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Posts posted by dagonath

  1. But it should not be like that. I get that people use 3rd person view for battling motion sickness, and to get different loot and stuff. But if your using 3rd person view to look over walls and stuff, you have completely misunderstood the game.


    I rarely use 3rd person, and I would never use it to gain advantage over an enemy. To me its as disgraceful as combat logging and server hopping. But as a lot of people are doing that as well, it's no surprise a lot of you still use 3rd person for the glitching. And then you go and flame to people that find it annoying.


    Turn off the 3rd person look over the wall glitch, and I'll bet 80% will stop using it.

    I totally agree with you!


    But as much as I would love if Dayz were 1p only, it's impossible accomplish that without upsetting the majority of the community (which from Rockets point of view isn't very desired if you either want to sell or have a good relationship with your community)!


    What I wanna say is that, as long a I get to play it my way, I don't really care if other people like to play it in another way (which is what the original Arma community is ALL about! Have you seen the amount of available mods for A2?)..



  2. Hello. I'm on the fence regarding this game, but one thing that keeps bugging me is the 3rd person view. I was looking at how other people play on their streams and it's so damn annoying watching everyone peak around corners with zero risk, or looking through windows without exposing yourself.. I heard there are servers which have this disabled, but I also heard they are extremely unpopulated. So my question is, is something going to be done or the game is meant to be exploited this way?




    It was originally a key feature in the arma series that was still enabled in the DayZ mod.

    And since there are obvious advantages using it (as you mentioned) people continued using it either because they liked it or (like me) they didn't want the 3person-guys to get the upper hand.

    And since people got used to it, they're not very willing to part with it (I think Rocket suggested once that he was thinking of getting rid of it entirely but I think he realized that people were to fond of it).


    Anyway, if you (like me) wanna play 1person, just join the right server. There might not be as many, but I can promise you that there are enough to have fun :)

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