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About SaviorSixx

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. When I was walking my dog, and another dog ran up. The owner started calling out,"friendly, he's friendly". I had the sudden urge to handcuff him and feed disinfectant.
  2. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    this made me smile
  3. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    who! who! are you an effin owl? say who again
  4. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    No, I just rlly want to agree with you.
  5. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    omg, I luv you and so do the kittens
  6. SaviorSixx

    Zero loot in many servers, what happened?

    go west my son, get off the coast. with persistence enabled all loot is gone. good news stary sabor is full of food, you should be able to make it there just before you die. luck savior
  7. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    I thought this, what if he catastrophically logged out at the same time I entered the building. I don't believe in coincidences.
  8. So in reference to another post of mine, I wanted to see what the community in whole thinks about killing a player that has had no interaction with you, in a logout sequence? pls keep comments, for the most part, clean and respectful so we can discuss. earlier post for reference: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/217603-killed-a-combat-logger/
  9. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    Luv BP, I wouldn't mind a longer logout timer. It would take away a lot of ambiguity I feel about this kill.
  10. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    that's not the point of the post rlly. Its about killing a person in logout, that has had no interaction with you.
  11. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    I also have been called away by kids and such, but ive always logged in woods or a brown building. If it was for something important, then I feel for the guy.
  12. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    This... this is why I posted to the forums, I will always kill a combat logger no matter what... but I felt conflicted on this kill. he wasn't in direct confrontation with me, but he also denied me of an experience with him in what I feel is how the game should be played.
  13. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    This was my instant thought aswell. My first pvp encounter was in a barracks building, and even tho I was bleeding, and I knew the building was going to be stormed, I told myself, "finish this no matter the outcome, don't log". I died but it was a good death.
  14. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    That's kinda what I was thinking, because I didn't think, I just acted. I usually like to interact with people, but this time, I just reacted. Thanks for your input.
  15. SaviorSixx

    Killed a combat logger...

    So, just some background, I just broke 400 hrs. after some time off, so am not in the super elite territory. I know where to go, what to do, and how to do it. I cant stand server hopping hoarders, even though I admit I've done it a few times after a new patch for the shiny shiny, (we all have, if you say you haven't, well its your life). So..... I was travelling up north after a particularly bad spawn down in Elektro, another story, near the tower. I spawned into a nighttime server, Proctor U. I quickly found a shotgun and only 2 rounds of ammo, a sledge, and some food. I searched the tower and found a couple of pistols but no ammo. I noticed that there was no zeds and that put me on my feet, head moving 360 as I moved from spot to spot, as that usually means someone been there. Nothing... I ran into the round top building, (prison, jail idk), and found an empty fnx clip. Quickly searched the area as I have had the most pvp experiences here. Headed west and bugged out of town before I was capped by a bandit group, (im a lone wolf). Running... I started to run by the industrial complex to my left, and thought, "hey I can get a fireaxe in there in case I need to build a fire", and moved into the complex area. I felt pretty secure no on was there since it was a low loot area, (i know better now), and quickly started moving through the buildings. Last was the construction office building, (don't know what its called but that's what I call it, 2 floors and a bathroom). Downstairs, couple of cans of soda, nothing special, so I ran upstairs, (no zeds in area, so am running with my shotgun out)..... Surprise... In the top floor a quickly look about, and find a player hunched over in the logout crouch. I didn't even think, I blew him away, don't try to escape from me, I play for the game not for the loot, and my thought was he was trying to log to avoid interaction, not necessarily combat log . I killed him and searched him, most of his upper half was ruined, but I did find a pristine AK with 3 clips, a longhorn with 1 stack of ammo, 2 water bottles full, Canteen Full, all in a mountain backpack with plenty of food, and a Uk assault vest. (TLDR)So..... My question is, if you find someone in the logout pose, do you kill them to teach them a lesson, or leave them be?