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About Twitch.Tv/WnL1

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. 4* But in elektro and cherno alone there is over 30 spawns for the mosin. Its honestly all about luck, i know every gun spawn. And ive been looting everything in elektro going straight to cherno afterwards, Empty server, fresh loot. And still only ending up with SKS, Shotgun, B95
  2. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    Looking for clan on SA (I'm from UK)

    Maybe we are something for you http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176470-flatlinerz-online-gaming-community-official-day-z-recruitment-thread/#entry1806537
  3. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    help with framerate?! (specs included)

    Well people already said it, its a laptop. with no gfx card or ram really. By a desktop PC. With atleast 8 GB+ ram etc.
  4. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    Who said u had to go elektro? o_O
  5. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    The only server that wasnt lagging.. ?? im just gonna stop here, have a nice one..
  6. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    'Bandits' vs 'Bandits / Heroes', it depends.

    Lol jooost? i know this guy
  7. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    Or maybe you guys should try looting and playing on a full pop server? instead of you fucking looting empty servers like a noob? im seriously sorry to say this .. But damn alot of you guys are playing on empty servers just to gear up, and then go out an pvp.. you all deserve to get killed. I know u said u didnt have much on you when you died, but you obv playing on low pop servers just to gear up... it's people like this that just make DayZ incredibly annoying at times.
  8. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    What are your loot cycle?

    .... It sounds like u only played the game for an hour.. What about u actually go out and try and loot? You obvs havnt looted enough, if you dont know how the loot works and spawns..
  9. Im a new Dayz player, never played the mod or arma's. Never, i enjoy the shit out of Dayz ! Only thing i found hard was the settings, but as every good gamer, i change my settings so they look like all my other settings in BF4, Warz, CS etc. So i dont got all these random commands on random buttons, that helps alot to. Also, there is a map you can use to guide around? Also if u spawn by the coast run left = elektro. run right = Lumbermill Berezino etc. Honestly if u can figure this game out pretty fast, you shouldnt be playing it at all. I now had the game for slighty 1 month i think? and i know where all the gear spawns, where people camp etc. Honestly use some time, instead of just noobing around and u learn the game quick and easy.
  10. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    Stuck inside jail balota airport.

    I GOT OUT !! AFTER 10 MINS ! topic can be deleted
  11. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    Stuck inside jail balota airport.

    i allways carry weed, so maybe? ^_^
  12. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    Stuck inside jail balota airport.

    yep i jumped from 1 server to another server where my m8 is, i had my character for about 12 hours now.. So no -.- i joined hes server to come pvp. and now im stuck.
  13. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    Stuck inside jail balota airport.

    Yep i logged between the 2 beds upstars in jail, joined my friend on a other server. When i came in i was inside the wall, i cant get out, im stuck, what can i do? really tryid everything
  14. Twitch.Tv/WnL1

    Tired of running in Dayz, here is the solution

    LOL i do the exact same thing with my paper, and funny enough its OCB also.. 420 blaze IT !
  15. First hello guys ! New Dayz gamer here. Old Warz streamer. Www.twitch.tv/WnL1 I got the game about 14 days ago. Had alot of fun with it so far. But the last 3 days have been terrible. Desync to 100000 all the time, wich makes me die and so on. But then i found out, if i join servers without Battle eye, i could play for 6 hours straight, not a single problem. Server responsed so fast to everything. Now they are gone? all of them, now theres only Testing servers without battle eye. Any one? Any Mod / Dev? Anyone who knows they fixing a patch about the Desync? Regards WnL