot-cycling). But I'm not sure, if "persistent loot" is "persistent backpacks" and not loot (respawning)... I know, for me that (beside the number of Zs, but on exp it's ok with the respawning mechanism...feels better now) is the point I'm looking most forward to...oh I hope they don't screw it up^^ Just do it the way you described it, devs. Edit: meh, ninja'd by spartan and disgraced -
Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Spinnyd223's topic in General Discussion
Wrong update buddy. The video is 2 weeks old now (it says 24.th feb...), this week there's no video in the tumblr devblog, neither last week blogentry had one. But good to see how you keep up with development while making thoughtful comments in the forum. Also, you clearly have no clue about developing or programming. e.g. "physics": It is quite a big deal if you dont use an existing engine for it. And it's needed for ragdoll, it's needed for vehicles, throwing etc. etc. etc. But you know what? read the whole devblog and watch some of the streams they made and after that we can have a nice and civilized conversation. -
Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Spinnyd223's topic in General Discussion
It's "gif" (Graphics interchange format), not "giff" and actually it's not a gif, it's a jpg. And I edited my post to look good? Well obviously you couldn't didn't read the next post from me...(or saw that I wrote "Edit:" in the original post)... And even if I wouldn't had written that, everyone can see that and even when a post was edited, because it's written in it... Oh, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just can't stand people who can read but refuse to, could think, but don't do it and instead shouting out "facts" that are so obviously wrong that you just pity them for such a foolish attempt. The first 2 or 3 times you wrote somethign that fit in that category I tried to be nice and explain you, where you are wrong (e.g. the breaking point thread). What did you do? Ignore the post and repeat your "arguments". So my answers got a little bit mean. but in fact, I'm not trolling (well ok, the alf-pic was trolling. So, let's say...I'm not only trolling.) I just point out where you are wrong and make an ass out of yourself (e.g.: "Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies =/= MORE zombies.") And I didn't argue, because that would mean that I posted an opinion, wheile I just quoted the dev team as an answer to your points. You can say a lot about my posts (they contain bad jokes, sarcasm, are not really proper english since i'm not a native speaker etc.) but in most of them I at least try to be helpful or informative. And one more time I am not a fanboy - I do see flaws in DayZ, I do criticize them, but just because I don't constantly rant, I'm not a fanboy. Also I don't defend DayZ, because that would mean that I would have stated an opinion... Speak your mind, that's fine. But for heavens sake, READ befiore you post. Go to the Devtracker section and read the Tweets, follow rocket, hicks etc; go to the linked reddit posts and check them. Go to tumblr and read the official dayz devblog. 99% of what is whined about in this forum is mentioned in one of these 3 medias. I want DayZ to be as hard and unforgiving as it can be (and honestly I think most people here want it that way...). PvP is a part of it, but in my eyes not more - a part. At the moment it is the main part because there is little else to do, but I also hope for a change here. Make the base game more difficult: Yes, make it as difficult as possible. Give your feedback, but know the difference between "giving feedback", "critics", "complaining" and "whining". Edit: sry windowlicker, I heavn't lost hope by now... -
Indeed, they look very nice...excited to see them animated. And I'm also excited for and :)
Oh my. I see it coming....tears of rage streaming down this forum...."ERMEHGERD TELAPOADIN!"
Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Spinnyd223's topic in General Discussion
I edited my post. Just for you. Nah, to be honest for everyone else BUT you, since you can't read. But for you, I post pictures, so you have something to look at. -
People have to deal with so much BS in this forum, they can't even identify a nice trollpost anymore. That's sad.
Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Spinnyd223's topic in General Discussion
Edit: AgentNe0: You are a very bad troll, a 12 year old spoiled brat, an uneducated guy that can't read and doesn't want to understand things or suffering from a mental handicap (in that case, sorry for my harsh words) Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies =/= MORE zombies. They only RESPAWN. But as we all know by now, you can't read. There was an experimental update yesterday. But: The changelog didn't change...because it's for the same patch described there. There is no new patch because there were 3 major issues that had to be dealt with that occured on experimental. Since 2 weeks (nearly) they are fighting these issues. And I really don't think that 1) they are working slow on purpose 2) the people not involved in killing these bugs are doing nothing c)any new update is held back until these issues are resolved. 2 of them are resolved and for the last one hicks twittered yesterday: So...let's wait & see. Or wait & whine. Whatever suits you. -
True. If you played exp. for the last weeks, it feels a lot better now...
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
While I think you are right in most of the things you said, there is one point, that I have (sadly) argue about: In every online game were cheaters. In every single one. Not even Blizzard could keep WoW clean and they were pumping money like crazy into securing the system afaik. And don't get me started on FPS like CS, CoD, BF...the more people play the more idiots cheat. Sad but true. Either they just want to annoy people and destroy their game experience because...well I don't know for hwatever reason, or they are just not good enough and search an unfair advantage because they desperately need to "win" (you can't win dayZ...but you know what I mean), because...well same as before. Every normal player hates cheater and thinks of them as the cancer of the community, and why not? But, well, sometimes you just have to wait and hope. As lenin said - BE bans in waves, hopefully a banstorm is coming through. (I never thought I would be able to quote lenin say something like that O.o) Only from my experience: The more mature a player is the less he is likely to cheat. So 99% of cheaters are spoiled brats or teenage idiot-trolls. -
It's ALF! Nuff said :) Now give him beans ^^
Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**
LaughingJack (DayZ) replied to Spinnyd223's topic in General Discussion
Wow. 2500+ posts combined and that "brain farts" is all that's left? I gotta get out here before it hits me as well... But ok, I try to be reasonable for one more time, and always remember, this are not MY opinions, this are just facts that were stated by the devs: 7 days to die uses the unity engine. Which is, within its limitations, great for developing a game fast and bringing new features in, if you know how to handle it. But once you reach it's limits, it is impossible to extend it. But it is a powerful engine - if you want to respect its limits there are a lot of things that are possible with it: http://unity3d.com/showcase/gallery But as you know (I'm sure), DayZs Engine is based on the ArmA 2.5 heli engine, but rebuilt nearly from scrap.Why? Because of said limitations (and well, I guess because BI didn't want to produce a game that uses another engine than its own) and to make it fit for DayZs needs. The # of people working on DayZ....Afaik there are 50+ people working on DayZ, maybe more. So "trying to spend as little as possible" is not quite right, I think. Also, you just cant go to the programmermarket and buy a dozen programmers (Class A, skilled, cost more, work better) and lock them into a room and expect that your project is finished sooner and better than expected.... So let's assume they were honest and did not expect such a revenue: Announcing, searching, interviewing, hiring. Well all this happened by now, because as it was stated the team size has doubled. But still - this wont show any effects soon, just because it is ahrd to get into an existing project, understand how it works, and why things are made the way they are made....trust me on this, I'm a programmer and have suffered through this more times than I want to remember... Victus: I hope you are trolling. Please tell me you are :/ Otherwise: read my signature. Carefully. You are still a tool. Some days ago I explained you about the exact same topic (breaking point), why, from my point of view and the things I have read, you are wrong and why you are wrong. But well, saying DayZ sold 100.000 copies obviously is proof enough for the lack of reading ability.... Arma money: goes to bohemia. DayZ money: goes to bohemia. What bohemia does with that money? Bohemias thing, because it's their money now. the only thing that you can expect from them is to deliver a finished product - DayZ - because you bought an early access alpha. How good it is when it is finished, is another story. You - like everybody else - bought a game for 20€ and not the company, not Dean Halls life, not even his chair. But yes, maybe another engine would have been better for DayZ. Maybe even ArmA3 - but waiting for the engine to be finsihed before the DayZ team could start working on it...well DayZ SA Alpha release in early 2015... But DayZ belongs to BI, and it's pretty clear - to me - that they want that a game that is produced by them uses their engine (in that case: an engine that is derivated from theirs). I don't want to defend that decision, I just think it's clear why there was no discussion about it. And honestly, I thinkfor a huge open world sandbox survival simulator featuring Zombies, the Arma engine is not the worst one they could have used. I bought it on Day one. And I expected it in a much worse state. Well, expect for the desync, but hopefully *cross fingers* it will be gone when they change the severmessaging system. Well, atually the game is in an Alpha state, as it has written all over it. And really that is an alpha, not a beta, where all core mechanics are in and working, but an alpha: the exe runs but clicking the wrong button at the wrong time will crash it, the performance is bad because optimization happens all the time (and in the last step again), and it will look strange sometimes....believe me, i had enough programs in alpha state ;) Big ones, small ones (no games :( ) and all of them were in their alphas...well...just bad. Ugly, slow and annoying in its dysfunctionality...so compared to that, DayZ is in a good state - for an alpha. For a finished product? Shitty state. For a beta? Very bad state. For an Alpha? Normal state, maybe even "good". Again: I don't want to sound like a fanboy, I might just have a different point of view because I'm a programmer...(ah...if my special freinds reads this again and starts wondering that I say that I work as a programmer: I'm a senior developer for C#/VB; nothing fancy not even in the gaming industry...) . But I know developing and reading things like this just makes me wonder... That sentence is a paradox. If you understand how games are made, you wouldn't have said that. In fact, if you ever had written one line of code, you wouldn't have said that. If you would have even read something about this game, the engine used etc. you wouldn't have said that. But, I know, it's so damn hard. It's far more comfortable to get here and shout out things, which are either not true or at best unproven and claim them to be true. Long story short: Dont shout out facts, which are nonsense if you haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about. And that you don't have one, is a fact, proven by your own words.