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About meiz22

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. meiz22

    Is it to easy to gear up?

    It's so easy it's boring, Keen to see a finished loot spawn system and some balancing, although that will be a while.
  2. meiz22

    Small Chernarus

    Sort of seems that way. Ctorchia Somerandom Ctorchia https://twitter.com/ctorchia/statuses/479932508453474304
  3. meiz22

    WHY are the big buildings not big?

    As someone else said not all hospitals are mega structures, i grew up in a small town (probably still bigger then the "city" of Elektro though) and the hospital was a small 20 bed building with 2 beds per most rooms. There is a chance that not being able to be enter everything is a performance thing. If (not sure how many the cities would have, just a random number) you had 100 buildings in a town and each building had 1 room you couldn't enter that's alot of extra stuff the engine doesn't need to render. Extra walls, window frames, textures, props all add up, especially when you have as much on screen with as long a view distance as in dayz.
  4. meiz22

    fix not hearing gunfire

    If you try that flush command type thingo, make sure you are somewhere safe because when i tried it (just seeing what it did) it put me on a loadscreen for 20-30 seconds. Edit: Damn loopest, he got a solution in the first reply, your arguing is one of the main things keeping the tread up now., mods would have locked when they liked your post if this thread was soo bad.
  5. meiz22

    question about respawning

    Such a pain, this one time i broke my legs right after getting fully energized and hydrated and then crawled for what felt like 1 km and found a radio tower, climbed to the top hoping i could jump off it. Problem was the top had rails around it and it was only a 1mx1m area so my character got stuck in prone and i couldn't even get to crouch or move in any direction including facing towards the ladder to get back down. Was stuck up there for hours, just left the game running and did something else and he died eventually. Ladders (Radio towers excluded lol) can be your best friend in these situations, although not knowing where you are i don't know if any would be around. If you come across a deer stand which are scattered all over the place you can keep climbing the ladder and crawling off the edge, it's slow but after 10-15 times you'll die.
  6. meiz22

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    The map is what? Like 15 km across? The neaf is probably only 1-2 km inland, pretty close to the coast, very short run from some coastal spawns.
  7. meiz22

    Bye bye spawn timer.

    Yeah i had this just before, got a crazy amount of desync and couldn't do anything so i left the server joined a different one and there was no timer for me. I only tried that once though.
  8. meiz22

    What is the ingame map good for?

    Yes i do agree that the way it is with so many sections is a little silly and think that there should be rarer larger chunks of map you can combine into one or even a complete one (map is only what? Like 15 kmx15km?) but I'd rather take the in game option having to find a map and sacrifice a bit of inventory space over the ridiculously easy, unlimited use for all, usable on spawn, see all, 3rd party map.
  9. meiz22

    What is the ingame map good for?

    Well i bought the game for survival.. and personally feel that it sort of defeats the purpose when you have a large see all map with loot locations and fountains etc marked out for easy access.
  10. meiz22

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    No real point for it really, only thing i can think of is physically it can help with nausea in real life, but that's not such a big issue in game. Most of the effects are things that you couldn't really simulate very well or don't add much to the game play, growing also takes months and months. Something I would be more interested in is if they ever introduced mushroom picking (along the lines with berries, apples etc) then picking a hallucinogenic one (something that would actually give off visuals and probably match the climate better) accidentally could be interesting to some situations, but i don't really see a place for it in dayz to be honest and it doesn't add much as you couldn't really simulate the effects in your head, only the visual side.
  11. meiz22

    Which servers are currently running Exp ?

    Has been 3 regular servers and 1 hardcore for Australia and Nz they seem to be down at the time of writing this though.
  12. meiz22

    AKM has been added?

    Yeah I've only found 1 mag so far as well (75 rounder :D ) and haven't seen a single m4 mag, hopefully they both are pretty rare now. I did see 4 akm on the walk from Elektro to Balota though, whole area between was untouched.
  13. Yeah that is extremely annoying, i got ganged up on by 5 zombies in a building, it looked like i was exiting the building but i kept taking damage and getting thrown back into the building between the zombies. ^^ Very helpful advice, after reading that I've started slowing down inside buildings and taking my time on stairs and at doorways and the issue is much less prevalent. Saved me from much frustration.
  14. Yeah I'm guessing it's head bob. I can't stay in Arma or Dayz very long if head bob is enabled due to getting that carsick sort of feeling but if it's off i can spend a few hours playing.
  15. So all the actual information is just copy and pasted? You could have like referenced the sources or something. My teachers back at school would tell us to at least change the words a bit lol.