I played as a "friendly" once, several times actually. Then on two separate occasions I was axed from behind. The first time I stumbled upon a dude moaning in the grass and spraying blood like old faithful. I slapped a bandage on him. He was appreciative and asked if I had any food. About that time a zombo comes rolling in on us so I deal with it. First the zombie fell, then I fell on the zombie after the dude I rescued put his axe in my head. That was the first character I every played in Dayz and I was decked out from tinkering around in the light servers - M4, about 120 rounds, three canteens, gobs of food etc...It was a lesson I needed to learn, but damn it hurt. Second one was a straight set up all the way and I knew it as soon as I started talking to the dude, but by that point I couldn't have gotten away without getting shot in the back. Fool me once, but I now know, if they don't wave, shoot'em. If they do wave, shoot'em twice.