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Everything posted by pixieflower00

  1. pixieflower00

    Dead and staying dead

    I was recently shot and fell unconscious. I exited the game so that I could create a new character but instead went into another server where I then died. I tried to re spawn, but the re spawn button was not highlighted. So I exited again but went to another room and was dead. Every new server I log into I am dead. How do I fix this!? I am getting really frustrated with this game as I recently had just fell through a wall and died the day before. I know there are going to be errors in this game, but I am just getting frustrated and would like to play again with as little headache as possible. Thanks
  2. pixieflower00

    Dead and staying dead

    Thanks! :)
  3. pixieflower00

    Cant respawn?

    I am having the same problem. Glad to know I am not alone. Hopefully this is just a new update issue and it'll get fixed soon.
  4. pixieflower00

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    1) Actually is it very possible. In the time it takes to log into that server, 12 more people have hopped onto it at the same time. I don't know about everyone else, but the server counts don't automatically reset for me. 2) I choose for good reason not to use a flash light as it makes it easier for others to see you. I like to be sneaky. There for I use what the game gives me. A way to brighten my screen.
  5. Well I wish I had had that patch when I feel out of a sentry tower and died.
  6. pixieflower00

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    yes I am very for real. You got a problem with people that choose to play differently then you do? Believe it or not, not everyone plays DayZ to kill people. Some like to play for the excitement of collecting and and fighting off Zombies.
  7. pixieflower00

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    Example of wrong server: You like playing in low character rooms. You click on one that says 3/40. You get in there and there is 15/30. Ummm..... no thanks. Not playing here. Another Example of wrong server: You decide to play in a night room. You get in there and find it is too freakin dark. Like we are talking Gamma and brightness all the way up and the video is blurry. Yeah good luck finding fuck all in here, let alone seeing what or who that is coming straight at you. I'd be fine with it being 60-90 secs long, but 4 mins!? That is a little excessive.
  8. pixieflower00

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    hahah it's sad but true.
  9. pixieflower00

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Something else to add to the spray painting would be being able to leave messages for friends that are searching for you in the game. Letting them know you were here or where to find you if need be.
  10. pixieflower00

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I honestly prefer the 3pp because I like seeing everything around me while I am in an open space. If I hear something coming and and I am in 1pp I panic and start spinning around trying to find out where it is coming from and usually by the time I find it, it's too late. I honestly don't know why there is even a discussion about this. What is 3pp really hurting those that prefer 1pp? If it's not hurting you, then leave it alone.