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Everything posted by galekast

  1. galekast

    Hammertime Overpoch Napf Dedicated

    Onwards and Upwards, server is hitting 30-40 people at peak times currently!
  2. galekast

    Miraculous occurance...

    Yesterday evening, a miracle occurred.. I was looting a house on the coast when I heard footsteps, fearing the worst I prepared for the inevitable KOS murder and death screen yet again.. When to my surprise a guy came running in, stopped and stood motionless for a second. I said "hello", he responded and no murders occurred.. I helped him find a backpack I had seen and some new clothing, hell I even gave him the SKS I had just found as I had no ammo and really didn't need it marking me as a threat as I was about to run through the two cities to meet my friend.. He was stunned, grateful and genuinely amazed that I hadn't murdered him on sight.. This is why I love this game :) So to the dude on the [sAW] private server last night, thanks for bucking the trend and restoring my faith in other players in DayZ!
  3. galekast

    Miraculous occurance...

    Haha valid point I guess but then again, that is all I will be playing on now they are out! Still shocked though!
  4. galekast

    Water source help

    Hey guys, so me and my friend made a huge mistake, we are way up in the north of the map exploring, start overheating so strip off and start drinking water. We think there is a lake west of Grosnovy Pass (sp?) so we ran all the way across there and low and behold, its a dry lake bed... Now we are both desperately overheating, all the water is gone and we probably have a few soda cans between us.. Are there any water sources/lakes/rivers/ponds/streams in the north west of the map at all? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. galekast

    [Question] Public Shard vs Private Shard

    I am actually playing on 2 private shards at the moment and have a public character too.. One private shard for my solo play, one for playing with my friend and the public one for when I want to group with a couple of others. Keeps my options open so I always have a choice, though I tend to stick to the same public servers as well. I guess I like playing and knowing if I do head to a military area then a happy little server hopper isn't going to pop in and waste me from a room I just checked.. But I was the same on the mod, picked a server and stuck with it, had no reason to move, got to know the various groups and people, knew who I could trust and who to watch out for, was a lot of fun.. Though that is very difficult on the standalone with most people being KOS etc. Personally I can see me playing more and more on the private shards rather than the public and hopefully when the owners get more powers it will open it way up for a lot more variety which will be nice.. But currently, I have 3 characters and that is more than enough to keep me busy so if the private shards I play on are full I can just jump on the public one.. But then again, sometimes I just join another private one and begin the loot run all again as to be honest, thats my favorite part of the game...
  6. galekast

    Water source help

    Thank you as well for this advice, we will give this a go when we get back on tomorrow :)
  7. galekast

    Water source help

    Yeah we have tried the stripping thing, it is not having a lot of effect.. Fortunately we had to log out last night just before I posted this message so we will see what happens when we go back on! You sir, may have just saved our lifes :) Thank you!
  8. galekast

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    This is a terrible idea quite simply.. As if the server hopping crap isn't bad enough, now people will be jumping to other servers because of rumours of heli's or other vehicles. I want to play on one server, have a "community" as such build up inside that server, maybe even get to know people on it and the such like. As someone else said, the mod had this perfectly. Yes you had to hunt around for parts, but everything you required was available on the server you were on. Why would you possibly encourage someone to server hop for potential parts? Like I said, I want to stick with one server, one where my base/tents or whatever there is eventually is all setup. Why would you encourage people to leave the server they play on for this? It makes no sense and is truly idiotic. The map is big enough to have potential spawn points for every potential vehicle part (Car parts in gas stations, repair shops, workshops, barns etc. Heli parts at the various air fields and hangars.) So why have this crazy, convoluted system of finding certain parts? Me and the people I play with don't want to server hop, we want to play on a particular server and build up a rapport and knowledge with the other people on that server. Not have to jump round 30-40 servers just to find a rotor blade for a god damn helicopter. Totally unrealistic and totally ridiculous in my opinion.
  9. Hi guys, So I am having an issue that I have never had before.. Got a new pc the other day and finally got DayZ Standalone downloaded.. Upon loading it up I am met with a black screen.. Went into the cfg files and changed my resolution right down to 640x480 and it loaded up... Max resolution I can change it to in game is 800x600 without it black screening.. However, if I boot it in window mode it will run at whatever resolution I choose... Basically I am not sure what to do now as I don't want to play in window mode as it does look awful.. Its strange because I can run Arma 2 in 1776x1000 and Arma 3 at 1280x768 without any issues and I am pretty sure before I got the new pc DayZ Standalone ran at 1280x768 too.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated here... System Specs: Intel i7 4790K OC to 4.6ghz Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X 3gb 8GB Corsair 2133mhz ram (think thats right) Running it on a Sony Bravia 40" flat screen, model number KDL-40S2530
  10. galekast

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    The way I see it, the PS4 version can only be a good thing for the optimization of the PC version... If the PS4 version can be made to run at a consistent 30fps in the wilderness AND cities then a low-midrange pc should also be able to do the same.. The level of fps drops is staggering at times.. I can be running anywhere between 80-120fps consistently then look towards a city and bang, it halves, it drops by 3/4s, who knows.. If the PS4 version does that it wont be released or will be returned and absolutely slammed by all reviewers.. As such, they HAVE to get the build right and they will do that by making sure the PC version is optimized first so everyone can have a smooth gameplay experience.. Fail at that and no one will be buying the PS4 version and they will lose a hell of a lot of money.. Yes they may have to dumb the controls down a little, there are things that wont be able to be done on a PS4 pad, although the touchpad can double up as a mouse wheel/track pad.. They may need to implement a new inventory system that works with the PS4 controls.. They may also have to figure out a way of scrolling weapons, maybe the D-Pad I guess.. As for items like a compass, map etc, that would probably have to go on the track pad too, though the PS4 has 11 buttons/triggers to work with plus the pad, d-pdad and sticks.. Some of those could be doubled up, eg/ crouch/prone could be mapped to the same button ala Battlefield, tap to crouch, hold to prone etc.. There will be issues, I have no doubt, but if they actually figure out how to do and get it running nicely, it could be a success.. And as I said before, if they get it running and optimized on the PS4 without stripping out the various functions and ideas behind it or diluting it, the PC version will only benefit in my opinion..
  11. galekast

    Black screening on resolution change..

    Ok thanks man, I don't know what I did but it is happily running along at 720p now.. I will check out the optimization thing and see if I can get it running at higher res :)
  12. galekast

    Black screening on resolution change..

    Ok thank you, if your friend has any info that would be greatly appreciated.. I plugged in my old tv and it happily runs it at 1920x1080... Only other thing I have noticed is that in the Windows display settings under advanced, the Sony Bravia runs at 30hz Interlaced and the older tv runs at 60hz.. Could this be what is causing the issue?
  13. Hi all, I bought the standalone release when it came out in December.. Loving it to be honest.. I have just seen that Arma 2 and everything required is on the Humble Bundle for $6 and I am very, very tempted to get it.. Just wondering though, all the gameplay videos I have seen of the mod, the zombies are glitchy and don't seem to run/move as you would expect.. Is this still an issue or has it been fixed? Any help would be great!
  14. Soo, I was wandering through Cherno having spawned near by.. Found myself a back pack, fire axe and a full amount of food, drink and even a can opener.. Decided to head East up the coast and saw a random guy crouched in the road chilling.. I walked by and left him be.. Then another dude came tearing past in just a t-shirt, didn't stop for me or the other guy, just kept running.. 5 seconds later, 2 guys run down the road, unarmed, one with no trousers.. They turn to me and say in the highest 8 year old voice I have ever heard "all your gear on the ground, you have 10 seconds to comply" As far as I am aware they are unarmed but could have a pistol, so I turn and run like Usain Bolt across the road and into the nearest town while the guy literally counts to 10 as I reach the first house, hurdle a few low fences and disappear into the trees.. Now I am all for people being able to hold you up, steal your gear or whatever.. But seriously, if you give someone a 10 count, don't let them run off and still be counting down unless you are playing hide and seek! Makes me regret not pulling out the fireaxe and taking them out but ah well! This was on the "UK DayZ Daytime all the time" server by the way, so if that was you, I would love to know :)
  15. galekast

    How successful would DayZ be on consoles?

    You also have to think, the PS4 has the extra advantage of the touchpad now, so plenty of gestures could be moved to that like they are on Killzone.. (I know thats pretty basic usage but there is plenty of potential there).. Prone/crouch could easily be mapped to one button, press for crouch, hold for prone etc.. Whether you could get the same number of players online is a different matter, I don't know what the upper maximum is for online gaming on the PS4? Could you get 40-60 on a server for it? I would buy it if only because it would give me chance to play DayZ with friends who don't have a PC for gaming but love the consoles.. A control scheme would be found without a doubt and I am sure they could make the mechanics work.. Just depends how much the console crowd would enjoy the permadeath experience..
  16. galekast

    Possibly the worst bandits?

    Haha yeah that is very true.. I did however speak to a guy the other day with an annoyingly high pitched voice, struggled to understand him then all of a sudden it changed and it turned out he was using a voice modulator of some description.. Pretty strange but I guess it makes him seem less dangerous perhaps?
  17. galekast

    What did you discover today?

    I discovered that I am an expert of thinking I know where I am and then managing to arrive at a military base I did not think I was anywhere near.. Also that I seem to do laps of Chernarus without meaning to.. Oh and that eating charcoal tablets when not necessary is a bad idea..