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LaughingJack (DayZ)

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Everything posted by LaughingJack (DayZ)

  1. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    My friend, the psycho

    Ah well, if you are in novy and kill someone you can be quite sure (I thought) that you will be far away by the time he respawned and made his way back there...and most likely you'll never see him again - and if, he won't recognise you... Exactly my thoughts ("and I'm not proud of that, but I was really thinking about killing his char, when he would not expect it...") But there are two things that keep me away from doing this: 1) Not my style ;) I now its silly but...yeah just not how I play it. I trust people (more than I should) and believe in them (for sure, more than I should ;)) 2) He is a vengeful SOAB XD But losing him...nah, he would rage and spend the next days searching and killing my char again and again but that's it ;) With a BRICK? Woah kocot you are some strange guy^^
  2. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Turning DayZ into a real survival game

    1. Difficulty: more zombies, more diseases, less loot (all the basic stuff), ADDING realistic drawbacks for almost EVERYTHING (making decisions a lot harder) Totally with you on that one. And I think most of these things are already confirmed to be built in in the future. 2. Depth and skill: 3 ways to achieve making the game more rewarding for skilled players. The word "Minigames" sounds horrible in DayZ context, BUT i can see it could ben useful and interesting - e.g. taking blood: You see the arm of the person and have to chose where to put the needle in - finding veins is a classic along med students ;) Or maybe when bleeding wounds need to be stitched... Aside from that, I have no problems with "player skill" and player knowledge" but Character progression...well most of the comments here are going around that issue and I have to say I'm with creature et al. on that one. Shelter system: Well. Not that bad imho but not totally on your side. Building and so on: Nice ideas, should be merged with the other suggestions that are in this forum, to give the devs some inspiration if they need it. But the "possibility to claim a house"...oh no. That will go down like hell. Respawn timer: (should only be applied to hardcore servers because new players could get into a doom loop) Well...if its only on hardcore servers, and i spawn and i dont like my spawnpoint I go on a non-hardcore, kill me until i spawn where i wanted to and join the hc server. Or maybe just sit it out on the non hardcore server with 0 pop. until i spawned where i wanted to and change after that... Player (de)spawn system: Seems like a nice idea but I dont like it because a) incredible increase of dead bambis because of fully geared spawners b) play together with some friends, log out and than run again to the place where you left off c) against DayZ philosophy (You don't spawn again after you are dead...you start with another character.) And also as it was mentioned before, the devs are onto the topics of combatlogging, server hopping, ghosting etc. Loot decrease: An overall drastic loot decrease is not that necessary (but it will happen) in my opinion, and I would delay that discussion until the respawn of loot and zeds stops happening at server-restart, but I think something like the "loot spawns decrease" / "Loot spawns value decrease" will be implemented... Stamina system: Hm...worth a thought I'd say, especially the weight system and the getting thirsty quicker thing. But when I hear my char gasping for air after a sprint, I think something like this is planned... Melee system: Chivalry melee system is awesome. But there is a reason, that no other game has it...yeah for mouse-movement-strikes and blocks ;) But a strike that doesn't hurt your friends is just nonsense. Night time: No. Just no. Why should Zeds not be alerted by flashlights or get sluggish? I don't see a reason for that...And you know you can set your screen brighness also outside the game, so allow them only to set it once won't hinder them... First Person optimization: (On hardcore servers there should be no third person because it’s too easy in PvP and PvE situations. Instead focus on improving the situational awareness in 1st person view). Just my opinion: No HUD. Never. - Maybe a control to peak over walls, which are slightly higher than the player. - Yes. like Q/E ,ust like standing on your toes...^^ - Keep the dot crosshair, but make it less reliable for shooting. - Ah, to hell with the freaking dot. - Implement all the stuff Arma 3 has - would be nice. But well, lets see... Mental health: No action will cause the same emotions on two different people. You shoot somebody, you feel guilt. Another one shoots somebody, he feels relieved as he thinks he is more secure now. And for killing unarmed persons or unprovoked...well there are 500 threads or so in New player disussion, general discussion and here, so...meh. Every argument has been said dozens of times... With that being said, now here are the things I actually find interesting: - "Stress" as a state of sickness. The more stress, the harder to aim, the hungrier you get etc. Stress goes up when shooting (well, i dont know if it stresses you to shoot with a mosin at 500m at somebody that hasbn't noticed you..), getting shot at, handcuffing someone, cannibalism etc. and goes down with Relaxing or "Luxury" things - Reward realistic behavior which players would never do if there would no reward. e.g. In real-life you would get sick of a cold can of beans, if you’re eating it the whole time. So there has to be a reward if a player is “wasting” electricity or wasting time to make a fireplace to make a hot meal. Thanks for the ideas anyway :)
  3. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    My first experience with another player... (story!)

    Nice story :) And good for you, that your first encounter was a nice one ;) Mine was...running around at night with my flashlight on through Berezino, some fully geared jumps out and unloads his M4 onto me... But on the other hand: The next 5 or 6 people I've met were nice and friendly....but I have severe trust issues since I played the Mod ;) Ah, and the list of danger goes like this: Ladders > Buildings > Players > Zeds. And always remeber that the Dwarven fortress rules also apply to DayZ: DayZ = losing (because you will die sooner or later ;)) ^ DaZ = fun ⇒ losing = fun
  4. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    An apple a day.....

    From my experience: At the moment, no. But I'm always a little scared when I find a "worn" banana...who wore it? And more important: WHERE? But on the other hand: 1) Find rotten banana 2) Take banana in hand and hold it up 3) Run around making "pew pew" noises
  5. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    I'm the Wall!

    As said before: Vaultjump (Press 'v') against the wall, run, lay down etc. - maybe you glitch out again. If that does not work try this: Go next to the wall, facing it. Press "v". Leave the server while in vault animation. Join back in. Maybe you have to try 4-5 times until you hit the right moment, but it will work ;)
  6. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Got stuck in a rock, What do I do ?

    What does help sometimes if sprinting, vaulting etc. fails (happend to me twice: In the wall between two houses. No chance to vault, crouch or sprint out...10-15 minutes of trying but nothing did help, until I tried this: Vaultjump and exit the server while in vault animation, then join again. I dont really know why (maybe calculating your position changes because of it?) but after 3 or 4 tries (you have to hit the right moment I guess) you should be free again :)
  7. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    "I Nearly Sh*t Myself" or Startling Moments in DayZ

    The scariest thing...well...NEAF, daytime, military building. Me and my buddy are upstairs looting - we found our first guns...well pistols. A Magnum, for which we had 3 shots and a FNX with a lot of bullets but no clip. But at least large backpacks...finally. I turn around - crouching like always when we are somewhere looting - and head for the stairs. BAM, a bullet next to my head in the wall, BAM, another one.(I nearly pissed my pants in that moment. Absolute shocker. Never heared these guys coming or expected them in any way.) I see a guy with an m4 sitting at the end of the stairs, and at least one more at his side, while i run back. "Friendly! Friendly!" We state in panic "If you don't shoot we won't shoot as well!" after some moments of silence we hear from downstairs "Ok, Weapons on your back, and go out. Don't try anything funny." We were pretty sure it would be our death, but well...we don't combat log, we play. "Ok, but you too" - "Good., come out. We have a sniper outside, if you try something he'll put you down." Unarmed (well the empty FNX and the 3-shot magnum in the backpacks^^) we go down - and really all of these guys (4 of them..) have their weapons on their back.With a "Thanks, bye" we run. And run. And this time, we really didn't get shot...
  8. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Describe your first kill

    We already met some players while gearing up, all of them friendly, some really scared...but no threat so no kill. two buddies and I decided to go to Chernogorsk - check out, what the capital has become in the SA. We met people there - two friendly guys, searching for loot and we traded some stuff with them. And while we are on the coast...well, why not head to Balota and check the airfield and the camp. As soon as we came there, we saw a guy with a big red backpack running around, holding his axe up. As soon as he spotted us, he chose to run away, heading for the coast. If we would have known, what was coming up, we would have shot him... Before going to the camp, we wanted to check out if there are other people lurking around the camp...well two corpses were lying there, in the middle of the street: the two guys we met in Cherno, and next to them - the guy with the red backpack and another one with a yellow raincoat, both holding their axes up. So we told them to not move and put their hands up - two mosins and a M4 pointing at your face should garantee that you don't try anything stupid, right? Right? No. The guy in the yellow raincoat runs towards us, wildly swinging his axe - bam bam, dead (who exactly killed him was not clear, since we all shot). The other guy runs away (again), so we look around and head for the houses to wait...and there he comes back to his dead buddy, starting looting the three corpses on the street. Back out again, one more time, weapons in his face telling him hands up, don't move...and he ran. Fed up with this, one of my buddies gives him a solid shot in the head - four corpses on the street. We decided that there was enough noise and mess, that other people might get attracted, so we went inside the camp to look around if anybody wa sthere that could have heard that..and in the first tent: A guy with full army clothing, axe and pistol. Weanwhile getting a routine in that, we told him hands up, don't move...and he did it. Well he held up one finger only, but we decided that will do it...after we laughed hard at that classy act, and told him that we wouldn't kill him, he chose to put both arms up. We were so confused, that somebody really did this instead of running away or attacking, that we didn't know what to do now with him...so we handcuffed him, and looked in his inventory. Hm. FNX but no clips, three waterbottles, but nothing to eat. Bah. I had a spare can opener and too muich food anyways so I put it in his inventory. Meanwhile he typed "Afk smoking, brb 5 minutes" A moment of silence followed by a storm of laughter - that guy was suicidal or badass. Going afk, handcuffed in the middle of the military camp with three strangers around him. So we decided to prank him a little bit and put all his clothes (including shoes) in his backpack and wanted to leave...but well, we couldnt leave him there, standing afk and handcuffed, the next guy coming along could kill him...so we stood guard. For our prisoner. Whom we gave food and a can opener without him knowing it. After some time he comes back, we told him how he could break free (since we had no handcuff-keys) and after he did that, we told that he should take care and we would leave now. So we went for the next tent as suddenly - Bam. One of my buddies falls to the ground, the other one and I run up to the next cover, some more shots, my first buddy - gone. I try to run for it, so that I could flank the shooter maybe, hid again and looked around, more shots, running again, crouching, running, again shots from another direction, all missing me...finally I'm out of his sight or he lost me... But my second buddy is still in a tent as soon as he sticks his nose out, they try to shoot him...but they dont have the balls to go for him. I crouch around and finally see the entry to the tent my buddy is in - and in the middle of the street is the guy we handcuffed before, standing there, looking at the tent...I think, suicidal and curious, well that won't end good for him. So I tell him over voice chat to move, since there are people around, shooting. He turns towards me, appearently looking for me, and suddenly a shot hits me, but leaves me only bleeding. I go for cover and tell my buddy that the guy maybe belongs to the shooters, telling them our positions - enough reason for my buddy to put him away as soon as he sees him. I bandage up and try to carefully look around - where the heck are these guys? Or is it only one, changing his position fast? I walk around, suddenly I see a backpack lying in the grass...but no ones there. Well, well someone wants to play hide and seek it seems. There he is! Behind a bush, lying on the ground, aiming for my buddy. Fire, Aim, Ready...or something like that, shooting bullets in his body until he doesn't move anymore... But bad news, thats not the end of the story: Only moments later, another guy snipes me from out of nowhere - dead. And only seconds later my buddy decides enough is enough, he tries to run for it, just to get the hell out, storms out of the tent - well he made it nearly five steps before getting shot from at least 2 other guys... So we make 3 conclusions: 1) Don't trust anyone. Even if you are friendly he might get his friends to screw you. And don't be SO friendly to guard a stranger while he wents afk for some minutes, in the middle of a military camp... 2) 9 corpses in Balote within 5 minutes are normal it seems (On a server with ~15 ppl...) 3) Old Dwarven Fortress wisdom: DayZ = losing (because you'll never see a "Victory"-screen and will die sooner or later ;)) DaZ = fun ⇒ losing = fun
  9. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Server Hopping Kill

    True. But it has been confirmed, that this (combat logging, ghosting) is high priority for the next patch. What you can do is very simple: Move. When you don't here or see something for some time (3 mins is a LOT of time in a fight ;)) move...change your position, eyes and ears wide open ;) Because either the other player Combat logged or is trying to ghost you, or he is trying to flank you (or he ran away) Just be careful when moving - you dont want him to give him a clear shot at you ;)
  10. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    The game needs nametags

    While I'm against "automatic-name-tags" I'd say this idea is worth a thought or two...http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162324-player-identification-and-classification-system/
  11. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Can't walk, fall on ground?!

    What Giant said ;) To heal you...you'll need a splint (crafted from rags and wooden sticks) or morphine. If you don't have either...try to die and respawn ;) And don't jump off anything...