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DayZ Supporter
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Everything posted by crimsonbzd

  1. crimsonbzd

    Need shopping advice...

    I'm an active participant in this forum, and I watch the Rust forums occasionally. I would recommend DayZ SA on two factors: Frustration ratio: Don't get me wrong DayZ can be extremely frustrating, BUT it seems that there's always something you can do better or different next time. The amount of posts I've seen on the Rust forums complaining about hackers, scripters, and all the things they get away with, I wouldn't expect your stuff to be there when you come back. This is not to say DayZ doesn't have its presence of hackers and problem-makers now, but looking at where they both are in their Alpha state, I don't think the creators of Rust really care about the matter as much as the DayZ dev team does, and I wouldn't expect them to be able to prevent unfair play as well as DayZ will at release. Secondly, content and overall quality. Granted I have not played Rust, but I've seen enough videos, and I can understand why someone might be drawn to this more complete game in the current time, but once DayZ catches up, not only will that happen quickly but I figure looking at it that DayZ will be about 50% complete when it has the content and quality that Rust will have at release.
  2. crimsonbzd

    Things you should not be able to disable.

    If you're having financial difficulties, I would recommend console gaming. You buy one device that is guaranteed to play the games consistently along with everyone else who also owns that console. PC gaming may not be for you if your computer is crappy. Say you and I are PvPing. I'm over here playing properly with the game turned "on" while you have pp, shadows, everything off. You land a shot on me - my screen is now pulsing, hard to see, etc. I land a shot on you - your color turns down slightly. It's cheating, hands down, under the guise of "playability." Newsflash: Your shitty computer is not my problem. You want the game tailored to you and what you have. If I wanted to cheat I would simply be tailoring the game to me and what I have. So.. you can feel justified, if you want, turning your settings around, but just know, LoK, that your victory is hollow. Regards LoK, regards.
  3. crimsonbzd

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    I'm pretty sure they used the matryoshka doll skin... flattened it out... and made it white... to make this mushroom cap in the first place. that's why there's sort of a face on it. this mug made a whole video about it. we're doomed.
  4. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as zombies?

    the reason they have the current dynamics is because the ai is a placeholder. the reason for the poll is to gather information from the community that has paid to have their input heard to see, specifically, how many zombies we'd like to see and their presence.
  5. crimsonbzd


    You presented a different enough idea that whether this "should or should not" have been posted is kinda grey to me. Regardless, as far as developing the core game, you're looking at it as it is now.
  6. crimsonbzd

    My Last Rant

    I mean, you go and buy and unfinished game where they make you read LIKE FORTY TIMES TO ONLY BUY THE GAME IF YOU WANT TO A PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. Don't buy it to have fun, you won't.
  7. crimsonbzd


    I like the idea, but I think it's bred from a place of wanting to challenge PvP based individuals. this isn't a general time I'd go >>>> ALPHA but that does apply here. Imagine a PvP'er, with a sniper rifle (which are bound to be RARE) when balanced loot economy and high zombie population is in. Sure, fire off that sniper rifle. IF you survive all the zombies rushing toward you, IF you survive the wave of every nearby player who wants to take that sniper... Sure, fire it off.
  8. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as zombies?

    I know I do, I'm just a bit of an asshole anyways.
  9. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as Day/Night?

    that would be listed under "eliminate the threat of night as we know it." Doesn't matter if that means 24/7 day or night so bright that you can see anyways, same ideology.
  10. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as Character Progression?

    I'm bumping awaaayy... With no regards to the community... Sing it!
  11. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as Day/Night?

    That last part I like, because I think the original purpose of having gamma/brightness sliders is still important. The game may show up brighter/darker depending on individual computer and monitor set-up. Although gamma/brightness is abused, it would be unfair to completely ruin a player's ability to play the game (say because his setup is naturally too dark, or too bright) by completely locking the gamma sliders. At the same time though, making you lock in gamma at character create would solve that problem.
  12. Ya'll should understand these fixes have nothing to do with server hopping for loot. The balanced in game loot economy will fix that upon implementation. So, once that's done, go ahead and hit up every single server on the shard, one is no more likely to spawn the item you're looking for than the next. Even more so, what you're looking for might have spawned on the first server, in the next spot you were going to look, but since you've now hopped away... goodbye loot.
  13. Your idea is bad and you should feel bad. No, I'm kidding. I don't believe the community will take to this idea, but it could be frantically abused. If I wanted to combat log, ghost kill, all I would have to do is get myself on your "temporary" friends list and then I can mess with you all I want. The game would need a system to tell if a player was actually friendly or not, but the reality is we could meet up in Elektro, I could roll with you like a best buddy all the way to Belota, then turn around, blast you, take all your loot and log away... cause we're "friends." You don't actually have any friends in DayZ. You make friends in the real world and then play with them on DayZ. Everyone else is suspicious at best.
  14. crimsonbzd

    Before you fix or add anything else.

    No. Read the pertinent posts first. Dean talks about this - they have a dedicated sound professional in the studio reworking sound entirely. Sound in the game right now is a crap placeholder. Perhaps they could just mute the game 'til they're done?
  15. crimsonbzd

    Things you should not be able to disable.

    What kind of outdated computers are ya'll on that can't play this game??? I'm about to give this PC to my girlfriend it's so bad and I play at 50 fps on medium settings. I realize it's unnecessary, but if my frames drop I don't want to be left below 30. My Game should NOT be reduced or altered because ya'll "don't have a good enough" computer... that's why computer gaming is restrictive. Go buy a console. If I'm playing, on my regular computer, at normal FPS, and some guy comes running down the road playing a barebones version of the game with all his grass and draw turned all the way down, now I'm a sitting duck because of HIS bad computer. At this point, I would feel justified using my extra computer power to give me back the advantage is stripped away. Now, cheating takes too much effort running scripts and command line and all that to make it worth a while, but I hope you see my point. ALLOWING PEOPLE WITH LESSER PC's TO CHANGE THE GAME TO IMPROVE THEIR PERFORMANCE IS THE EXACT SAME AS A PERSON WITH A GREATER PC USING THEIR EXTRA SPACE TO RUN CHEATING SOFTWARE. "Oh, but I have low FPS unless Clouds are Off and blah blah blah" Well suddenly the settings you need to play the game "properly" allow you to see in the dark. So I'm on a TV so big and nice it doesn't matter what I turn my gamma to, it's always dark at night. So I should be able to use my extra computer power, that which is not needed to run the game, to run some sort of program that magically makes it not night for me. You cannot justify one without justifying the other. So if you have bad PC... Build a better one.
  16. I must be missing something because even if you avoided all glitch deaths you still would have gotten hit by a character wipe...
  17. It takes approximately 57 hits with a kitchen knife to kill another player.
  18. crimsonbzd

    New Canned Food

    Like the people of the Neutral Planet, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
  19. crimsonbzd

    Should there be more gun holsters?

    With the current inventory system, additional holsters would be pointless. That being said: I agree with what I quoted above exactly. Quivers and multi-knife belt holsters too. But all of this is pointless if I can grab a stack of ten arrows out of my backpack as quickly as i could a quiver, but I can't wear a backpack while i'm wearing a quiver etc.
  20. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as Day/Night?

    To me, really anything to re-implement day/night as a gameplay mechanic lol. Either I can play in the dark all alone or in the day with no loot and crazy axe men.
  21. crimsonbzd

    Duplication exploit - need for global wipe?

    Yeah but ya'll do realize that character wipes are coming either way. Experimental .33 is supposed to hit stable Feb 5-7. So expend all your ammo before you log out on the 6th.
  22. Ya'll don't make good polls like I do.
  23. Frankly, you're stupid. For a more elaborate response, at this point in the game's development they need people to find every exploit so a system that both prevents the exploits and doesn't interfere with non-exploiter's games can be found. So if some guy finds a way to nuke a server - good - because then we know it won't happen at release.
  24. crimsonbzd

    What do we really want as far as Character Progression?

    I'm sorry if I was unclear, I might edit the OP to reflect this. I'm not suggesting a change in perma-death, you would lose any "skills/upgrades" you gained that life. This mechanic simply suggests an implemented reason for your character's survivability beyond gear.
  25. crimsonbzd

    NPC controlled Trade-post

    I mean, I'm sure when SA development is open to the community in 3 or 4 years, someone will make an SA Epoch mod, and that will definitely have NPC's and trading posts, same as mod Epoch. Because of this I don't see any sort of NPC's will be in the vanilla SA