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About SillyRice

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SillyRice

    Retrying to Authenticate

    Thanks for the replies, but I'm still having trouble joining servers. One out of ten attempts to join a game is actually successful. Using the patch or not, and whether or not I have recently restarted steam, I am regularly coming up with error messages. Sometimes it's "no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons'", sometimes it's "retrying to authenticate", and sometimes it's, "bad version, server rejected connection". I'm trying to get onto servers I have joined before to find that now I can't. UK9 and UK69 are two I keep trying, because I've accessed them before - it seems completely random whether or not I can join. I've tried every potential fix I can find. Thanks for the help anyways, Gnyf and ultimateburger
  2. I've managed to get onto DayZ servers only three times over the last two days. Most of the time I try to join a game and end up stuck on a black screen with the message "Retrying to Authenticate". Can anyone tell me exactly what this message means, and what the problem is? Any info would be much appreciated, I've googled the problem to death and nobody so far have given me a solution - thanks in advance!