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LaughingJack (DayZ)

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Everything posted by LaughingJack (DayZ)

  1. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Watch out for this inventory bug

    http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=9579 Edit: maybe more this one: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8845
  2. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Watch out for this inventory bug

    Not safe. Patch was messed up, wait for the hotfix.
  3. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    It has happened...

    I have a theory about that :) Because there are 2 mindsets: The "talker": He wants to suggest, critic, whine, complain (chose one). He has two subcategories: the spoiled brat: Doesn't understand what an alpha is and whines about bugs, changes he doesn't like etc. the reporter: tries to help in development (but just took the wrong route by posting in general discussion) and understands what an alpha is: the time to make suggestions and help steering the direction of the game The "silent": He doesn't want to suggest, critic, whine, complain in the General discussion, since he either knows that it's useless or because he thinks that it has been saif ebfore/will be said by someone else He has 3 subcategories: The Explainer: Tries to explain why an alpha is an alpha and how it works The Screamer: Was probably an explainer before, is fed up with explaining (or just never wanted to) and just screams alpha because people don't read explanations The Fanboy: Screams alpha to defend the devs (saw that this was working), without knowing what he is talking about And trolls. But well, they just do this thinsg for fun or annoyance, so they don't count here. Let's take the two categories of posters that are actually not useless: An explainer and a reporter. Explainer, reporter and some screamer know that the game is in alpha state and what that means, maybe they even know something about the development process, while the others don't know or don't care about it. But explainers and reporter don't understand one another, because explainers think that reporters are also from the spoiled brat category and reporter think that explainers are fanboys. So both know, that the game is in alpha. Both know, that glitches, bugs and worse things etc. occur and will not be dealt with immedeately. While the first ones think "ok, alpha, it will change", the second one feel the need to adress the problem in General Discussion. So the first ones get annoyed, because they know about this thing and know that it will change and feel that the thread is unnecessary and just complaining about something that will change no matter what and tell them to the reporters. Which leads to annoyance by the reporters, because they think, that the explainer wants the problem to be ignored and say that the game is flawless, so they start argumenting that the game is NOT flawless and things should be adressed. So now, nboth are annoyed by the ignorance from the other and start screaming... And now for a worse case, a thread including every category of poster here: A "Talker" (no matter which one) makes a thread concerning something he wants to complain/Whine/talk/suggest/whatever about. Let's assume it's a "reporter", he saw something (e.g. Zombies spawn out of thin air) that he thinks has to be adressed. A "Silent" sees it (assume it's an explainer) and tells him why he thinks it is that way and that it is going to be changed anyway. Another talker, a "spoiled brat" sees the threadtitel and starts screaming that the game is broken, unplayable and the worst patch in history of mankind Another "Silent", a "Screamer" sees that and starts "Alphering" the thread. The first one, the "reporter" feels annoyed, because he knows that it is an alpha and he only wanted to help by adressing the topic and starts with explaining, but leaves his own thread But a fanboy comes, and shouts all over the place Another spoiled brat comes, posting that BI robbed him and how he hates the game and what other games are so superior and that they suck at programming etc. Fanboy starts screaming with him, calling names, spoiled brat returns the favor Explainer feels like a preacher in the desert but tries again to show the spoiled brat why these things will happen in an alpha and how development works the spoiled brat wont lsiten and starts with the same things he got explained again The explainer gets sick of it and leaves the thread alone, the fanboys, the screamers and the spoiled brats continue screaming at one another with said things until the thread goes down and wents to page 3 of the GD where it dies in peace. Now you never have to read a thread again in this forum, because you know now, how they work and what will happen in them.
  4. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Zombie spawning

    Yes, Zs should not spawn in front of you. Yes, Zs should not spawn already aggroed by you. Yes, it's a raw prototype and don't expect it to change to soon. one more time, the steps of DayZ development: DayZ Early Access Alpha: Feature development, during which the vast majority of major bugs are created/occur.DayZ Early Access Beta: Content development, during which the "meat on the bones" is added to the title, alongside the beginnings of major bug fixing surrounding issues created during the feature development of alpha.DayZ Early Access RC (Final Beta stages): Bug Fix, optimization, and balancing. During which the stone is polished, until the DayZ dev team feels the title is ready to go live.Which means: Bugs occur now and are created now (yes, this includes the Z wall glitch and the spawn out of thin air) but are not immedeately fixed, because the main focus is the development of teh core mechanics not bugfixing, except for really gamebreaking bugs (Memory leak, CTDs etc.) Deal with it or come back when DayZ hits Beta. And still: I'm happy. Respawning Zs, but if yourely on your pitchfork you get through a town without bigger problems ;)
  5. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What is good about this game?

    Now now, see what we have here. A really good troll, respect, I don't get trolled at such a good level often. But kudos for making me actually believe that you are that 0815 moron that you played - respect.
  6. LaughingJack (DayZ)


    this thread is like a a picture from Dali, painted by Picasso without seeing it and having instead Freddy Mercury describing by singing it without using vocals, accompanied by Slipknot on 3 babyrattles and 2 alphorns.
  7. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What is good about this game?

    Please stop making an ass out of yourself^^ If a post is edited, it says something like: "Edited by LaughingJack, Today, 08:33 AM." at the bottom automatically. But the post you referred to (the one with the Alf pic, since it's the only one that was posted before your answer) does NOT have such a remark. What do we conclude? It was not edited. What else do we conclude? You didn't even read the post as I assumed. What does that say about you, apart from the obvious prove that you are a liar? Edit: This is an edit. Look at the bottom. Apart from that...if you quoted it and it says the same as my "edited" post...how the f should I edit YOUR post as well?
  8. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    It has happened...

    Just don't use a crowbar. That thing is too short with the new melee animation...you only can hit a Z with it when it attacks you - otherwise you can't get close enough^^ Take a pitchfork or a hoe ;) That hits everything^^
  9. Nope nothing of this has been confirmed afaik. At the moment: Rain will make clothes wet/damp but not ruin clothes, not ruin gear, not make you sick. Edit: Just checked...nope, can't confirm that by now.
  10. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    It has happened...

    :beans: I can't wait for that to happen....^^
  11. While you are correct about ALpha, Beta etc. (see m previous post), I don't think people that answer with "omg it's an alpha " or something similar want to say, that they don't want people speak up up or open their minds. But Suggestions, criticism, complaining and whining are different things. And all day long people whine about the alpha being an alpha, because they don't understand what "Alpha" means. They don't come here and make a suggestion (wrong sub for this) or criticize something in a constructive way. All day do is "Waaaaah, I want that NOW. I want THIS to be fixed NOW. Why did they do THIS and not THAT? Why is THAT not implemented?" etc. etc. etc. It makes people tired to hear this whining again and again. And again. And again. And the funny thing: sometimes it comes from the same person 10 times! the first time people often try to explain why he is wrong, after that they get mean and scream ALFER! I have seen a lot of threads with critic, some entitled, some not so in my opinion but aside from some trolls, these threads were normal places and most of them existed without an "ALPHA!!!111!"-post... Sometimes I hate you, sometimes I love you. :beans:
  12. Woah Rick, you copy & paste that nonsense now in EVERY thread that has something to do with zombies and now you start an own thread with the exact same words? Wow. Just, wow, that's classy. Well, so I'll copy my own reply to this as well: one more time, the steps of DayZ development: DayZ Early Access Alpha: Feature development, during which the vast majority of major bugs are created/occur.DayZ Early Access Beta: Content development, during which the "meat on the bones" is added to the title, alongside the beginnings of major bug fixing surrounding issues created during the feature development of alpha.DayZ Early Access RC (Final Beta stages): Bug Fix, optimization, and balancing. During which the stone is polished, until the DayZ dev team feels the title is ready to go live.Which means: Bugs occur now and are created now (yes, this includes the Z wall glitch and the spawn out of thin air) but are not immedeately fixed, because the main focus is the development of the core mechanics (yes, this includes zombie respawning) not bugfixing, except for really gamebreaking bugs (Memory leak, CTDs etc.) Deal with it or come back when DayZ hits Beta.
  13. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    It has happened...

    Yeah happened in exp as well. Sometimes they (re) spawn on roofs....and run down on you...and they don't break their legs. Tough beasts ;) Oh my I hate that thing. Use a Pitchfork or a hoe ;) Those are priceless ;)
  14. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    It has happened...

    Oh cmon. You're better than that highlander.
  15. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    It has happened...

    That you don't read something you quote and actually just repeat what already is stated there (yes, the part that starts with the "Edit:") in an answer to a quote is a new level of ignorance. Also, one more time, the steps of DayZ development: DayZ Early Access Alpha: Feature development, during which the vast majority of major bugs are created/occur.DayZ Early Access Beta: Content development, during which the "meat on the bones" is added to the title, alongside the beginnings of major bug fixing surrounding issues created during the feature development of alpha.DayZ Early Access RC (Final Beta stages): Bug Fix, optimization, and balancing. During which the stone is polished, until the DayZ dev team feels the title is ready to go live.Which means: Bugs occur now and are created now (yes, this includes the Z wall glitch and the spawn out of thin air) but are not immedeately fixed, because the main focus is the development of teh core mechanics not bugfixing, except for really gamebreaking bugs (Memory leak, CTDs etc.) Deal with it or come back when DayZ hits Beta. YES! Yeah, also my experience from the exp. servrs. But it has become a little bit harder to survive. And that is goooood. YES! Yep, but the bug is, that you don't auto-raise it when you have it lowered and click, the state that you have to put it in "attack" mode before swinging will stay. So it's on the same level with guns (lowered stance - attack stance) for melee now. But is has been stated that this is known already and that it will be dealt with.
  16. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    After New Patch Session Lost.

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180821-session-lost-fix/ Edit: ninja'd O.o
  17. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Hm, maybe I can calm you down on this one :) It is already announced and worked on, but afaik they had to rebuild the whole process of spawning (no more bubble spawning and loot cycling as in the mod) and Loot respawning is handled from a similar agent as Z spawning (not from the actual when and how it spawns but programming-wise...if you want i can go into detail of my guesses.) So the engine can handle already Z spawn & respawn, a similar agent that deals with loot should be no problem for the engine. So I am pretty sure, that your hope will be complied and we will see loot respawn rather soon :)
  18. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    After New Patch Session Lost.

    Hicks twittered about it (but I don't know if this also concerns your problem) And
  19. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Aaaaaaaaaaah, ok. That's something I can understand totally, since I also love to be informed and collect every little bit of information I can (hell, I reactivated my twitter & tumblr account and went back to reddit for the first time in years because of this game ;) ) Somewhere on reddit Hicks said about this topic "No ETA, because people always get angry when it isn't kept."...so yeah, I think we will see it soon (the update after the update maybe?) and he can't give any other ETA than "Soon" even if he would. Edit: @Konna: Just to make it clear: This thread is NOT "Respawn, because it's too difficult to find stuff", which, as we know, is BS. It's about that Loot respawn is needed as a thing to keep a server going, somethign against server hoppers etc. etc.
  20. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    After New Patch Session Lost.

    Well well.....do you have played around with the .pbo files? (probably deleted them or modified them to have a wallhack? Not assunming it is so, just asking) Because... It is fixed. A player using modified/missing .pbo files is kicked by the server. which (if it is not handled otherwise - don't know if it is) could result in a "Session lost" message, if i'm not wrong....
  21. So...a guy (or girl?) from pakistan resurrects a very old thread about motorcycle helmets, to post a link to a shop from Pakistan. *looks suspecting at the post* Edit: delete this post as well pls^^ Haven't thought you would react THAT fast ;)
  22. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    New patch - still can't respawn.

    If you want to play: Play on regular or hardcore (wherever the bugged char is not in)? Or play on experimental? Fix for this...hm...I hoped it would be gone for all now, sad that still some have to suffer from it... Edit: That means you already play....which means...Servers are up again? o.O
  23. LaughingJack (DayZ)


    Hopefully, but I don't think all desync issues are fixed by now... But maybe...ah I just wait & see.
  24. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What is good about this game?

    God, i thought for a second you talked about Electronic Arts (EA) as a good concept for indie devs...was in shock for a second XD I don't think that I'm a fanboy, since I do know that DayZ has its flaws and that there are things that aren't even "good" (at least right now) and I do criticise some decisions, from which I think they are not ok. With that being said: I still don't get it. DayZ was hyped by the fans from the mod and the media. Read the old interviews from Dean Hall from last year - I don't think that "hyping" is the word that will come to your mind when you read them. Instead he told people not to buy it and that they should wait for the Beta if they only want to play. So, this is just my guess: People wanted it desperatly, so, for sure, Bohemia thought, well if they want it and our lead dev (who is the worst PR guy in history) claims all the time they shouldn't buy it, we release it as EA, so they can buy it and now that a lot of people want it, a lot of people will buy it and they can't complain because of said things. And if our lead dev says we hit Beta in 2015 (ermahgerd!) and he already delayed it for a year, we can't delay it for another year now, either nobody will buy it then or we will lose all credit we have. They want to make money....yes. What else? They are not the welfare.(and even they need money) But calling DayZ SA EA a "malicious" act is somehow weird in my eyes. What makes me wonder, just to clarify, is this: It's an Alpha. A lot of people don't know what a real "alpha" is, because they are used to the "Beta releases" which are normally finished products. Again: For an Alpha, DayZ is pretty stable, has a lot of content and works real good. For a Beta it would be a pretty shitty state. I am a programmer myself, and believe me, you wouldn't want to see a real alpha of any program you use at the office... Still people complain about things all the time that ARE clearly alpha issues, and treat DayZ as it was a finished game, e.g. bugfixes. Bugfixes are NOT the #1 priority of an Alpha. Not optimized network code: Optimizing is NOT #1 priority of an Alpha (it's pretty far down the list tbh) etc. etc. etc. What I said :)
  25. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What is good about this game?

    DayZ SA was released as early access alpha, because of constant whining that it is not released yet and begging for it. The lead developer said himself answered if someone should buy the DayZ SA early Access Alpha: So...yeah....what else do you want? Edit: Really? What else do you want? *scratches head* So the lead dev said these things above (and similar things all over the web) and you defend people who complain about an Alpha being an Alpha by saying that? *hm* Edit2: Yeah, sure BI wanted to make money with the release. I mean...yes. But a "broken alpha"? Nah. I repeat: For an Alpha it's pretty stable and playable and has a lot of content.