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Kataclysm (DayZ)

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About Kataclysm (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kataclysm (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 54

    So now because Purple admitted to hacking we all hack by extrapolation? I'm sorry but that's a bit rude to go tarring us with the same brush, especially when we first met Purple less than a week ago.
  2. Kataclysm (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Scypheroth, I think you have me confused with -_-Purple-_- ([MiG] P), who did indeed have 60 kills at one point. Out of curiosity Scypheroth, how would you know how many kills I did or did not have? If that was listed in the log data then your log data wouldn't match with Rocket's character server data for my character.
  3. Kataclysm (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Fair enough. Out of curiousity was it 4 minutes constantly on the server (IE. did I join at 11:04 and by 11:08 on the server I had full kit) or was it a leave and reconnect? If so I can account for every item I had.
  4. Kataclysm (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Well I cannot say anything against the point as I both don't see any logs nor do I know how to interpret them. However I hope someone realises a mistake has taken place here.
  5. Kataclysm (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Approximately 20 minutes ago (11:53PM CDT) I was banned from the Dallas 54 server with the listed reason as Cheating/Hacking. At the time of the ban I was riding an ATV with 2 friends in other vehicles in tow. At the time of the ban my name was "Purple People Eater" but I run under 3 aliases on the server - "[rG]Kataclysm" and "[MiG] K" as well. Looking for a response from one of the Vigilant Addiction admins hopefully soon.
  6. I'd like you to take a serious look at your logs and work out why I was just banned from the Dallas 54 server (Reason:Cheating/Hacking). I can only assume it's due to having "Purple" in my name at the time of the ban as you had banned a player earlier who uses the alias -_-Purple-_- or [MiG] P. I will be appealing this ban on the DayZ forums as well.