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Everything posted by lancer723

  1. My issues seem to be better, I don't desync at the sight of a player anymore. More testing is required.
  2. Hi, I've tried every solution. I have no AV, I join a BE server and I'm fine until a player gets near (lots of trial and error to figure this out). Non-BE servers running the same patch I have 0 issues. Go back to a BE server and have the issues immediately. Literally the only common denominator is BE. I would love to here any explanation, even theories, as to how I could have the issues described and yet have the cause not be BE. I have tried every non-BE server and I can play fine with friends in close proximity. On literally the hundred or so BE servers I have tried, I experience 100k desync when another player is around. I just fail to see how this issue is not BE related for me. I could care less about anyone else's issues. That's my issue and it's caused by BE.