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About 4brkfast

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    On the Coast
  1. I suggest this because I notice, this suggestion NOT including automatics of any kind, the guns that -are- used do not use magazines. IE, Mosin, Magnum, Shotgun, Blaze, Repeater, etc. There's lots of handguns to find. Magazines are too rare. The only pistol I see used is the magnum. I have never seen the new CR carbine(whatever it's called) used, why? The magazine is as hard to come by as the gun itself. People don't even bother carrying it most of the time. So my suggestion is this. Have pistols, like the 1911, CR75, etc etc spawn 50% of the time with an empty magazine. This would make the weapons viable while also retaining the use of the 'chamber round' function. The same for any long rifle or hunting that has a magazine. The 22 Sporter would have a 50% chance to spawn with a 10 round magazine(empty of course) The new CR carbine the same, half the time it spawns with an empty magazine. Weapons like the AK varients, M4, whatever else, I understand why the magazines are kept in separate spawns. But for any hunting or long rifle, any pistols, give the players a chance to use them. You have to look high and low for a magazine and invariably your chances of finding a pistol and a mag that goes with it are very, very slim. It's why they are not used, what's the point of keeping a 1911, for example, if you can never find a mag for it? Meanwhile the Magnum is as common as a shotgun or mosin, why? They don't use magazines, even if they are hard to find, players will keep and use them knowing that the ammo for it can be found and the gun usable. I can't remember the last time I saw anybody use any pistol(outside the Magnum) and I have never seen somebody using the CR carbine, the magazines are too rare. I like the progress, I like the recent patches and additions of weapons and items. Keep up the good work. I make this suggestion because I want to see handgun fights! They should be as common as anything else and would add a new dynamic to the game that I would think was the original thought. After all, in a zombie apocalypse, would you really even think about separating your gun from the magazine it requires? It makes no sense, especially for common handguns and long hunting rifles. Even before the outbreak of zombies, why would a police officer, for example, not keep his magazines near his sidearm? A pistol and a mag should spawn together. I hope this is understood, considered and addressed. NOT including the automatics, AK and friends, M4, Mp5, whatever else automatic, I hope giving handguns and long rifles the chance of spawning with an empty magazine is considered. In my humble opinion I would give handguns a 100% chance of spawning with an empty magazine and with a small chance(10-25%) that it has ammo in it, the same with any long rifle. The automatics I would keep as is. This would add to the fun of the game. Currently handguns, outside the magnum, are simply not used. Not worth it, especially when eventually you'll find a gun that doesn't require a magazine to use. It's either that or a player must be determined to find an illusive magazine for a handgun that probably isn't affective enough to warrant the effort. Thanks for reading.
  2. 4brkfast

    Stagger server times

    I just want to have the dayz pub servers to have people on them during prime time. The 24/7 day servers are packed and constantly looted. It needs to be fixed. 4:30 on 90% of the servers at 11:30 est is bad!
  3. 4brkfast

    Stagger server times

    First, I must say, I love the game. I haven't gotten into a fps game in a long time. I'm not sure if my suggestions was how it was before, probably was(couldn't tell unless you joined). But currently all of the Dayz tx/nj/ch/etc/etc/etc #-# are all set to the same time. Which leaves them mostly empty during prime time hours for NA/SA(Americas players) players, all of the servers are in the evening and with the headlamp not working properly(that i've found) and other light sources not working that I've found, it leaves most of them very vacant with the daylight servers absolutely packed(And filled with people only interested in killing other humans. The zombies make more sense than them. Living zombies?) In some cases there are 15+ servers to one area. I suggest if the time ratio will remain 1:1, to stagger the times 2-3 hours between each server within a particular area, IE TX 2-0 is 12:00, 2-1 is 15:00, etc, so there are available daylight servers and evening servers. Right now the majority of players are trying to jam into the 10% of the servers that aren't in the dark during prime time, 5pm~~ est -12am~~ est hours. And unless somebody doesn't have a job, there's little chance to play in daylight with these numerous public servers. I have a character on one of them and I find it a bit dull to constantly play in the dark when my group is about. I imagine this will be fixed and is probably well known, but I didn't see any forum posts on the subject - can't spent too much time browsing for probably a known issue. Loot isn't going to loot itself, after all! Thanks for reading. P.S. This is the best Alpha I've ever seen. I can't imagine what the product will be in a few months, a year and beyond and especially when it's optimized!! Great stuff, keep it up.