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Rasped (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rasped (DayZ)

  1. Rasped (DayZ)

    Walking like a zombie

    We should be able to walk and run like a zombie, as camouflage. It would be cool, and very useful.
  2. Rasped (DayZ)

    Walking like a zombie

    Sure they will, but the players might not. Sure they can, doesn't mean they will. yeah, sorry.
  3. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    I don't let players get close... I tell naked people to back off... if they don't comply, they have earned their bullet. But if they stop. If they behave like a normal human being and try to interact in a way that doesn't seem to be erratic, psychotic, aggressive. I have no problem with them, and I will try to help them. I've been shot a couple of times where I had no gun, my hands up(as in "I Surrender")... and did what the bandit told me. If players act aggressive or threatening, by all means, shoot them. But if they are unarmed and try to avoid you.. or follow your orders... Tell them to not follow you... sprint away, turn around... shoot them if they follow.
  4. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    As I understand it... rampant KOS was also the case in the mod... and there people had less to lose due to the tents, cars, bases and what not. I don't think "Less to lose" is a way to solve this(Yes, I do think it needs solving, I doubt there would be so much senseless killing should there be a real zombie apocalypse). I only see inconvinience and/or danger to the attacker as a possible solution. Right now, it takes 1-2 bullets, 4-5 seconds and you gain some safety and maybe something to eat. If it took 3-4 minutes to clear the zombies after a kill(Because of the noise associated). And possibly loss of health from fighting said zombies. I think that would deter some people from shooting. Obviously the knock out with bare hands thing needs to be adressed as well, because that is a real danger that I understand some people fearing. I've only been boxed to death once, and that was because I let him. It would have been really easy to outrun him(or shoot him if I had a gun). I just don't perceive unarmed players as a threat... most assholes I meet are fully geared.
  5. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    I don't run up to people screaming I am friendly... I was told to "get down on the ground"... which I did... then a bullet to the head. THAT is what I am having such a hard time getting along with. Naked people chasing armed people... shoot the naked guy... I don't give a shit, he is being a prick and deserves the bullet. Had I not gotten on the ground as I was told... shoot me... But at least pretend that you are human when you play... And I don't want a humanity system. I want a real plausible(yeah, zombies) reason to think before you shoot.
  6. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    Not in the current state no. I use the axe. But zombies should pose a threat, not just a nuisance... So much a threat that you will think about aggroing them.(should I fire my gun at this guy?Does he have anything I absolutely want?)
  7. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    There you go. First reasonable response to the "Why?" question yet. But still...Not enough reason for me to KOS unarmed players.
  8. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    Actually... this would just make KOSing worse... Then there would be real fun for the assholes to kill people (LOL, I just cost that guy 30$). The best ... not solution, but deterrent to KOS would be Zombie Swarming. Fire one shot, you attract a couple of zombies. more shots, more noise, more zombies. Obviously, zombies should be more of a threat than now for that to work. But imagine... should I kill this guy who has nothing, and then have to deal with XX zombies afterwards? Is it worth it?... It would be more like "The walking dead"(Not the game). Where you don't shoot unless there is a reason... because sound = zombies..
  9. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    Why is it that you assume I want to hold hands? All I am looking for is a little sense to the killing. I have a gun you want, ok, kill me or rob me... I have backpack you want, but no weapon... cuff me and take the backpack... but why the bullet in the head? There is no REASON in killing an unarmed player. He poses no threat. If you would even just poison me instead of shooting me in the head. I want competitive gameplay, firefights over good loot, fighting over territory. Reason for my death... not just "I have a gun, you don't. lol". I can't see what system could be put in to prevent it... and I'm not really looking for one either... I guess I feel the same way about these people who kill unarmed players as I feel about really religious people... I'm really curious as to find out what it is that make them that way... I just don't get it.
  10. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    That's my point! I was complying, and obviously not a threat because I was prone... bam, headful of lead. I'm not going to change my way and be a KOSer myself. I just want to be able to see the name of the dick who shot me... so I can find him and take revenge.
  11. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    Yeah, that's how I play too... but sometimes you have to go into buildings.... and sometimes people are there even if you scout.
  12. Rasped (DayZ)

    Kill on sight reasoning

    I understand some of the reasoning behind KOS.... I suck at this game big time, and I play on a slow computer... and I'm a whiner and probably also playing it wrong. But i've been killed so many times when I didn't have half decent gear it's just silly. Why do you kill someone who is obviously cooperating and following your orders... last death I was told to go prone and I did... he pulls out his gun and puts bullets in my head... no challenge... just... ... what? Why? What is the reasoning? We both spoke understandable english over direct comm... he told me to get down which I did... but still he decides that a couple of 0.45 bullets to the head is the way to go... He did ruin the night for me... Is that it? "Hehe... I ruined the night for a Bambi... " It's beyond me... But then again, I am old...
  13. I was looting a military base, not an airfield... carrying just a fire axe and my Improvised Backpack... I get out, see a guy in full camo with M4. He tells me to get down.. I do. He asks my name... I answer... He pulls out his FNX and says "Good night" and empties a clip in my head... Where's the fun? /Edit... so I have no unprovoked kills... but plenty unprovoked deaths... I just don't see what the fun is... Killing some poor unarmed soul, just boring... I've let plenty of people go.
  14. Rasped (DayZ)

    Best place to find a mosen

    Barns. I found a lot of Mosins in barns and other farm buildings (10-15 Mosins in the 50 hours or so I've played).