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LaughingJack (DayZ)

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Everything posted by LaughingJack (DayZ)

  1. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Super Zombies?

    Obvious troll is obvious. Apart from that: why on chernarus do we need additional to a pinned topic 20 rantthreads about an issue that was already announced to be worked on and to be a raw prototype, that will be changed totally...
  2. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What is wrong with Dayz?

    Yes^^ But I just wanted to show (for most things) that they are not engine related :) ...and I also think that you are right when you say that DayZ would have deserved its own engine...but for real: it's FAR better to have Arma 2.5 helicopter DayZ edition, than Unity ;)
  3. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What is wrong with Dayz?

    In Austria we have a nice saying about that: "Und daun bist afgwocht unds nochtkastl woa schwanger." To elaborate that fine saying: No engine can do such things...or have you seen any engine be able to handle this? Not even in a single player game, or? DayZ is owned by BI. BI HAS an engine of their own. They allowed the DayZ team to rebuild it from scratch to fit their needs but there is a HUGE difference between rebuildign an engine and making a complete new one - there's a reason why the majority of all games use standarized game engines like Unity...it's nothing you can do easy or fast. It's nothing that every dev can (and would) do...but that's a topic that could go veeery deep ;) Please note, I DON'T try to defend the "Arma 2.5 helicopter DayZ version" engine here ;) - Zombie AI: Is not really part of the engine and will change as it was announced. Would be awesome, the way you described it, but I think you expect a little too much from a nonscripted AI...but let's see what "BI Slovakia" can do. - Evolving game world: Possible. If you want to hire a designteam (and if you want to have the whole map changed within some weeks that would be - rough guess - 30+ people) that works on nothing else and let the people download huge (and I mean huge) patches every week and live with the fact that always bugs will occur because of constant changing of textures and objects. Also not an engine issue. - Story Elements: Not an engine issue. But it sounds cool. But the devs were against scripted story elements in DayZ, so rather unlikely to happen in the Vanilla. If they were REALLY rare (and fitting, and the gameworld would react properly to them), I'd sure like them. But we'll see what happens when the game is released and modding starts ;) - Huge map: Well..yes. That's a point for the engine. AND it's somethign that the Arma engine does well, but could do better - the "what is rendered when" also known as "Why the duck has every can ofbeans in a house 500m away behind a wall to be rendered if I look in its direction" with the world containers (fridges etc.) this will change a little bit, but the main issue will remain, so: yes, this *may* be something, that another engine could handle better...maybe. - Optimised....we'll see. 64 bit compiling already happened - how good it is and how much DayZ can really profit from it? We'll see as well...
  4. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Tent in standalone

    That was unexpected.^^ Well, server hoppers hop for loot...if tents in this functionality were added without any change to the loot mechanics, they would only benefit from it...(Search Nighttime only server; set up tent; go to populated servers and hop and loot; bring all loot back to the tent; rinse, repeat) So as said more than one time: Loot respawning will be helpful, if loot doesn't spawn at server start but after a random time... Fake tents are only placeholders afaik. "Real" tents (military bases) are enterable...but logging out there is...well...not that good ;)
  5. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Classic ;) Rocket talks and says everything that comes to his mind and Hicks has to backpedal ;) But that's also why I like this way of storing all of these Infos in one post. Hm...and I think about gathering all unanswered questions, about which I always wonder, like "Will we ever be able to cut down trees or at least get firewood and sticks out of them?" and annoy rocket until he answers them XD ...and I also wonder why nobody asks them instead of asking for the 500th time "when will vehicles come?" "What's with this gun?" "Ermahgerd why nu hats and no bugfix?" "When will the zombie wall glitch fixed?" etc. which really everyone should now, even if he hasnt seen one stream...or this thread...
  6. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Hm. Well maybe you discriminate EVERY nationality, gender or creed? You monster...
  7. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Well....I met an US citizen with whom I talked a little bit. After mocking my accent, I told him that I'm from Austria... and spent the next 5 minutes to explain that Austria is a) NOT Australia b ) NOT somewhere "near russia" and trying to explain him a little bit about the geography of europe. Sadly he was total confused by the fact that the european states are not federal states of the state "europe". (Countries in Europe: Russia, Europe and England) And after that he hit me with his final shot, as (somehow he found some knowledge about history deep in his mind it seemed) when he asked me, and I kid you not, "How is it to live in a country reigned by Hitler?" ......yeah. But on the other hand, I met another US citizen some days later on exp (where only the accelerated time test servers were online and they were not connected to the main hive, so we just talked and made fun out of a guy that tried to kill us with a shovel ;)), who discussed the foreign policy of Germany compared to Englands regarding russia and the Ukraine... So yeah, raccoon is right: "There are all types of people out there."
  8. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Spreading disease ?

    Hm...for some reason I am thinking of sick people, running around and vomiting in every well....
  9. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Ethnic Discriminations

    I remember a quiote old youtube vid of a squad that only killed french people (they were from GB...ireland? Welsh? whatever...)...so it's not that uncommon, but I highly doubt that they were really out to kill romanians...I mean...where do you find enough of them in the SA? ;) And for some freaking reason I meet a lot of people from France...and my french is SO bad (I had it for 8 years in school and I forgot nearly everything^^)...but well, maybe it gets better again, thanks to DayZ ;)
  10. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    *takes a bow* as long as it helps, I'm happy :) And hopefully, some rant- and QQ-threads can be ended before they really start, by just pointing at the roadmap^^
  11. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    what's in the game now?

    Guns: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Weapons Vehicles: No, not in yet, small ones will be in in Q3 biger ons in Q4 and later Camping tents, persistent backpacks: Also no, will be in soon (one month maybe more) Look here for the complete roadmap for 2014: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175596-summary-of-dev-qas-from-streams/?p=1796311
  12. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    *lol* Hornet, nice^^ Meh...gotta watch the interview from rezzed + Twitter Q&A (#askrocket) as well now....And it's already so late here...hm maybe i'll watch it, write & post about it tomorrow..
  13. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Meh. Gotta twitter Hicks until he answers me... Yeah it's DayZ which means it's BI, which means it's Arma ;) And the DayZ SA engine...well since they built it nearly from scratch again, this time it is built for a lot of things. Well most things, but, my biggest annoyance: The "shooter multiplayer server assignement" ...I mean cmooooon. Really? Rented servers for the PUBLIC hive? Nothing against the private hive idea (which supports mods etc. etc.) but....Bah, for public hive there should really be another architecture, but THATs impossible with Arma... Yeah...and i have to edit it...it is already announced that it IS the dragunov... Edit: Gunporn. ;) And the gun spawns will be lowered (at least) in the beta....you know as long as it can be tested (and should be) Weapons will spawn in high numbers...^^
  14. 1) was mentioned but only as a "possible idea" 2) Would be my favorite: Select hive, select filters (max ping etc.) AND add possibilty to spawn on the server where one/more friends are playing and click play. Problem: I'm not sure it would work with server owners. Nobody wants to pay for a sevrer that maybe is 90% of the time empty because the matchmaking system throws you always 3rd or 4th and no one ever connects...so there would be 100 of private hives and maybe some "vanilla" servers for the public hive...would only really work out if BI would pay for a bigger amount of servers... 3) won't work with the server architecture 4) Private hives are already announced together with mod support and private servers (which need a private hive system to work) etc. ...so no way of "not the way the devs seem to want as the main way"... but that won't change the problems on the public hive or maybe even on a large private hive (think of maybe 50 servers owned by 25 clans that wanted on huge private hive together) The problem that people have here is the wording from you, dear OP, they think "matchmaking system like CS" means, that you meant "You get to a server until it's full, game starts and after two hours it's over and everyone gets...whatever the price is". I hope I understood you correctly, that this is NOT what you meant, and you just wanted to remove the server list and only use filters+"Play" button instead of it, so that there is no difference to playing now - only the server list is gone and the choice of the server is "automated". Well, would kill server hopping, would kill, low pop servers but as said before: I see a problem with the server owners here... AND the next problem: All persistent objects will only be SERVER persistent, so...yeah. "nice barricade and tent you have there. Too bad that you can never connect back to this server when you are gone, because you will maybe never be matched to it again"....
  15. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Added after listening/watching: Roadmap of DayZ and Q&A with Dean Hall - 28.03.2014 ...and still wondering why the heck no one asks about felling trees or at least harvesting sticks from them...
  16. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Does Dayz Standalone have the worst zombies in any game ?

    Comparing any (finished) game to an Alpha is not quite fair in my opinion, because (as it was announced like 100 times) that nearly everything about the Zs is a placeholder at the moment....and in comparable (finished) games they won't change much... So...while I don't know if they are the worst Zombies of all Alphas of all zombie games, the placeholder that is current there is worse than any zombie in other games that I've played. But again: I really think they will get better, so ranting here about a placeholder is quite useless imho... While you are right with your description of the Zs I have to add some things: "4 months and they only got worse" : Well, I hate to say this, but that's the nature of an Alpha. Features (like the respawning) get added, even if they are only raw prototypes, to see if they work, cause bugs together with other things etc. so that it can be tweaked before it is developed further... I haven't seen many that defend the current implementation in a way that they say: "These Zombies are perfect, keep them exactly that way." I have only seen people ranting and crying, some making suggestions and giving fededback and some answering to the ranting and crying ones to shut up and live with the fact that the Zs that are in the game are not finished by far. But yes, blind acceptance and praising of an unfinished part of the game (which the Zs clearly are) is as wrong as useless ranting (there is a difference between Ranting, whining, complaining and critizising) or asking if these Placeholders are the worst Zombies in the history of computer games...just my opinion. First, read my signature and think about it for a moment. And now I'll just quote some reddit-posts from rocket: So yeah....nonsense rants are nonsense.
  17. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    What has the standalone become ?

    Answer to the thread title: An Alpha. Maybe it will grow into a Beta by the end of the year. Answer to the OP post: Give someone a gun they will shoot you in the face rather then befriend you. Welcome to DayZ Hackers on every server without fail, a massive failure on the developers part, they said they were going to combat hacking yet they have done NOTHING, absolutely nothing extra to combat hackers. Please don't spread Bullshit and lies as facts. Sorry for the harsh words, but they fit here. I don't see a good future for this game and it is a real shame because it could have been so great. Mhm. Yeah. yeah. Ok....what? No, I was talking to my future self and he told me that I should tell you to stop making assumptions based on nothing unless you are a certified fortune teller. And if you are I should tell you that they are all liars. I know exactly what dean meant when he said it was a flawed concept and i agree with him completely. Ah...you know EXACTLY what he meant? Really? Reading your posts in this thread, I'm 100% sure you know not what he meant. But yeah fortune telling and lies, this whole thread is about fortune telling and lies! You sit in your apartment in Cherno, and I am the one out there every day and putting his ass on the line! I am NOT out of order. You are out of order. The whole freakin' system is out of order! You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth. Cause when you reach over and put your hand in a pile of goo that was your best friends face, you'll KNOW what to do! Forget it, poooz, it's Elektrozavodsk! Edit: You deserved that ^^
  18. What killed resident evil for me was a) the movies (god I HATE Milla Jovovich. Her acting is like Kristen Stewarts. Two facial expressions, where the difference an open mouth is. And don't get me started on the german synchro of her, let's just say they found someone matching that acting...) and b ) going from horror to action. Which had nothing to do with fast or slow zombies...both can be enemies in an action game or an horror game. I just finish this, if you don't mind: You think saying DayZ is a zombie game is false, because the Zombies don't match your definition of a Zombie, which is, as you say, the definition of the most people. (I'm not gonna argue about that because as we know, 83% of all statistics are made up) Others say it doesn't matter if the Zombies are slow or fast, infected or dead, because "Zombie" is not strict an undead corpse for them, just a thing that was once a human and now...well looks like one but with the intelligence of a mindless but very hungry predator. So...yeah. If, for you, the Zombies of DayZ are not Zombies you have two options: a) Deal with it and call them "Infected" or whatever you want or b) Leave the game because it annoys you too much that other people imagine Zombies not only as slow undeads. Or c) continue arguing here, but I'm out now, since this discussion about "what a Zombie is" is running in circles....and not for the first time in this forum.
  19. While you are right in what you are saying, remember, 28 days/weeks later, I am legend etc. are all classified as Zombie movies, even if there are no zombies (read: Undead) in them...and the only zombie movie where zombies are called zombies is shaun of the dead i believe...("Dont call them that!" ;)) And to "Zombies spawn where they were killed"...well...maybe they respawn where they initially spawned? Most of the times I kill a Z it has aggroed me and followed me...
  20. LaughingJack (DayZ)

    Regular / Hardcore bug?

    Yes, that's a bug, please report if it has not been reported by now. Edit: Damn, ninja'd
  21. 1) Telling somebody to "fuck off" is only appropriate if you do it face to face and not like some chicken hiding behind a monitor, writing it in Caps makes it even more childish. But everyone is strong and tough when he is alone at home behind his keyboard. Another tip: Try it to be in real life. And be friendly and polite in the web, because that is the only way that people might listen to you instead of piling a huge tower of crap on your posts like it happened already. Sorry for the harsh words. 2) Don't take things out of context. I answered to your rant with an opinion in one post, and answered to another quote of you that there is no definition of how a zombie apocalypse game should be. Mixing these two answers up - an opinion and stating something obvious - to make it look contradicting is quite a dastardly move and not polite at all (see point 1) Read. Think. Post. Don't skip a step. Nice idea :) And since there are already military zeds that differ a little bit from the standard Zs, chances are good, that something like your idea may find the way into the game - would be nice to see (even if they are too weak for my preferences ;)), also Dean said somethign about a Zombie lifecycle...would also be interesting mixing this up with your suggestion ;) Why do you even bother talking to that obvious troll that hasn't read a single line of information on this topic? I mean: BS. Played on exp, now on stable. NEVER a Z respawned on the place he was killed. Never. BS. I only get insta aggro if a) I shot with a gun or b ) I was so unlucky that the respawning Z saw me (if he spawned not looking at me, I was fine). But that is the "Zombie wall glitch" department here... Yeah. Because holding back something that needs to be tested for something else that might take a while is pretty useful. Oh wait, my bad, wrong word, useless. Writing "and sure, this is alpha" in a statement that exactly criticizes the nature of an alpha (if something is ready for testing put it in. Don't wait for other components) is kinda weird.
  22. ...at which point was this promised? At which point did anyone of the devs say: "Well look at this 3 guys in the forum. All others think Zs should be fast. But this 3 mean they should be slow. Let's make them happy and change our plans totally." WHO the heck defines that a Zombie apocalypse game shoudl be THAT way and not any other? You? Romero? The voodoo priests that came up with the zombie system? And here is the shock of the day for you: The Z in DayZ does NOT stand for Zombie, it stands for....Zero. Zero like: Day Zero of the new age after the apocalypse, caused by infected people that are clearly no classic undead corpses wandering around. Additionally: That comments you quoted are so horrible naive, it hurts. "ayz should be 1000's of zombies, and the danger is from their numbers. you can't run forever. thats where there difficulty comes from." ah yeah. What a BS. So if you run 500m in a wood behind some trees you are safe, because they wont follow you anymore? Or do you just run that you have enough time to log off safe? Or should they be able to follow you always? I don't think so... Some months ago the devs stated that they could run on their internal system 4000 Zombies at once on a server if they turn off the loot completely. This number should be higher now since server performance was increased - it doesn't mean that we get that soon, but that it's possible. 4000 FAST zombies ;) That's my favourite. The cheapest way to make a game "harder" is increase the number of 0815 enemies, "bullshit abilities" - yeah, that's shallow. *chuckles*
  23. ...says the guy that made this remarkable comment: Tip: Don't run with a weapon in your hand. You are slower. No weapons+fists up = sprint = fast enough. Tip2: Zombies should be hard. And I mean REAL hard like freaking dangerous, so that you have to plan what you are doing and every encounter with Zs is dangerous, be it, because they can infect you when they hit you in melee (and/or break your legs, and/or cause bleedign and destroy your gear), be it, because you rang the dinner bell (aka shot your weapon) and are swarmed now. Tip3: Zombies are NOT hard at the moment. Get a decent melee weapon and you are set Result: If these Zs are already too hard for you, I'm sorry' but you've picked the wrong game, I think :/
  24. pacific...I don't know what happened to you, but please...let it happen. Some of your posts are without any insults, they contribute to the topic and are neither QQing nor ranting but really part of a discussion while still holding your point of view....Thanks for evolving :) Imho, leaping is ok (considering it is not the standard way of moving or attacking but something not so common). And faster..I'd say: Equal. A Z in full sprint should be as fast as a (turbo)sprinting player without any loot. But a good point: A player that has the status "energized" should maybe be a little faster than a "starving" one...and "rested" is a nice status (still waiting for the stamina system ;))
  25. New animations? Good. Need some tweaks still (like turning around of them...or run in circles around them...seems to confuse them ;)) Just some things that came to my mind yesterday while playing: Make them slower? No way. If a weight/volume based inventory system would come, they should even be faster than a "turbo-sprint" player char, that carries a lot of stuff...Maybe even give them a "set" of different attacks, ranging from a tackle (out of the leaping?) that causes player to fall...or a clinging attack? Slows player down heavily, with the ragdoll system maybe even determineable where it clinges and resolve it into different effects, maybe followed by a bite attack....Attacks against Zs should probably also cause different effects (broken legs, broken arms etc.)There are still far too few, but as the performance of the server gets better, the numbers will rise, I know. Just mentioning ;)Zombie screams should attract other Zs in the area. This seems to happen sometimes but for sure not all the time.I don't go into the "fix the wall glitch" thing here, since we all know that it is a bug (or more, an unfinished implementation) since...well...months. It will be fixed, I'm sure, so well...I'll wait for it.But the future change to the Z AI should change their "senses" into "Bad sight, awesome hearing" (I think rocket announced something like this way back anyways, just wanted to say....Yes! ;))And, in my opinion, they could even have more hitpoints (or whatever the "life" equivalent is called) and hit harder. The more of a threat they are, the better imho. Maybe the military Zs with their nice helmets could also a resist an axe-attack to the head (until the helmet is ruined ? ;)) Same for their nice vests...Ah the military weapons...I created a bug report for some of them already, since their range is...well....If I can punch a Z in the back in the head but not hit it with a crowbar, I assume I'm swinging it with my teeths...^^ Axes are too strong, wrenches too weak, etc.The respawning....well, raw prototype is raw. Announced is, that it will be implemented in a much more sensitive way and completely changed. So...I'm happy to have respawning Zs now, and look forward to the changes of the system.And as usual, Lootable Zs. Clothes, Helmets, whatever they are wearing. 90% ruined? I don't care^^I still wonder, if the "Zombie lifecycle" that Dean spoke about months ago, is still planned...would be interesting. Ok, I got a little bit off the road here..