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Everything posted by seekeronpc

  1. seekeronpc

    ammo box

    If you want to see all the slots just put in hands,transfer the first five into your backpack and the next ones will pop up,way safer than dropping it with the lag/disconnect issues atm
  2. seekeronpc

    To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion

    This is the internet, people just try to increase the size of their 'e-peen' :D All forums are the same in that respect, just some (including this one) are worse than others.
  3. Maybe its the guy with 100k desync
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-1l5JGw9-E
  5. seekeronpc

    The Best way to gear up in DayZ SA

  6. seekeronpc

    Bandit Vs Kos

    The things is ,if you want to survive you have to reduce exposure to threatening players /situations,if you walk on up to every armed guy you see you are gonna spend most of your time running around in pants and tshirt looking for a can of tuna,So either you start surviving which will include taking out players which are a threat (in Military Bases or Airfields this will be everyone with a gun ),or you die ,respawn and then come on here crying like a little bitch because another player, better at surviving than you, blew your brains out....... Seeker Out
  7. seekeronpc

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    What you're really saying is you play alone bro,get some friends,it hella fun !
  8. seekeronpc

    Hack Stories

    I swear these guys are the same noobs complaining about all the KOS, get good fella's
  9. seekeronpc

    How to end kill on sight?

    Did anyone consider that the threat of being KOS'd is the only thing that makes this game intense and tactical???
  10. seekeronpc

    Perma Black and White....wth

    Low Blood and Low health,keep your stomach full but dont puke,takes a long time to recover