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Everything posted by srgntpepper

  1. srgntpepper

    Steam-Friend Spawnings!

    Why the fuck did you join that conversation? It had nothing to do with you and you obviously didn't bother to find out in what context that was spoken in. Yea, we all "waste" time playing games, although using the term "waste" is debatable. Although we all waste time doing "nothing," that doesn't mean we all have all day to play games. I told him those things after he argued with me for simply agreeing with the OP on the subject and told me he spends all day playing the game, then the argument was dropped. Stay the fuck out of other people's conversations.
  2. srgntpepper

    Some cool outfit

    all we need is this
  3. srgntpepper

    Weapon Training Option

    The guns in this game are foreign to me, not foreign like I've never heard of them, but foreign in feel and characteristics. I know there are going to be posts of people who are like, "the best way to figure out a weapon is to keep playing." The only problem with that is a lot of the time your character dies before you get to use your weapon, so you don't get a whole lot of practice with that gun. I'm sure people will say, "well get better at the game and you'll get to use your gun," but half the time people die from bugs, or a super strong zombie that hits you in the head once and you die.... Basically, I am suggesting a training, or practice option. I am stealing this idea from Planetside 2. They have a VR(Virtual Reality) Training option that teleports you to an area with all the weapons and attachments as well as targets in various situations to practice with and get the feel for the weapons at various ranges. It could be an area in the bug field that maybe wont ever get developed and could be dedicated to this training. Or it could possibly be a separate server the player would automatically connect to after selecting this feature. The whole server would just be dedicated to this feature, friendly fire would be turned off, there could be several ranges with crates of guns, ammo, and attachments Now I know there are gonna be pissed off people that are going to argue that this is a survival simulator etc etc and no one should be very familiar with any of the weapons yada yada. Well, at some point, people are going to be very familiar and good with the guns in the game, because no matter how much you want this to be a simulator where the player isn't an expert at anything combat related, the person playing the game is going to keep learning and they're going to keep learning by shooting people. Basically people who are more prone to banditry are going to be better shots in general because they use their gun whenever they can. The easiest way to learn without a training option is to be in a group with people, in elektro......which is a giant clusterfuck. That or you could be the douche that snipes freshpawns from the mountain by the main road on the way to elektro......which just sucks for all those freshies. ;)
  4. srgntpepper

    Weapon Training Option

    Its not the idea of it I'm against, it's the hassle and possibility of dying before being able to go out. It would be easier and faster to have the option. If u'd feel its an immersion breaker, then you can get a gun and ammo and go into the woods. I don't think theres anything wrong with being in an environment out of the game where you can practice handling weapons. They'll definitely be tweaking weapons, in fact they already have been, it doesn't make the practice all for nothing. They're not gonna completely gut the system they have in place for weapon damage and feel, they're just going to tweak it, its something many games do even after they release their game.
  5. srgntpepper

    Steam-Friend Spawnings!

    lol, u playing all day just shows u have no life. apparently u have all the time in the world to argue with people on the forums too. I didn't come here to complain, I came to agree with the suggestion. Get a life dude
  6. srgntpepper

    Steam-Friend Spawnings!

    having patience doesnt make running 20 minutes just to meet up with a friend ok or even necessary in a video game. some of us have shit to do, can't spend the whole day playing dayz.
  7. srgntpepper

    Weapon Training Option

    ya, the only problem with that is the amount of time it takes to get all that stuff and then travel to a deserted location. I've been doing that and half the time I cant even do it because I either die from some bug or I get killed by a zombie. It would just be better to have an environment where you can try all the guns on targets, instead of spend half the day getting all your shit only to lose it if you die. What your talking about might be more viable closer to the release of the game, but not in its current state
  8. srgntpepper

    Steam-Friend Spawnings!

    ya, exactly, it will take 20 minutes of u just staring at your screen watching ur dude run, without stopping for anything. A huge and unnecessary waste of time. There is a way to have group spawning without causing problems for people
  9. srgntpepper

    Steam-Friend Spawnings!

    I would like to see some sort of group spawning option, it kind of sucks when you spawn in a completely different area of the map and have to kill yourself hoping you'll spawn closer. I don't think the friends should be able to spawn like right next to each other, but at least in the same town. I also think this option should be disabled if the friend goes into combat.
  10. srgntpepper

    ultra rare katana

    Na, not katanas. I mean, it would be fun, just doesn't really fit the setting. I think they should just improve the machete, make it bigger etc.
  11. srgntpepper

    weapon suggestion "Desert eagle"

    na D-eagle is too cliche. And having it accurate at 50-100m is pretty huge dude, I don't think any of the pistols in game right now are that accurate, I know the Amphibia is accurate until like 20m lol, after that making headshots are fucking hard. It's easy to see the bullet travel on that gun because its tracer, and the bullet just goes all over the place.
  12. srgntpepper

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    Vermin Supreme I don't see whats wrong with this, lol
  13. srgntpepper

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    na, its definitely more camo, but if the player is paying attention at all they should be able to spot someone with black gear. The green however, blends in really well, too well in my opinion, especially considering it's just a basic primary green color
  14. srgntpepper

    getting wet: visual effect instead of text messages

    I would as well, but I know there are certain unclear areas where you are not getting wet, like being in the right spot under a tree. I suggested this before, I think there should be a subtle sound of rain hitting clothing when the player is getting wet. We can all hear rain hit our clothes, whether we're wearing a plastic poncho or just a flannel shirt. I want there to be a visual effect of getting wet, but drying takes time and it might make things confusing for the player since the clothes wouldn't be dry right when they're not getting wet. I think there should be both visual and audio with getting wet.
  15. srgntpepper

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    You are absolutely right, well as far as painting it green goes anyways. I mean they could add in a brown or something too. The point I was making is there is not much of a reason for the devs to add in any more colors at the moment, they sorta have bigger issues to worry about right now than adding in another color. I am sure, later into the games development, they will add in many more colors.
  16. srgntpepper


    There isn't much to focus on. Perks are not the same as classes. A class would determine the actual role you play in the game or your experience you have, when everyone's role should be the same, survival. Having some unchanging, unlevelable perks, does not turn it into a class. You can have perks in a class, but a perk does not equal class. If people want to role play, and be the designated medic or sniper or something, that is completely up to the player, but creating a class system turns it into an RPG(where your character levels up, has changing stats, etc.). The combat stats you just named with the soldier is exactly what I, as well as the community, do not want in the DayZ SA. no combat perks, hell no! That's when games start having balancing issues, and people bitch and complain that this class is stronger than that class etc etc. You are trying to convince a community that is strongly against adding in a class system, to indeed add in a class system. If you want a class system, go play Breaking Point, not DayZ.
  17. srgntpepper

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    how is it any less useless to add more colors then? It is useless.....which is why they're focusing on more important things.
  18. srgntpepper

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    im sure they'll add more sprays, its just not a priority right now. stuff like fixing bugs and new content are probably the focus for them
  19. srgntpepper

    customizable cars!

    That's exactly what they're doing. They are implementing cooking, hunting, barricading, etc and they're releasing that in the near future, like two weeks to a month. They're not adding in cars until q3-q4 probably for that reason. By the time cars are added in, they'll have worked on server performance, player dexterity/control, hunting, cooking, hostile animals, and improved zombies, there will be plenty to do alone and with your friends. We don't know what they're going to do with cars, but i suspect there will be some cars(very few) that automatically spawn with like a .50 cal on it where the shooter has to be exposed to use it anyways. I really doubt they will let us customize the cars to the extent that we actually mount weapons on the cars so it isn't really something to worry about. Having a mounted gun on a car isn't really a big deal. If you played or watched any DayZ mod videos with people driving around in, like, trucks with .50 cals on them the gunner and driver don't really last long. Most the kills they get are from them just running people over that are running in the street.
  20. srgntpepper

    customizable cars!

    Arrows to machine guns are not the same as m4's are to nuclear bombs. someone with an arrow can kill someone with a machine gun with just a bit of finesse and stealth, in fact I would prefer something like a crossbow or bow in a game like dayz. I never said my idea was best and should end there, in fact I posted what came to mind about a subject and simply stated that I hope something similar to this is what happens. Everyone will not have a helicopter because the devs literally said how rare they were going to be and how hard it would be to find parts for them, not to mention how hard it is to fly a helicopter and how easy it is to shoot them down, like the gunner on a car. It almost isn't worth it to find parts for a heli. Rarity wasn't my solution, it is actually what the devs said. And the simple minded statement that " Adding a simple scope to a gun has turned this game into KOS camping on hill, killing for no reason but fun, game." clearly shows you have no idea why the game is this way, which has been discussed several times by the devs. People kill on sight right now because there is not a whole lot to do in the game at the moment, once you get gear, food, and a gun, there's nothing else to do but shoot and rob people, it has nothing to do with the addition of scopes on guns........like literally nothing..... Your recent posts have had no valid reasons, just the paranoid illusion that vehicles with guns is going to turn DayZ into some war game. The only reason I replied was to simply show how you really do not know what you're talking about in regards to this topic. Again, you're just argueing to argue, you should do yourself a favor and stop....
  21. srgntpepper

    customizable cars!

    No one has said anything about nuclear weapons. Your logic of how things like mounted guns on cars and helicopters will turn into people wanting more of other things is not something you need to worry about. The devs will add in what they add in, might be guns on cars, might not be, you're gonna have to deal with it either way. They won't have time to add in too much stuff so whatever the community wants at a certain point will not matter strictly because of time. So the warrant for you argument is invalid and frankly asinine. There's also no evidence that things like adding in guns on cars and helicopters would lead to something like nuclear weapons. In fact, if you want to look at what has actually happened since they released early access in December, you would find that the direction they've been heading in is more and more towards survival using hunting and crossbows and improvised weapons(which they were not initially planning on doing when they started development). Be happy, the game hasn't been further from nuclear weapons as they are now. Note: I'm also done responding to your posts, I'm pretty certain you're just here to argue anyways so what's the point
  22. srgntpepper


    I don't like the idea of classes n such because I don't want this to turn into and rpg. That being said, I think it would be interesting to spawn with some perks, like you have the option to spawn in mechanic overalls and are able to work on or fix cars 25% faster. Maybe a construction worker builds 25% faster. Nurses/docs can bandage wounds a little faster or with a lower chance of the player getting an infection. I don't think there should be ANY combat perks though. Like aiming faster, or a more steady arm, none of that should be in game, but having some of the other options might create more of a role for players later down the line. I don't think it should be anything you can level up either.
  23. srgntpepper

    customizable cars!

    Cause we want both.....
  24. srgntpepper

    customizable cars!

    In what way would there be a discrepancy with the core design? Also, the great thing about alpha is that the core design of the game can be changed or adjusted. But that aside, I don't see how it affects the core design. I think some people think having a car with a gun is going to bring about armored warfare in DayZ, but a car with a weapon attached would most likely be very rare, it would come as is(meaning you wouldn't actually attach the weapon, thats just how it would spawn), and it probably wouldn't last long. People would either destroy it on purpose or crash it on accident or the driver would be sniped out. This is all very true, dean was just talking about finding parts to make the car function, like I stated before. This is just a thread about how awesome it would be to customize cars further, with maybe some ideas and pictures from the community too. To be honest, they'll probably make the wrecked cars we see in game(like the one you posted) able to be fixed up and I have seen a couple wrecked Humvee looking cars with what looked like "Ma Deuce" mounted on it, so we'll see.......
  25. srgntpepper

    customizable cars!

    ok, maybe I didn't say this clear enough, so let me reiterate Dean is going to have the servers control the rarity of loot spawns......so if there are any vehicles with guns, which none of the devs have even talked about, they would most likely make it a very rare thing, meaning hardly anyone, would have one..... Also, if your driving a car, it brings attention to zombies AS WELL AS other players. Having a car might make handling zombies easier, but it would make handling players harder. It's like running around town screaming with your mic on, it just makes everyone try to kill you...... So there's a catch to having a vehicle like that. I'm not for modern tech, but I'm also not against it, there is going to be some modern technology in a post apocalyptic setting, having a mounted gun on a car isn't exactly modern tech though, thats something that has been happening for a very very long time, it's not like we're talking about creating the T1000....