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About OrangOetan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OrangOetan

    I wanna be a medic!

    Dress for succes! Match your gear in red and white colours and always hand carry a med-kit. As for weapons, at most an axe for zombie defence. Try to stock up on various medical stuff, like saline bags and IV kits. I can't guarantee your survival, but this is what I would do.
  2. OrangOetan

    Change in how you start up a new character

    Berezino usually has nice stuff. Check out the factory and the lumber mill. There might be a lot of zombies, so be prepared for that.
  3. Dying is easy: 1. Zombies, find them, hug them. 2. Find a tall building and simply jump off. 3. Ask another player to do it for you. (though this can take a while when there's nobody around.) 4. Drink disinfectant and or eat rotten fruit. Not sure why you want to kill yourself, though. Finding your friends can be an adventure on it's own. And you might get some cool stories to tell when you do find them.
  4. OrangOetan

    Dealing With Loss

    I lived my first life quite long, got some proper gear with friends and roamed the map. When we met a fresh survivor we decided to help out, but got killed by bandits when searching a base. I must say the gunfight was short and deadly, but as the last man standing, it felt awesome. The loss of my gear was tough for about 5 mins, then I thought "Meh, this is DayZ." I am more bummed out when I lose a squaddie (or more...) in X-Com, tbh. Loot will always be found one way or another. And quite fast too. The start of a new life is more liberating and even more exciting, imo, because the zombies are more of a threat.
  5. OrangOetan

    What did you discover today?

    I discovered that when dropping a medic bag, it has a high chance of disappearing with all your goodies inside it. (it happened to me and 2 of my mates... :( ) Oh and that playing solo makes me paranoid.