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Everything posted by Vertoxis

  1. Vertoxis

    Friendly or Bandit?

    Do what you feel, thats how i go about it... situation by situation I also love people watching without them noticing me... the second they go bandit i kill them sometimes i run around acting like a complete insane man... Handing a fresh spawn an apple while shooting his friend in the face for enslaving baseball bats All while mumbling about Whale feces In conclusion .... do whats fun!
  2. Vertoxis

    Confused about returning to game

    To add to what others said there are a few reasons and ill list them .. repeating some already said of course 1. There are two types of hives/servers .. Hardcore(First person view only) and Regular (allows Third person) You can have 1 character for each type, these characters extend to all servers running that type.. so if you log on a hardcore server... play for a few hours.. then log off.. if you log on a DIFFERENT HARDCORE server.. that character should be there for you Same goes with a regular server.... your regular character will not appear on a hardcore server... nor will a hardcore appear on a regular 2. Experimental, you may be playing on experimental... you need to set some stuff up to play on these servers.. so if you are new to the game or don't know what this is... chances are you are NOT playing on experimental .. you really cant get to them on accident ... But if you have been.... characters on experimental are wiped frequently (Mostly when updates happen) 3. ALWAYS REMEMBER WHEN LOGGING OFF... IT TAKES 30 SECONDS FOR YOU TO LEAVE SERVER... so when you exit the game.. your character is a sitting duck for 30 seconds ... a zombie or player who happens upon you can and probably will kill you.. if thats the case.. you will log in to a fresh character... If number 1 and 2 are not the cause.... then its most likely number 3 If none of the above are the cause then its reason number 4 4. Its alpha... this kind of shit happens.. and it sucks but ... its alpha lolol
  3. You guys all want to know the REAL reason people shoot on sight in the CURRENT state of the game Tell me, PLEASE enlighten me as to WHAT you will GAIN from interaction...please i'd love to know what im missing out on.. When i have beans, i have food, i have water, i have ammo, guns, i have EVERYTHING i could need (IN THIS CURRENT STATE OF DAYZ:SA) At that point what do you do? Go around asking freshies if they need help... because well, most average players can gear up in about 20mins to an hour, why does he need my help? Nothing in this game takes seriously longer then an hour to obtain, if it does... well you are doing it wrong (And no im not saying server hop... head north.. a lot of people ignore Stary,Novy and other locations...) So again, maybe if i was trying to build a car and get it running... i might say Hey man i got a TON of water, do you have any spare car parts on you? Or something siimilar (Heli's, buildings ETC) RIGHT NOW in the CURRENT VERSION (and trust me, im not saying i like it... but you are all attempting to solve KoS the WRONG way.. asking a KoS'er to not KoS is like asking a dog not to bark... it wont work with asking alone) Give them a REASON to want to work together... WHich means.. MORE CONTENT so get off the KoS is wrong.. KoS is right... i play how i want.. or KOS is for bad players.... ranting... and start ranting for more content ... it will fix EVERYTHING you hate about kOS
  4. You also need to understand japanese culture ... As in... yes they can be more civilized in some cases..... and in other cases not Japan is the #1 country in the world for reported rape and pedophilia .... Hell.. they found a dude stuck in a drain under a sidewalk... his reason for being there ..... "I wanted to look up skirts" (pretty funny lolol) they also at one point found it perfectly acceptable and honorable to ram an over-fueled fighter jet into a ship... Different people... different times... different culture... but human just the same Watch the movie "Battle-Royale" ... an old japanese B film about a highschool class that gets picked under new japanese law.... they created a yearly "Game" where a class is picked and sent to an island and fight till the last man ... it was created in response to a growing epidemic of violence in the schools (students stabbing teachers and such) The crazy part about this movie is.... when it was released.. there really was a small problem with japanese youth not respecting authority.... So there was a little big of propaganda behind it (and yes this movie came before the "Hunger Games" book... and takes a more sinister tone for the reason the game exists... there is no food shortage... they just literally did it to snap kids in line)
  5. We tried about 10 servers last night, every single server.. same problem I had played ok for about 1-2 minutes on the first server.... then HEAVY HEAVY desync issues.. bad bad issues.. we decided time to switch servers Upon joining the new server, my friend described he was moving around the room...... but on my screen he was still crouched in front of me in the same spot he was when i loaded in So we change servers...... same problem Change servers again..... and the same problem.... again and again.... etc etc etc every time... i load in... and he can see me move... crouch.. do whatever im currently doing...... but no doors respond.. and his character (As well as everyone else in the server) DO NOT move.. or anything... After about 8 minutes i am moved to the server select screen with a "Session Lost" message and my friends say on the server it states "Signature check timed out" I have not had ANY problems or touched ANY files since the early access alpha started...... therefore i have NO idea what the problem could be....... any ideas?
  6. ah yeah man i was egging people on, i was super bored yesterday waiting for a client to call so i could go home, today.... not nearly as bored lol so i gotta make my posts quick and get back to it... Also yes, people will always complain or prefer a certain typing style, only problems is forums = no true format anymore so i always say type the way you want.. just try and lay of caps lock lol.. i also never go grammar police.. its the DayZ Forum... not a resume or job application :-)
  7. most humans IRL in a situation like this, will want to work together at least on basic terms and definitely most people wont seek out murder to gain resources (Most will just steal it when you arent looking...) even in katrina, most of the "Violence" was people looting stores... not just having shootouts "Purge" style We are at heart a species based in cooperation with each other... and in real life.. 9 times out of 10 people are willing to help one another......... buuuuut this isnt real life.... this is the internet...... and we ALL know how that goes :-P
  8. This, this, and more this This is a great guide for a starting player, get off the coasts and get inland .. more loot... less players If you see an airfield, PROCEED WITH CAUTION, even the most friendly players consider all air fields kill or be killed, so avoid the airfield.. or get in get out FAST And i am a VERY kos oriented player (At the moment) basically unless i establish communication before seeing each other... im probably going to take a shot... as stated by Herro... many many players have been burned... and even being a KoS player, i have been aided by fully geared people (Im talking the dude gave me a gun).. it took EVERYTHING i had not to turn on this extremely nice player... but i knew how badly i got burned giving a guy a loaded pistol... and i wasnt about to repeat the same action that turned me slightly to the dark side. Either way, this dude was great! a real hero type player, nothing swayed him from helping players and as a KoS player who is pretty much..chaotic good... (I really aim to kill other KoSers.... by KoSing them lol... thing is sometimes i get a lil.... crazy on the bloodlust and kill ALL THE PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and i met him in Stary Sober So again, get OFF the coast, get inland and learn from there... as you gain more loot and understanding of the game.. head back to the coast if you want player interaction, but always be prepared for an Insta death... hell ive literally died walking up a flight of stairs... (I teleported 40 feet above the house... hit the roof and died... lol)
  9. then eat an alien frog thing from your Snacquarium? Then get choked out
  10. also just to add, even if you havent directly killed someone with your own gun/axe You have already killed other players through actions such as looting the town you spawned in for example You spawn in kamishovo, you notice NOTHING IS LOOTED (JACKPOT!!!) so you loot like a hoarder, get done in about 10 minutes and head towards electro or solnichny. Now someone else spawns in kamishovo, he cannot find any loot *because you took it* so he decides to suicide for a better spawn, You indirectly caused this fresh spawns death, that is also PVP. The game is a resource competition during a zombie apocalypse. Also the player may not suicide, he may starve to death because hes getting to every building you had been at 10 minutes ago, so unless you make a mistake and miss a building hes dieing of starvation, or getting killed by someone who would KoS (now yes this guy pulled the trigger, but the only reason hes in the middle of electro freaking out for food is because well... you have it all lol) So a lot of people dont realize it, but they are indirectly killing other players! Thats what makes this game great in my eyes, even of the goodest of heroes may indirectly cause a chain of events that kill someone, and they wont even know it happened.
  11. Well think of it this way... ANY apocalypse or backwater type environment (Mad max, Book of Eli) is going to cause this type of reaction.... part of this games survival does depend on Player Killing... Wether done without any words exchanged.. or not... I saw someone trying to snipe me from the Office building in cherno... he glitched.. fell off the roof.. and well... free loot! lolol i didnt kill him but still Its just how any type of similar situation works.... "I could trade with him, have the possibilty of being killed by him.. or someone else while doing it... he may not want to trade... so i get nothing anyway for risking interaction.. i could shoot at him... but that will alert all other players of my presence... but then i get all his loot if i nail him..... i could try and hold him up.. but he may just run So yeah at the moment its Day "Just dont die" If you have ever seen the Mod ..... zombie spawns right now are just literally place holders for the Standalone... nowhere near the amount that will be spawning in future updates. At that point shooting your gun (Without a silencer... rare loot which is also not working yet) will be a choice of, "Do i fire at this player and alert the 40 zombies behind my building to come and chase us" or "Do i attempt to work it out with this dude so it doesnt come to that" because if he does fire the weapon, now tons of zombies will be marching to his location for dinner, and he will HAVE to move, this will make "Standoffs, and KOS" a lot less common, due to the idea of constantly moving so you dont get munched
  12. on a serious non-troll note Honestly people are KOSing and "Deathmatching" simply because there isnt anything (game related that is) to do otherwise. I am pretty damn confident that once vehicles, base building, more crafting, hunting... cooking.. loot respawns... MOAR ZOMBIES!!!!!! will give people a lot more things to focus on then gaining loot and using said loot on other players Because as of now the common player adventure seems to be Spawn---->get fed and thirst up------>get basic loot------>get a gun------> fight until dead----->spawn there is no real reason to "Team up" other then more eyes on the map and more guns.... cooperation isnt really an idea until "Hey i got this part... you got that part .. lets craft even hostages... you can only take so many pants.. shoes... feed them rotten stuff... before it gets kinda boring.. So yeah... when there is more stuff to do other then collect guns and food.. im pretty sure there will be less KoS
  13. Vertoxis

    DeSync / Session Lost / signature check

    no ones graphic settings save at the moment Seems its a very widespread and known bug at the moment
  14. Vertoxis

    DeSync / Session Lost / signature check

    as i said, im back it is fixed... but sadly im not entirely sure how there are 3-4 things i did so here they are 1 Re-installed the game entirely 2 after re-install.. i verified game files on steam 3 logged in without anyone near me 4 yelled at my monitor for it to work while logging in (This probably didnt do anything) and the other thing is... it could of been B.I. or my ISP ... and they fixed it Regardless those are the 4 things i did on my end... i didnt have to remove any gear or suicide the character... my friend logged on and we played just fine all night Thanks for everyones help, i hope very little to no people experience this bug
  15. Vertoxis

    Session Lost / Yellow or Red chain issue

    as i said, im back it is fixed... but sadly im not entirely sure how there are 3-4 things i did so here they are 1 Re-installed the game entirely 2 after re-install.. i verified game files on steam 3 logged in without anyone near me 4 yelled at my monitor for it to work while logging in (This probably didnt do anything) and the other thing is... it could of been B.I. or my ISP ... and they fixed it Regardless those are the 4 things i did on my end... i didnt have to remove any gear or suicide the character... my friend logged on and we played just fine all night Thanks for everyones help, i hope very little to no people experience this bug
  16. and yet here you are responding annnnnd... Your response alludes to fully understanding what i wrote, also If you do not feel like reading my post, then you are not the audience i am trying to convey an idea too but seeing as you did respond, and you did understand... well im sorry to say but You just made your own argument.... invalid also my pants are on fire <--- this is probably not true (yes it is)
  17. yeah we both concluded in messages that it was pure boredom on both parties... Word chess is a great time killer!
  18. Last post (most likely... time to go home.. thank god or ... beans) THIS WAS ALL BECAUSE IM BORED AND LOVE TO STIR UP SHIT... so any thing would of done.... hell i was so bored today i might of argued that the sky was red (its clearly brown.. wait i mean blue) I was really on the forums to report and look up an issues with DeSync and Session timeout/signature check problems on my public server... and happened upon this post and said.... "this looks fun" It was fun ranting out on a seemingly randomish topic (I WISH THE CAMPFIRE SECTION WAS BACK DAMNIT!) with you guys For the record, I dont think anyone arguing with me is a loser.. or has mental problems... or any of the dumb shit i stated... its just stoking the fire for more badgering and passing of time... sucks waiting around after hours for something .. im sure we all know that Anyway guys, have a good night... hopefully if your playing you dont get too much desync... or random deaths may beans be with you! again sarahbram and WhyHerro ... i meant none of what i said bout you guys :-D <3 just literally passing time and yes.. my typing can be abysmal, but i never cared about that on game forums.. and old habits (MUD typing) die hard
  19. thats what i will be doing the second i arrive home .. heres some beans ... you were a great sport in this Unfortunatly i have to be here for ANOTHER 10 minutes because this fucking client hasnt shown up lolol (the real world really sucks sometimes) also, you NEVER have time to "Waste" .. you can never get time back Time is the one thing we spend that can never be earned again... you spend it.. it's gone... Thats why im attempting to stop doing what most people do.. which is trade time for income its not easy.. but ill do it!!! also yes it was very very amusing going back and forth.. really passed the time So a real big thanks on that one... you were more fun then that WhyHerro guy for damn sure!
  20. If you think a separate alias is going to keep people from figuring out who you are on the internet... i have some bad news for you and the fact that you think a separate alias with a separate email is going to keep someone from finding out who you are on the internet from how long You dont know if i have another alias i used since 1998... do you? but it wouldnt matter if i did or not.. if someone wants to.. they can figure out every alias you have ever went under.... I made it so someone can literally google vertoxis, and find stuff.... and you did exactly that.. so what im attempting to do is obviously working Which is create hype around the name vertoxis, negative or positive it doesnt matter And its working.... you being able to find that stuff.. is proof so thanks for that i guess
  21. Sarahblam Whyherro You two are way to fucking serious for me, i cant believe that you literally took the time out of what i perceive should be a busy day... if you actually had lives.... to entertain a fucking troll Think about that for a second.. WHO AM I TO YOU? No one.. im fucking nobody... i could be fucking Psy singing gangnam style all day .. i could be some fucking douche from bumblefuck washington state I could be Nick, i could be vert.. i could be red.. i could be blue but one thing i definitely am... is a nobody ... i am no one to you... and yet you actually made me matter for all of 20 minutes in your life... and you will never get that time back... think about that ... or don't ... I could careless what yah do.. see i am here.. but as i said before.. im bored and having nothing better to do at the moment since im stuck here for.. well what is now another 5 minutes...
  22. lol because you think i give 2 shits? heres some cold hard questions the fuck is gonna happen to me using my main alias? How do you even know this is my main alias Are you new to the internet or something?!? or are you just fucking stupid? I have seen people make up entirely and seemingly real profiles for trolling (i wouldnt do that... im too fucking lazy) the whole point is this... If someone is going to correct grammar in a fucking video game forum... be prepared to be called a loser.. end of story... this isnt a resume.. this isnt a job application you all take this shit.. way.. too fucking seriously
  23. But i like him insulting me its funny to hear a loser call someone a loser its also hilarious to see how many people actually give a shit about what i think about them... because if they didnt.. they wouldnt keep responding
  24. ... so thats why this bridge seems small.... damn this thread was like McDonalds .... went straight to my thighs