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About Dave31k

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dave31k

    no more alphas for me

    Actually me and all my friends bought the game because we like survival Horror, zombie aspect of the game idea... NOT to pvp, there are far better pvp games out than this... The op is right in his worry about the zombies, this games biggest selling point and i bet 80%+ of people that bought the game, bought it for the zombies, I think you'll find your in the vast minority that bought it to kill players as a first objective... If they can afford say a 30 man dev team, then atleast the majority of the resources should be put into fixing the code for the zombies and for performance/stability (adding more), Least amount of resources should be put into new gear and guns and all that jazz... Right now the only thing you have to survive is being KOS by some geared up trigger happy 16 year old....the op isn't complaining about lack of content/updates for the zombies if it takes a few months even years so be it, he just wants the zombies to be the priority, as do most of the people that bought the game.....
  2. Sounds like a lot of whiny little bitches love their exploits too much to me lol..... Besides, you might spot me first with your exploit without revealing yourself, but if we are out in the open, by the time you've pressed enter an swapped to 1st person mode i'll have shot you in the head... so let the little exploit lovers keep there 3rd person mode, i love hunting them....
  3. Dave31k

    Unplayable, almost

    I think the game works just fine, as for killing new spawns i have to admit i have done that myself, partly because at the moment there's not enough working zombies to make players need to use team work an focus on other stuff... and partly because I wanted to test my mosin rifle at range on moving, pretty much safe to shoot at targets ... you still get a buzz killing from long range with a rifle, whether the target has a weapon or not... the game is unpredictable and so am I, the other day I killed 2 newspawns with my rifle, then bumped into another one who was just standing still, (looking at a 3rd party map) instead of shooting him at pointblank range, lets face it no buzz in kiling a guy standing still lol, I proceeded to talk to him via mic, and gave him a bottle of water... then Low and behold a newspawn with no clothes comes running at me punching me an backing off (repeat) I shoot him in the legs with my mosin mainly to test to see if the slow down machanics work, "which they didn't" :P anyway he lands 3 punches an i don't get concerned as I'm not bleeding or anyhing, I take 4 random shot in his direction not really trying my best to hit... he hits me again, knocks me out steals my gear and kills me with my own weapon........ I love the unpredictable nature of the game, just can't wait for the extra thousands of working zombies.....
  4. mine was a military building in ne airstrip.. I'm on top floor with my rifle and i hear foot steps down below me... a guy opens the door, doesn't notice me at first, he walks straight into the room but he's banding about, probably too close to the beds, I take 3 shots at him, hit him once.. he retreats to landing, another guy is outside on the landing, I take a shot at him in blind panick... i sit there for what seems like eternity.. I hear nothing.. I slowly look to the landing.. 2 dead bodies.... then i hear more footsteps downstairs so I rrush back into the room closing the door behind me..a guy then began having a conversation with me from otherside of the door asking if i wanted to party an if it was ok for him to loot the two dead bodies.... "sure i said"... I didn't leave the room :P
  5. Dave31k

    Why do YOU play DayZ?

    I play to learn the map, for the survival aspect, "which I'm keenly waiting to improve" with a mass of extra zombies added, hopefully next patch...
  6. Dave31k

    Do you HOP or STICK?

    I currently server hop for loot .. Main reasons are... 1. takes forever to traverse the map... when cars or bikes are introduced will make it better.. 2. There's not enough zombies in the game to play survival mode..only survival aspect of this game currently is a freshspawn with no weapons at all....(pking is really the only thing to do once you've got all your gear an enough food to last 3 winters...(maybe they should reduce the amount of food an drink loot) 3. I just died to an hacker an see no point spending ages collecting all my stuff again by running 500 miles...
  7. Dave31k

    3 of us died from a hacker last night

    Well, I was just in Electro in an house near beach.. I hear a shot and it misses me but puts me in shock in the upstairs window.. I proceed to go on stairs and watch the only entrance door into the building incase anyone tried coming in... 2 seconds later a guy appears infront of me at the bottom of the stairs... He didn't get the usual 30 seconds login time an gun reload sound, I shoot him from behind point blank range with my rifle, hit him... he instantly turns around an shoots me dead with a pistol...... Total hacker.. Firstly.. How come he didn't die pointblank from my rifle? secondly.. How could he instantly appear infront of me and instantly turn around in like 5 seconds? Now i know ghosting happens but im sure even with a super computer you can't run into a building on another server then walk inside, then log onto my server again, then instantly turn an shoot within 5 seconds... I hate cheaters, With a passion, lucky he's not next to me in real life, so P*ssed off...