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Everything posted by srgntpepper

  1. lol, hey man your the one pullin' the trigger. I didn't ask for this!
  2. ahahahaha, I don't really care, if he's the type that likes to kill freshies, that's on his hands, they'll just respawn with their same flashlight and battery somewhere else anyways. Just seemed like he forgot what the thread was about.
  3. Yo this is a zombie feedback thread. The devs need feedback from everyone, even if the feedback is the same-especially if the feedback is the same. If the feedback is the same(ex endless spawning) then the devs get to hear everyone's opinions on it, even if the opinions are the same. This is how gaming feedback works, if anyone should be tired of hearing that same stuff, it should be the devs and they're probably more tolerant of it than you. At least you can stop following the thread, but they can't. So just remember that and chill.
  4. You can still deal with those zombies in the same way, right now, if you run in a zig zag, they have a harder time hitting you and at some point will lose interest and stop chasing you. So you can still deal with zombies in the same way....barricade youself, shoot through windows, etc etc. (once they add in wall detection that is....) I dont think they should add in stamina as a factor for running until vehicles are added in. Otherwise being a freshspawn will be impossible to survive without help, since you spawn with no weapon and are hungry. Adding in stamina reminds me of State of Decay. Interesting idea, but we wanna keep things original in the DayZ SA. Maybe if they added in a spawn point in the woods, after hunting and berry picking are added in and working.
  5. I really like how much more of a threat they are, that being said I think there are a lot of tweaks that should be made. 1. The fact that there is no wall detection is crazy annoying, there should be wall detection so they cant see you through walls and come running through them in all directions 2. Sound, I understand if a gun is fired, that would alert zombies, however, they shouldn't hear melee attacks from 150m away, maybe more like 30m 3. When a new one spawns after a player kills it, the zombie should not turn and attack immediately, it's almost as though they remember you killed them last time, so they turn and instantly run to you again. 4. When they do their leap attack and hit you while you're running, a lot of the time the animation somehow hits you, even from like 10 m away, maybe show a smoother or more realistic animation if the zombie actually hit. All that combined makes endless streams of zombies attacking the player for like 5 minutes, just because one zombie was aggroe'd. I've had this happen to me in the middle of a forest; there's one zombie, I hit him in the head with an ax and all of a sudden there are endless waves of like 3 zombies attacking me. It does make them more of a threat, but in a way that doesn't feel right right now. I think maybe add more zombies, give wall detection, have them hear melee weapons a little less, or maybe put them on alert after they hear a melee weapon, so they have to look around and if the player is visible, then they attack. Have them spawn at least 150m and at most 300m from where they were killed, and at least 50m from any players. You could argue that having them spawn at least 50m from a player and at most 300m from where they were killed would cause problems in spawning, but if the amount of time they have to respawn is anywhere from like 10 seconds, to 2 minutes, I guarantee there will be pockets of spaces for them to spawn in. If they are allowed to spawn next to each other, then there could be pockets of highly congested zombies. If after two mins there is still an issue with having space for them to spawn that is 50m away from a player, then just have them spawn as close as possible while still being 50m from a player(just because its weird seeing a zombie just appear right next to you...) Also, as a side note, it would be cool to have crawling zombies too, maybe have them crawl pretty fast, like the sprint crawl in arma 3 (lol), and they could be very silent, so as to sneak up on snipers, or just people who are camping out. Maybe, instead of them making zombie noises, their mouths could be mended shut and the player can only hear them crawling.
  6. srgntpepper

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    ya, i have about the same amount of hours played, and the hacks seems to just show up with the new patch
  7. srgntpepper

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    With the new patch, I've seen an abundance of hacking. People teleporting, shooting through shit and hitting people, even when there's no chance in hell they can see them, etc. I was searching DayZ hacks because a few times yesterday I got shot and killed by some dude I couldn't see or find(might have been because I just didn't see him). I stumbled across a couple websites that actually outline in a box, everyone that is on the map, how close they are, can tell the player what gear they have, can show the player what gear is spawned in homes, etc. I've just been hearing a lot of suspicious things with the new patch and I'm wondering if anyone else is running into these issues, hearing things, etc. Also was curious how hard it is to hack DayZ(to determine how likely abundant hacking is), and if the team has hacking on their radar at all during pre alpha. I can deal with the game not working well because it is in alpha, desync getting me killed, and stuff like that, but dying from a hacker is and always will be bullshit and hacking a game just shows how shitty the player is at the game. It's one of the reasons I haven't played rust in a while. Last time I was on there was a fucking hacker war where they just continuously wiped each other out(including everyone else on the map) because they were pissed at each other....
  8. srgntpepper

    We Need More spawn Points - Less Fist fights

    I agree, they should add in more spawn points and on different regions of the map. It seems like most people just try to get elektro spawns. If they add in more spawn points, to make it harder to get elektro spawns, I think people will spend less time trying to kill themselves because they know they're even less likely to get an elektro spawn with more spawn points. Seems like they try to spawn people as far away from NWAF as possible, but people can just get the same gear at Balota and NEAF, so I don't really think it matters....Also, the likelihood of finding someone inland is really low because there are no spawns inland, then areas along the coast get ridiculously congested. So ya, long response, but I agree, more spawn points
  9. srgntpepper

    Emotes for "Rock, Paper and Scissors"

    ahahahahaha, i like it
  10. srgntpepper

    I would like to get drunk...

    whoops double post..
  11. srgntpepper

    I would like to get drunk...

    Never crossed my mind that most Russians drink vodka to death. Like we established previously, it has many uses.. There's always groups of people in every country that don't drink alcohol. I'm fine with dropping the topic, but I do want to say that I think adding vodka(or any alcohol) is a good idea and would have many uses
  12. srgntpepper

    I would like to get drunk...

    is simply that they like it. I may be wrong, but I'm assuming the poster suggested vodka first, even though he would rather see whiskey, because people keep complaining that the game feels too western
  13. srgntpepper

    ducktape flashlight under gun

    idk, both? lol
  14. srgntpepper

    I would like to get drunk...

    in that analogy, your using a common american insult, in the previous analogy, the poster is simply suggesting an alcohol type. If the talk of vodka by a non eastern-european person makes you feel this way, then you're a very sensitive little person
  15. srgntpepper

    ducktape flashlight under gun

    I feel like after a few shots, the duct tape would give, just from the kick
  16. srgntpepper

    Blood bags in hospitals

    Definitely not opposed to a cooler in the game, even though it would take up more space. To each his own ;)
  17. srgntpepper

    I would like to get drunk...

    Vodka is the most consumed distilled liquor in the U.S. If they added in vodka to the game, I'm sure Dean wouldn't just have it there to get drunk from, it would be a multi-purpose item, like many things in DayZ.
  18. srgntpepper


    One thing that seems very strange to me is that pistols spawn without the magazine. Who the hell owns a pistol, but doesn't have the magazine for it. I like how the magazine system works though, how you attach it to the gun and take it out to reload it, but the spawning system for it is ridiculous and immersion breaking. I don't think you should be able to find everything with the gun: a full clip with a box of ammo nearby, or attachments and mods, but anyone who owns a gun has AT LEAST one magazine. Currently, it seems like the player can find all different kinds of ammo and the gun to go with them, but magazines are insanely rare for some reason. I suggest that guns spawn with just one magazine attached. The mag can be full or empty and I would actually prefer there to be randomly both options(maybe the owner used the clip on some zombies). I don't think any of the guns need to spawn with snap loaders or anything, but magazines should definitely be in or near the gun, it is silly finding a bunch of pistols with no magazines....like they magically disappeared. I am mostly suggesting this for pistols, they seem to be the biggest problem to find magazines for. I haven't even seen the Amphibia mag yet... EDIT: This post is about PISTOL magazines NOT weapon magazines, some people think I am talking about weapons in general
  19. srgntpepper

    Blood bags in hospitals

    I mean, I guess they could do that, but it seems like this place is pretty cold already, it should take some time for the blood bag to warm to the point that it starts to spoil and when it gets to that temp, it would still take hours until it's bad, so I don't really think it's needed. Interesting idea though
  20. srgntpepper


    Ya, I was saying both empty and full clips should be able to spawn, honestly though, it's so easy to find ammo for pistols. They're everywhere
  21. srgntpepper

    Visible Gear

    You can already do that man, I think sawed off takes 5-6 slots
  22. srgntpepper

    carry a m4 in your backpack

    This is fair, as long as the M4 takes up like 15 slot spaces....
  23. srgntpepper

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    nooooooooooo, you should have kept it a secret man lol
  24. srgntpepper

    Riot rubber bullets

    So anger, such sad I never called you an idiot by the way, I said rubber bullets would be a good idea for players like you who decide to be unintelligent. If you stay away from everyone in stable by going inland where there is almost no human interaction, then that's your choice, very boring one btw, but your choice non the less and from that I can see why your character is still alive, wouldn't be very hard to keep them that way.... Your situation in Zelenogorsk was luck, good for you, a 12 year old was trying to hold you up, if it were me, you would have been dead, but you took your chances and lived, so gj. The reason I think rubber bullets is a good idea is so I wouldn't have to kill you for trying to run and I could have piece of mind separating you from your weapon whilst I loot the rest of the town or just that building we were heading towards. My intentions are almost always good, unless I clearly see someone shooting bambis that are just trying to get some gear, then my intentions are to kill, which i DO enjoy. You don't have to believe me, you can think it makes me look like an ass, not like your opinion changes facts... After seeing your responses to just about everyone in this post, I think I am gonna call it here for responding to your arguments, I'm convinced you're just here to argue, which is fine, just not in a suggestions post.