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Everything posted by theGreatH

  1. Of course they are. Apart from this video game isnt for kiddies and all this heart-attack-thing was like asked and answered like a thousand times on this forums. Use the search function before opening a new thread.
  2. uhhg... Nonone is getting a heartattack out of nothing.... Its just if you're unconcious and you have a irregular Pulse, you have the chance of getting a heart attack (cardiac arrest) if you're not treated with a defi. Tired of everybody complaining about this shit. H
  3. nope. find them all the times. Hangars, ACTowers. They're just fucking small
  4. if you want to make test shots, just load one bullet at a time into the mosin. this way you're not automatically reloading and can see the impact regards, H
  5. I play on my laptop and it runs fine on good graphics! i7 4700MQ @ 2,4GHz GTX 765M 16GB RAM 500GB SSD
  6. theGreatH

    Portable Gas Lamp

    Probably its Damaged or worse. Had this issue too. Changed it to a lamp labeled "worn" and it worked H
  7. theGreatH

    Gun case

    I like the idea when you have to choose between a backpack and the gun case.
  8. theGreatH

    [Community Suggestion] Friendly UN Uniform

    I like the idea, but what would stop bandits to put on the same clothes and shoot you once you think he's friendly?
  9. Here are two things that I found during playing the Standalone: 1. It would be nice to sort the servers in the history section to the time you played them. So if you have to rejoin, because the server started anew or you liked this specific server you played two days ago its easier to find it. 2. I discovered that it is possible to carry an infinite number of backpacks with you as long as you stack them in your other backpacks with the loot in the first one. regards, H