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Everything posted by galekast

  1. galekast

    base building concerns

    I think they should stick to barricading, padlocking/combo locking doors, maybe even reinforcing doors a bit to make them a lot harder to break into. Eg/ You go back to base and log off, before doing so you can put bars or planks across the door or move something heavy from inside the house into the way of the door. Adding structures seems strange in this game.. Maybe very basic fortifications would be ok, I guess wooden or concrete/brick based would be reasonable as those supplies would be available still in the world. But I think actually building bases from scratch ala Epoch doesn't really fit.. You will end up with ridiculous concrete sniper towers all over the place just like Epoch.. Maybe little lean too structures onto the sides of existing buildings, eg, adding a small roof and wall onto the side of a house to hide a vehicle or something.. From a realistic point of view, if the zombie/infected apocalypse ever occurred, people wouldn't be out there building new structures to store stuff in and live in, they would be reinforcing and making safe existing buildings. That is where it needs to stay in my opinion.. But as we all know, there will be mods that will cater to the building of bases like in Epoch so lets keep vanilla for barricading and realism and allow the mods to cater to the rest.. However, I do think there needs to be some balance. If you need to spend 4-5 hours making barricades and making a building safe and zombie free, it should not be able to be broken into within 2 minutes as what the hell would be the point of doing it...
  2. galekast

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    I knew nothing of this turbo mode, when I bought it (this in fact http://www.scan.co.uk/3xs/configurator/overclocked-custom-gaming-hardware-bundle-z87oc20) I chose the mid option for it. I never feel comfortable pushing things a lot further than they should be and I don't trust myself to do it properly to be perfectly honest :) But 4.4 is enough for me... Regardless, still doesn't explain a lot! Edit: Although I did reclaim a lot of frames using the -newui launch parameter, however, this is not ideal as currently that new ui is clunky as hell...
  3. galekast

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    I actually did the update then a clean install but I will have a look.. Windows 10 installed a Radeon driver which I removed and then clean installed Catalyst Control Center and the gpu drivers.. Just seems odd that everyone else is saying it runs better and I have had such a performance hit..
  4. galekast

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    If anything, since I upgraded to Windows 10, my performance has worsened. Whereas before in the countryside I could be running upwards of 80-90 fps, now it won't go above 70ish.. Running towards a small town (the one with the powerplant NE of Olsha) dropped my fps to less than 20 and I have never had that on this machine at all.. Now as far as I am aware, all my drivers are up to date. I have updated my gpu driver etc etc.. But I have literally lost maybe 50% of my performance since updating.. Of course I had fps drops on Windows 7, but they were never this severe or drastic and I don't think even in the big cities my fps ever dropped below 45-50ish.. So I have no idea what is happening because I feel everything should be running better than it is right now... System: i7 4790K oc'd to 4.4ghz, 3gb Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X, 8gb of decent ram etc
  5. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I am really enjoying it, even managed to find a barrel for the first time which was a novelty.. Been finding loads of food and have 3 bottles of water so I don't really need to worry about the crafting/cooking at the moment but I want to see the fireplace for myself so I am aim to do that shortly.. All in all it seems like a nice update, as everyone has said, the FPS from the newui launch parameter is welcome and the FOV thing is good too... No problems with the zoom either, I just put it on 100 FOV and left it there... I also really like the new setup for the menus for the graphics options, nice to have it all in one spot ala Arma 3... My only issues really are the new inventory and the load times. Loading DayZ takes a lot longer now and loading into a server feels like it takes forever.. My PC isn't bad at all (i7 4790k 4.4ghz, 8gb Ram, R9 280X 3gb gpu etc) so I guess this is just an Alpha thing and it will get better, but a few times while loading I honestly thought it had crashed before it kicked back into life.. The inventory on the other hand is very meh.. I like that things on the ground are a bit clearer now, that helps. But your own inventory is a pain to manage.. I would rather have an option to keep all your various things open or closed or something, plus having the gun up the top in that little bar is really irritating. Also, the menus not highlighting properly is a pain as I have accidentally clicked inspect so many times... And double clicking items on the ground appears to put them into your hands rather than your inventory, so everything must be manually dragged to and from which is pretty annoying.. I did however find nails and a glow plug.. No idea what these are used for or if they have a purpose yet, when I emptied the box of nails they completely disappeared so I couldn't try combining them with anything.. The glow plug I honestly have no clue what it does as the description wouldn't stay on the screen for me to read :-s
  6. galekast

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Last Tuesday or Wednesday, I forget which day, it was difficult to say the least... I am surprised you didn't see it on the news..
  7. galekast

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    There should be random chances of a gun spawning with a mag/attachment or just chambered or empty.. There should always be a slim possibility that the gun you find is fully modded and loaded but a lot more likely to have nothing extra on it and maybe have a half empty mag, a chambered round or just be completely empty..
  8. galekast

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Personally I would love to see Napf or Taviana ported across, especially with 100 person servers as those maps are a tad on the big side... Outside of currently existing maps, I would also love a London based map, although I am not sure what would happen to the frames when you hit Tottenham Court Road or some other such place!
  9. galekast

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    No, you are correct it will not teach them how to interact and how to deal with players. It will allow them to learn the rest of the mechanics though.. To be honest, a lot of new players would benefit from this as a way to learn the crafting systems, how to survive and forage, cooking etc.. Then when they have learnt a little more and understand the systems, they can move to the MP servers and learn how to deal with players.. Being able to learn the basics solo and then learning more in MP is surely a good thing for most people.. Yeah most players who play already won't bother with it but for new players, this will be a valuable tool in developing their skills.
  10. galekast

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    Kind of like the idea.. It will be a good starting place for new players to learn the mechanics in a safer environment.. They can learn about the crafting, foraging, looting and the such like, how to sneak past or deal with zombies (when there are more and they are more of a threat) and things like that.. Having bought Standalone on day one without ever playing the mod, the game was quite a lot to take in initially and I would have welcomed an opportunity to spend a few hours running around the map in relative safety, learning about the gameplay and various areas.. This can only be a good thing in my opinion and I welcome it. People can get a good idea of the various systems in the game, then when they feel ready they can start playing on the proper servers.. Think of it as one massively open training level.. Edit: And yes, I know the main danger tends to be other players, which of course you won't be able to experience in single player, however, learning how to spot and deal with other players will be a lot easier to start to do when you aren't still trying to figure out the rest of the mechanics of the game...
  11. galekast

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    And I always assumed any "soft skills" wouldn't exactly be trainable as such.. They would just be a natural progression. For example, the longer your character is alive and healthy, his fitness should improve which would give you a bit more stamina and sprint time (if and when they limit the sprinting).. Or if you are constantly carrying a full back pack, initially it should slow you down a lot (again, if weights affecting your speed/stamina is implemented) but you would slowly toughen up and be able to stay a bit closer to your normal speed. Those sorts of things should be what they are looking at, not farming/axe handling etc.. Nothing should be able to be trained, it should all just be natural progression as your character survives longer and thrives..
  12. galekast

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Its not particularly restrictive, it would just give the 2 or more people working together a bit of a time advantage.. 1 guy picking apples alone, could take ages, 2-3-4 people shaking loose apples together could result in 5-6 tumbling to the ground.. Same as the dynamic events, the barricade one specifically.. A lone walk could theoretically bust in there, use some tools and prise open a barricade or a vehicle to pull a heavy item out of the way.. But two people working together could shift the item more easily and swiftly.. I personally think little things like this are a great idea. I really love the idea of stumbling over random barricaded buildings or little server generated survivor hordes stashed in house or hidden under bushes etc. Not very many at all, but a few on each restart randomly around the map as an acknowledgement of those who were surviving before you arrived.. And anything that facilitates a bit of team work every now and then is a positive if you ask me..
  13. galekast

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Weirdly I have had the opposite experience and found loads of backpacks.. Mainly dry bags and taloon packs but I did find a SPOSN yesterday too.. Really enjoying this build, loved it on EXP and now loving it here.. Just wish the CLE and persistence were working as intended rather than all the loot respawning on server restart..
  14. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Ha I just read back what I wrote. What I meant to state was a rope would be required to make a bow to kill the animals once they sort out the ai and you can't just run up hacking them! Occasionally I write dumb things :)
  15. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yeah true, admittedly I killed the fox with a splitting axe, which I assume I won't be able to do when it all works better. So yeah, a rope for a bow will always be required as will a rope and sack for a backpack (unless there is another craftable backpack I don't know about?). I like the idea of making your own sewing kit, could use your idea of the shoe laces for that too rather than the rags. I would like to see a lot more improvised and crafted items added into the game, there is already a good set in there but expanding it further would be nice.
  16. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I have to say, whoever keeps saying they can not find food/drink/loot etc, you have clearly been looking in the wrong places.. I found all of the following in about 10 minutes up in Klen and was basically self sufficient and ready to go! Just need to craft some arrows and I am good.. Did however see a fox which was awesome, killed it (felt bad) and made a water pouch with the skin, which I hadn't done before and is truly fantastic. I love the fact you don't actually need to loot anything anymore really (other than a bag of some description!)
  17. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    At the moment all is dependant on spawn position.. If I spawn in Berezinho or south of Svet I will run up the coast, go through the Svet docks and over the hill to the fishing village then on to the village way up in the NE.. There are a sh*t load of apple trees up there and 2-3 water pumps.. Plus barely anyone goes up there so you tend to be able to grab some decent loot too.. If I spawn further South then I tend to loot apples until I am fully hydrated and healthy (or at least to the point that I am not going hungry in 2 mins) then set off in land.. Yes the coast is normally picked clean, but the towns as you head in land generally have something.. Even if it means looting up slowly (as this game really should be) then just grabbing apples again until you are comfortable, thats just how it is... I quite like it.. Although I must admit, since the newest update I have had no trouble finding gear and food etc.. Just head to the guard house style buildings that you can not enter (2 on Berezinho docks, 1 on Svet docks).. They have an abundance of loot currently and I even found an SVD at one complete with scope.. Other than that, once I move away from the coast I have had no trouble finding enough food to keep me going,haven't had to kill any animals as of yet!
  18. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Found loads of loot on the 1pp server I was just on, mainly running about the docks down by Berezinho.. Those guard house style buildings really are a treasure trove when they have a lootsploshion! Yes it feels cheap but dammit I want to see all the new stuff :) And I did find an SVD with scope there, no ammo though but it does look very nice from what I could tell in the dark. Other than that, I was surprised to find a quiver of bolts for the crossbow, I did not know this was a thing! Quite excited about that now and will be tempted to give up my shiny new SVD if I come across a crossbow at some point! Or at least drop it and see how this works temporarily! Edit: Also, my frames were amazingly good this evening.. Anyone else finding that?
  19. galekast

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    If you are still looking for people, check out the channel "Things We Play" on YouTube.. The dude on there who plays DayZ is just brilliant, his videos are generally very entertaining.. Not the most serious player in the world but he has a very chilled out, fun vibe to his stuff and makes me laugh a lot if nothing else.. Plus he can be a complete bastard at times too which is pretty damn funny! https://www.youtube.com/user/ThingsWePlay 45 video DayZ Standalone playlist on there :) Enjoy!
  20. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yeah like I said, it was very, very easy, I even found a Winchester, ammo and a load of canned food and drink at my favourite fishing village (so basing myself up there when barricading comes in!).. So I am basically self sufficient almost immediately.. To be honest, I will probably go and find an animal to test the Winchester on and then head down to the coast and give it all away to a new spawn and start over, I don't like to gear up that easily as now I basically have nothing to do other than wander about and hope to find an SVD or VSS.. On a side note, after the server crashed and I logged back in, the dot sight on the FNX was gone, not on the gun, not in my inventory, just completely gone.. So be warned people :)
  21. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Spawned at Svet on the new EXP, ran to the docks, checked the warehouses and the little guard building, within 2 minutes I had a pickaxe, Smersh Backpack AND Vest (Which I have never, ever had before!), FNX and dot sight, binoculars, military boots, AK, AKM and SKS magazines, Kashtan (sp?) sight, can opener and a hatchet... Did my NE run to the little fishing village and found a hunting jacket and M65 jacket in a house.. Now just looting that area until I move North to the holiday camp.. Kind of pleased to find so much awesome stuff, especially the Smersh stuff, but it was a tad easy, nice to see it all though for once.. Loads of high cap vests, boots, ammo and stuff at the little guard station on the Svet docks. Server just crashed so logging back in now to continue my scavenging.. No zombies as of yet though!
  22. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Follow the Western or Northern edge of the map right into the NW corner and the go South a bit and look for the plains and solitary red tree, it looks incredible up there! Love it! Think I may hang out there and bit and drink in the sights!
  23. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Had a nice wander about today.. Revisited the tanks/ural/humvee spot on the North of the map, loot is definitely respawning, same server as last night, lots of new items to be found.. UK1 01 I believe it is. Anyways, wandered about, carried on West tp Stary Yar in the very NW of the map, kept going til I hit the very NW corner.. Freaked out and ran when I saw a dude wandering around on the rocks nearby, I did try and say hi, no response, backed off quickly! Have to echo what I saw someone else say, the NW of the map is very pretty.. Started wandering south and there is a huge open plain with a massive forest in the distance and just one huge red leaved tree sitting out in the middle of it all, it looks fantastic and I hope they leave it like that as it is pretty beautiful! Took a couple of pictures and intend on heading South to Sinistok down to Lopatino.. Having a lot of fun just backpacking about, trying to find bits and pieces and the such like.. Still got enough food and drink to last a while and my bow will come in handy should I ever find an animal! Really want to test out the gas cooker (if it is working?) that I have been carrying about for ages! Really liking this update, just hoping to find one of the new guns eventually as it would be nice to see them but if not oh wow, my bow will do fine.. Wish we had a few infected running about though to keep me on my toes, although having 74 other people online certainly keeps you alert!
  24. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Valid points. It just does my head in at times, "I have found nothing" and you are staring the damn apple in the face screaming "USE YOUR EYES"... But alas, you are right, I guess there has to be a time/reward management in this situation or else it would be a bit too easy..
  25. galekast

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    With the whole realism thing, I can't help but think about the apples and the berries.. I mean, in real life, you know if there is an apple or a berry in a tree or bush, you can see them and you wouldn't fail to get one every single time (basically).. So I can't help but think the rate should be upped, but that the trees and bushes should become exhausted of supplies at some point and perhaps a new appearance to them too so they look clear.. I know that the first person along would basically be able to grab everything if they had the inventory space, but hell, that's how it would be in real life too surely.. This whole "I have found nothing" does my head in, I can see the apples dammit and by hell I want one! So take the bloody apple that I can see off the tree and stop messing about, your arms aren't that short!