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Posts posted by galekast

  1. Yeah, FPS is terrible even on the coast which is quite a shock. Prior to today I was running everything on extreme with Vsync on and rarely if ever saw my FPS dip below 60. Now I log in and spawn near the factory, FPS below 40 and no amount of tweaking can fix it. Gonna give it a few days and come back I think. 

    As for the server filter, that is awful. It struggles to load all the servers and lags like crazy while doing so, the filters respond when they fancy doing so, and it is a struggle to get the cursor to sit on a server to actually join it without it jumping elsewhere. 

    As for the gameplay, not really sure, couldn't face running with my FPS that low so I logged out, glad to say I did speak to a guy in game before doing so and he had exactly the same problem. Along with the fact it looked like animations were missing for both of us when either of us looked around and moved, head movement jumped around all over the place. Very strange considering how well it ran prior to this update. 

  2. I can't remember the last time I died of starvation or thirst. Its pretty straight forward to stay healthy, just immediately get away from the coast, find a small village and plunder til you can carry no more. And as for zombies, plan a route around them and crouch run, they won't see you most of the time and if they do, either outrun them and lose them or just lock them in somewhere if you don't have a decent melee weapon. Personally I think the zombies need to get a lot more numerous and be a bit more alert, then we might see a bit more tactical gameplay rather than idiots just sprinting from house to house trying to get all their gear within 30 seconds of spawning. The more difficult it becomes the better the game will be.

  3. 44 minutes ago, jaginun said:

    It was practical with the DayZ mod. I realize there are differences between the games but if the effort was put into some kind of modularity with the map and such, it would pay off in the long term.

    Also, can I have the source of the unfeasibility part? I have heard no such thing, but if they have a good reason for avoiding it then I would like to see.

    I have no metrics because there are no metrics for this data, I'm purely using my opinions and predictions about a community from anecdotal evidence. However, even without solid empirical evidence I have serious doubts about anyone that suggests the majority of players find the farming/hunting mechanics useful in some major way while playing.

    I'm getting the feeling what I said about a complacent community was correct.  I challenge you to find a game with a similarly sized development studio with a comparable or even slower development speed than that of this game, that isn't plagued by the same criticism of the development speed.

    Good luck finding one, because I certainly haven't.

    I would have thought the idea of the game at this stage was to keep getting date on how the vanilla game works or doesn't. Fracturing the community by allowing server owners to set their own loot tables, vehicle spawns and goodness knows what else would inhibit or probably invalidate most of the data BI gets back from those servers. Modding will come when the vanilla game is ready for it, not before. I am sure there will be plenty of servers doing exactly what you want them to do once the modding becomes available, but for now, lets all remember we are basically testing this game as BI gives it to us, we should be pushing the game as best we can in its current state, not breaking the loot economy or allowing 1000+ vehicles on servers just because that is how some people wanted the mod. Let the game develop, then when mods come, do what you like. What I would say though, is I like the idea of modders almost testing their mods for BI, giving them potential ideas to add. So while not agreeing modding should be in yet, I think allowing modders access to start making mods for the game, which BI could look at and potentially add into the vanilla product perhaps on EXP. That way, the modders learn the system and BI gets a great range of new ideas, while those of us who give the EXP servers a go could get little sneak peaks into what the modders are doing and how BI may implement certain ideas.


    As for the hunting/farming, well it is going to be a survival game. Those mechanics will hopefully be essential to survive for a longer period of time. Obviously if you are someone who just wants to loot up on the coast and "shoot sum noobz" then you won't use it. But those of us who like to try and survive without murdering the population of a small country will utilize those options for sustainable survival. They may not be useful at the moment as canned food and drinks are still way too prevalent, but eventually when things like that are turned down a lot in regards to amounts, the hunting/farming side of things will be a lot more important. Kind of depends on your playstyle I guess. Then again, when DayZ is finished I assume it will be a hell of a lot tougher to survive than it is now and those who just want their PVP crap will head to the nearest "mega lootz and guns, 40+ barracks in Cherno, tanks and 1000+ vehicles L33T" server. Or just go back to Arma 3 Wasteland where they should be now anyways. DayZ should be a survival game first and foremost and those aspects should be pushed over any other. End game loot and whatever should take a long time to get to unless you get unbelievably lucky. Survival is the name of the game hopefully and as such, we need those mechanics in place and working so when all the KOS Cherno PVPrs move on because the game is too hard, the rest of the game will be perfectly setup for a post apocalyptic survival situation :)


    So I guess what I am saying is, yes the development has been slow. Yes there have been some mistakes. But I am liking the mechanics and ideas they have been putting in place. With .60 we have already seen great improvements and hopefully the game will continue to develop to its final goal, and I will be enjoying it every step of the way I am sure. 

  4. I thought something that would be a nice touch would be this. For example, if there was a road block/area where traffic trying to get out of Chernarus had backed up (think the high ways in the early Walking Dead seasons with cars everywhere).. So maybe in a few locations across the map there is a build up of 20-30 wrecks, maybe they spawn loot as well but not as much as other vehicles. Now, whenever a car or bus or other vehicle is destroyed on the server, there is a chance that after the next restart (or whenever vehicles respawn) that it takes the spot of one of these wrecks on in the jammed up section. That way, it would be worthwhile always checking those areas as the potential for finding a vehicle there would be quite high, but then again, it would be time consuming to get it out of there and also to get it up and running in a potentially dangerous area. Not only would it be a hot spot for other players but perhaps there could be a higher concentration of infected around these blocks of vehicles to represent their previous occupants. Obviously vehicles should also still spawn elsewhere, I just thought that would make a nice dynamic. 


    8 minutes ago, LordBlackwolf said:

    I hate to break it to you but this is NOT an EA game. Bohemia Interactive is a independent studio which is not owned by EA or anyone else for that matter. The fact that you keep claiming EA owns BI just shows you're just spouting BS. You make all of these claims about what your "friend" can do but strangely not once do you provide evidence of your point. As I said before, there's a huge difference between making a mod and actually programming a new engine/game. All you've shown is that you're just another armchair programmer pretending to know what he's talking about when the truth is, you don't know crap.

    I think he means, "EA" as in Early Access...

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  6. Got on for about an hour today, again performance was superb. Ran from Vybor to Kabanino and enjoyed the day turning to night. Bumped all of my settings up to max and was still getting 120fps in the fields. Got a bit closer to Kabanino and it dropped down to about 70fps, turned shadows off and it went up to 140... So shadows are worth nearly double performance it seems currently, though I did have them on very high and I know they are always a crazy performance drain. 

    Anyways, wandered around, got held up but not murdered in Kabanino which was a surprise. Had a quick chat and then the guy left me to try and repair the hatchback I had found. Got everything but one tire on it so ran to Stary and found another, ran back and some a****** had stolen two of the wheels! Ah well, had a quick look around and started heading North where the server restarted just as I was running into Grishino..

    Overall the performance is superb and the game looks amazingly pretty when you have everything maxed out. I will test shadows a bit more to see if I can find a happy medium as they do look awesome but obviously very high is not a good idea.. But even without them the game still looks superb and there are some shadows even when they are turned off, I noticed my character had one at all times. Don't know if that is new or a bug or whatever but it looked good. Stary FPS dropped down to about 70-80 so I am very happy with that and during my last time, Svetlo didn't drop below 60-70 I don't think so hopefully people will able to play in big cities without the awful fps drops. 

    I did post this in the bugs sub forum but has anyone else noticed that when you go in some buildings, it stops the rest of the world rendering outside when you look through doors? I have noticed it mainly on the big brown barns when you look through the small side doors. Then you walk a bit closer to it and everything renders, but until that point its all just flat green ground like you see on the edges of the map. It did happen on one of the big white barns too.. Is anyone else getting that or is it just me? 

    Anyways, looking forward to getting on again at some point or just awaiting the move to stable :) Really, really pleased with .60 though and the potential for where this game can go is quite staggering. Here's hoping the devs keep pushing on and making this the game we want to see. 

  7. Had an hour or so play around... FPS rarely (if ever) dropped below 60fps. On the coast between Berezinho and Svetlo it was running anywhere between 110-140 fps.. Once I got into Svetlo it steadily dropped to between 65ish to 90 depending on which direction I was looking.. Silky smooth though for me at least. Didn't notice any stutters like some are reporting though I did get a couple of audio glitches.. Had a run around the city, killed a couple of infected and love the new inventory thing for infected now.. Didn't find any items on them though unfortunately. Found a Winchester with hunting scope attached on a train and a couple of Longhorns with different scopes in the tall hunting tower things. Really liking the attachment possibilities now!

    Had a further run round, night time looked really nice though the UI when going into the inventory feels a bit bright in comparison to the night time and was always quite a shock to the eyes. Maybe some customisation on that in the future would be nice. But overall the new UI is awesome. Love the fact that items in have to be a lot closer to show up in your vicinity now, or at least it seemed that way. I seemed to actually have to be looking at them to see them now.

    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but I found that swapping items of clothing or backpacks made the item being dropped completely disappear. Happened with a mountain backpack and a shirt I believe and I could not find them anywhere. 

    Will have another go tomorrow with any luck but it seems incredible so far, a big jump forward despite the bugs! Hopefully I can go see some of the redesigned areas tomorrow and have a bit more of an explore!

  8. Red tracksuit top and pants, red childs backpack, red boonie hat and as red trainers as possible.. I like to stand out :) Everything else after that is just a matter of consequence, though gun wise I often try and find a Trumpet as no one else seems to like it and a good old fashioned Magnum. Used to like the Longhorn but I haven't found one of those in literally forever (don't know if its still in the game to be honest!).. 

  9. I like the idea of more powerful infected... The sheer number of them should make people worry about gunfire and just running about "willy nilly" as you say. However, the odd stronger one in cities would keep you even more on edge. I like the idea of the infected at military zones being a) even more numerous and b) stronger and more resilient, it should be a risk going to these places, not just because of other players but also because of the environment. Perhaps teaming the randomly stronger infected with what The Walking Dead did at the the prison, with the body armored/riot gear zombies. They could take more damage and required precise shots to take them out. It stands to reason that infected at military bases/crashes would be more armored and potentially would have helmets/masks on, rendering certain weapons (especially melee weapons) more difficult to get a kill with. Perhaps then it would be more appropriate to do leg shots, slowing down the infected and giving you a bit more time to search about rather than wasting ammo trying to gun them all down. 

    I for one can not wait for the day that the infected start swarming at the sound of gunfire and areas of the map need to carefully traversed to avoid bringing down a horde on yourself. Especially once the stamina system is implemented and forever sprinting is a thing of the past! I agree with you though, they need a bit more randomness and certainly need to be a lot more dangerous, with increased numbers. Hate to say it but the RyanZombies mod for Arma 3, while fairly buggy, does it all in quite a good way even if some of them are way too overpowered at times and they glitch about a bit too much for my liking. But the overall feel of them is pretty good for a mod. If DayZ can surpass them and make them dangerous but with fair rules/settings in place for detection/stealth mechanics then I will be very happy. 

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  10. Hi all, just wondered if anyone might be able to help me with this problem I have been having. 


    Basically, I have been playing DayZ for ages with no issues, running it at 720p as I was getting black screening crashes when I put it into 1080p.. Today I load it up and I notice that the game doesn't fit the screen, like the edges are off screen, the Steam FPS cant be seen, the indicators at the bottom and hot bar are partially off screen, like there is 1cm missing round the whole thing. I head into the options and give 1080 a go out of desperation and it doesn't black screen, however I am still having the same issue, part of the game is still off screen. I checked my GPU scaling options, no problems there, I have checked the cfg files and everything i set to 1920 x 1080... This is also my native resolution for the PC and I have no problems day to day with it. If anyone can give me any possible causes of this then I can start to work through some potential solutions but at the moment I can't figure out why its off screen when the game is loading at my displays native resolution...


    System specs are:

    i7 4790K 4.4

    Radeon R9 280X 3GB

    8 GB Ram
    Display is a 42" Sony Bravia flat screen 

  11. Don't know if it is new or not, but I had never been in there, but the orange/yellow churches are now enterable... I went in the one on the hill at Krasnostav...


    Found some awesome new stuff so far, the Skorpion and hiking jackets being my favorite.. Lured a few zombies about for a bit, they can still glitch hit majorly and they do appear to be relatively dumb in that they just stop chasing occasionally... But certainly better than before and a million times better than none at all.. Managed to get a group of about 6 or so following me which was fun... They do however appear to struggle to follow you into certain buildings, most notably for me the grey 2 floored industrial building with the blue doors at either end. They just kept walking around from door to door then getting stuck when trying to enter. They also wouldn't follow me through gates, preferring to walk around and find holes in the wall, and this was with the gate left open..

  12. Just run to your friends, unless one spawns down in Kamenka and the other in Berezino it takes hardly any time to run to one another and if you know where you are going, you can just meet up in land just as easy... That way you can gear up a little and get some food/drink on the way to meeting them. Spawn selection would be a terrible addition to this game, with or without timeouts, as people would still find a way to exploit it without a doubt.. 


    It is not supposed to be easy to meet up, but it isn't particularly difficult in the current state either. If you can't spend 5-10 mins running to one another then you probably don't have time to have a decent gaming session together any way that day.

    Besides, the random spawns are nice, you never know where you are going to end up and it means every start over has to be different from the previous one... That is a good thing.. 

  13. Am I the only one perfectly content to run around Chernarus in an outfit that I would typically actually have personal access to irl?


    I dont want to be waterproof.  I dont want to carry a tent's worth of supplies on my back.  I want to have to make difficult choices as to what few supplies I can carry with me.  I don't care if I am visible or not; shit my favorite jacket is the orange or yellow quilted.  My starting jeans are just fine.  A pair of hiking boots makes sense. 


    64+ items slot capacity with an automatic gun, 300+ rounds and camo everything thats waterproof just seems to negate much of the challenge the game presents at present.  Dare I say, easymode?


    I tend to go with a hoody or wool jacket and cargo trousers, something I would be happy with in real life every day so I totally agree with you! Team that with the the taloon backpack and I am a happy individual :)

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  14. With the gamma abuse, get people to set it when they first start up the game each time, maybe just after the "I Agree" prompt and then give them the one chance to setup their gamma then. The gamma is then set for that session or maybe even a set period of hours before it will give the option again, eg, 24 hours later, you can adjust it again. Problem solved :) Although that doesn't solve the issue of people abusing monitor settings or other such stuff.. 

  15. Sorry i should have clarified -


    "when they could be playing on a semi-ok pc, that is similar in price to a PS4 or Xbox1 but kicks the crap out of both performance wise."


    There ya go fixed it for ya :)


    "lol"... really people still do that?


    I think maybe, a lot of people who have the consoles don't want the hassle associated with PCs. They want to go out, buy the disc or download from the store and know that it is just going to work. And even though I love my PC and would not trade it for anything, I have issues with games that just don't want to work for no obvious reason. That never happens with my PS4 though. So how about people stop taking jabs at those with consoles and just accept that the game is going to be on all systems. The nice thing is, it will open the game up for so many more people when it is finally released and that is a good thing all round. 


    And a PS4 in the UK is currently £279 (cheapest price a quick google search found)... Now I am not saying you can not shop around and find second hand PC parts and bargains all over the internet, but to be honest, if I had £300 and I wanted something to play games on for the next 5 years or so, I know which option I would go with. I would get the PS4 and never have to worry about the specs being out of date to run the newest games. 


    And I still maintain, that even if DayZ on consoles has to run at 720p, the fact that they will be able to optimize the game for 1 standard setup will ensure that the frame rate and performance will probably end up being a lot more stable than equivalent PC setups. I would rather run a game at 720/30fps than a game at 1080 where the frames are up and down all over the place ala Arma 2/3 and currently DayZ... Just my opinion...


    And yeah, I figure "lol" is still about... Though with the dumb idiot kids about today, its more likely to be "LEL" because apparently even text speak has to be misspelled at all times. 

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  16. I actually can not get the maps to show anymore, whenever I add it to my hotbar then select it, it flashes the screen then closes before I can see it. Not sure if that is just a -newui bug? 

  17. Just wanted to say, my faith in the player base was reaffirmed today, I was looting the tent military camp on the West side of the map (always forget the name) and after a bit of fruitless searching, I glanced over my shoulder and there was a guy with a loaded shotgun behind me.. Needless to say I legged it and got behind some cover expecting to die.. To my shock, he actually said hello, asked me if there was any loot left in the camp and if I had been to any of the other military bases. We had a quick chat, I gave him a couple of tins of food and then we went our separate ways... 


    Personally I think me not having a gun out at the time is what saved me, he knew he would have the drop on me and could kill me before I pulled my own shotgun. But it does just go to show, despite all the KOS arguments and what have you, there are still some decent people about in game.. A lot of people would have shot immediately despite me being of no threat at the time and I think it takes a lot more skill and nerve to do what he did than to just open up and end someone.. I think that may be the first time I have met someone in a military base who hasn't immediately shot at me so it is a welcome change to be sure. Anyways, bloody awesome and thank you kind sir :)

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  18. I have jumped on two 40+ servers these past two days.. Similar kind of results...


    Server 1, I spawned at Elektro, had a very brief look around the outskirts, found a cola and got hydrated then immediately moved North. Up past Topeka Dam, found very little other than a canteen in a random house, then moved to Moglievka where I found new clothes, a backpack and more food/drink and ammunition than I could possibly need. Ended up with a Trumpet with plenty of rounds, an axe was pretty happy.. What I learnt, hunting huts are your friends for hunter pants and red tin sheds provide all the pipsi your heart could desire.. Eventually ended up looting Novy Sobor then moving off North with the intention of heading for the abandoned military camp up North or the road block on the Norther edge of the map (although I am not sure anything is spawning at the busted ural/tank/uaz at the moment?)


    Server 2, spawned at Cherno, found a tin of peaches in the supermarket, ran to Chapaevsk which apparently no one goes to as the cars and tower blocks had plenty of supplies in them, especially the tower blocks that you climb the elevator shaft for.. I guess those who are bitching about loot can't possibly search any building that might take more than 10 seconds... With clothing, food, drinks and a pickaxe in tow I made a move Northwards to Kozlovko, Drozinho, where I found more food and drink than I could carry and was eating and drinking it on the spot til I had a full stomach... Ran to Green Mountain and found nothing useful, hit the hunting stand and found a PU scope... Looped round to the barns North of Zelenogorsk and found a burlap sack to replace my childs briefcase (weirdly couldn't upgrade the courier bag despite having sticks!) made a long approach round Zelenogorsk, spied in at the military compound, moved in and found more SKS ammo than you can shake a stick at along with a Izh Shotgun which I had ammo for already... Finished looting there, headed out West to the barns and logged off in that general vicinity with the intention of heading over to the tent military camp and seeing what I could find...


    All in all, quite liking the new patch.. Played it for ages on Exp and it seems to work nicely.. Still think there is probably way too much food and drink around and those of you who are complaining need to get off the coast for a bit and maybe not expect it all to be handed to you within 2 minutes of spawning. Haven't had to kill an animal or grow any food yet and having headed away from where most people congregate I doubt I will have to any time soon, however, I may do it just to check out the fireplace in the house and cooking on the grill, though I tried it on Exp and must have screwed it up as I ruined all the meat immediately! Ah well.. But yeah, loving this patch :)

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  19. Not entirely sure why anyone would want to play DayZ in low res and low FPS when they could just keep playing on a PC.

    Lol half the people playing DayZ at the moment are playing at low res and low FPS :) 

  20. Still maintain that your mic should be open at all times in game, not just holding caps lock, thus anyone using Teamspeak to chat will be broadcasting everytime they talk to their squad so they can potentially be overheard as would happen in real life... Whether that would hurt or hinder radios in game is difficult to say but I personally like the idea of radios being used more..

  21. LOL at anyone thinking there's friendlies in this game.


    That's why all the blackout videos and so forth are so obviously staged.


    LOL at people having your attitude.. I am friendly in game, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, if I get killed so be it, looting up is my favorite part of the experience anyways.. I refuse to just be a KOS douche and ruin other peoples games just because some people out there are dicks...

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