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Everything posted by Decks13

  1. So, I think this was my fourth life. I managed to make my struggle north from the coast for a while, not finding anything too exciting. I pick up a map. Nice. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure Im not on this piece of the map. But an airbase is... they should have guns at an airbase. Struggle forward. Get food and water. Get bit a couple times. Find a full medkit! Sweet. Compass! Sweeter! Struggle forward. Nice! This town is on my map! (translator cheating, since I, you know, don't read Russian.) And it's not too far from the airbase. Finally find good axe. Smash zombie heads. Avoid a possible bandit or two. AIRBASE! Tactical Vest! Headlamp. Zoom Scope! .45 CAL PISTOL. TWO MAGS!!!! Pop a couple zombies to get used to the gun. Climb up to the top of the tower. Another pistol. Word. Climb down lad...... AhhahhahHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHNOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Splat. God Dammit.
  2. Haha. Good stories. Thanks for the beans. Next time, I will know to fear the ladders more than anything else.