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About bats

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    the netherlands
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    paintball, gaming
  1. bats

    Cannot spawn in Hardcore

    i got the same problem :S
  2. its bit strange that on such small land there are 3 airstrips.. they can better turn one airfield into a full militaire base! what was the last stand for all the people when the apocolypse happend! So a lot of wrecks and lots of dead bodys... also a lot of zombies so its hard to loot the base without a group.. besides that the base could have a shooting range so people can get use to weapons en zeroing on targets instead of zombies and people! but the sounds of the shots would also attract other zombies and players so you need to be on your toes when you target practice
  3. bats

    Enemies spotting me in the bushes

    Also the draw distance is important.. we tested it at rifta.. we where standing on the backside of the boat and a friend was walking down the coast towards the south (berezino).. My friend with pretty good pc saw my friend pretty good at the last wall at the coast.. and i was just seeing a white pixel moving...
  4. bats

    'sks Desc. Added'

    i saw a stream of sacriel (last weekend) where rocket was on.. and he said that the sks wil come next week.. (so i think maybe the end of this week) lets hope so :D!
  5. bats


    well thats not really trading.. thats stealing and killing.. but says enough about you!
  6. bats


    yeah i know! i think it was guildwars or wow.. you needed to put it into a trading slot and then you need to push trade so you trade it out.. so you can check everything before trading! but just as you said it.. they can easily copy it from other games!
  7. bats


    I would love to see a trading option! i travel a lot in a group and its sucks that everytime i wanne give something to someone i need to put it on the floor and then he needs to pick it up! and even now.. when it takes ages to spawn back on the group and if you are Lucky it wont spawn! so a good trading option like most MMO's would be awesome!
  8. bats

    Voice chat really low volume

    i also like how it works now.. but i was talking to someone who was almost standing in front of me and still couldnot hear him clearly! also i think the ambient sound of the waves is too loud at the coast! but some more sound options would be nice
  9. is it just me or if someone is talking to me with voice the sound is really low.. i can barely hear him.. my voip is fully open and surrounding on half.. but still hard to hear people.. how come?
  10. bats

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    where is the last patch? it takes ages and with such big problems for a lot of players with Dsync! they should release patches more often! not only performance but also more and different loot etc!