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Everything posted by Agent00Soul

  1. "It's alpha" morons..
  2. Terrible impact on game for marginal server performance gain.. If the server can't handle a hundred dead bodies how's it going to do anything else..
  3. Agent00Soul

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    There were way too many m4's (mosins too) in the game, its a good change. The magnum is just as deadly in its range and they have added speedloaders.. Plus shotguns, there will be much more variety in gunfights. This is good. We just need a grenade added so people dont turtle inside rooms now and its sweet.
  4. Its not polite to keep bumping yourself.
  5. Agent00Soul

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    What the hell is with the bitching for HUD and icons.. I find it easy to work out my status and keep it in the healthy zone without some spoon fed nonsense icons cluttering up my game.
  6. Agent00Soul

    Animal Care

    Dun kill my dawg :(
  7. Agent00Soul

    10 min body despawn?

    Far too short. Most fights that arent 1v1 end up with someone holed up in a corner, takes much more than 10min to clear them out and watch your six.
  8. Thanks for the advance communication,much appreciated.
  9. Agent00Soul

    Time in game

    It seems they have significantly lightened dark time in the last patch.. my middle level gamma is now perfectly visible at night.. just black and white.. A sensible move considering the uneven playing field at night.
  10. Agent00Soul

    Why do YOU play DayZ?

    The oh shit did that just happen moments.
  11. Agent00Soul

    <<<< Item Quality? >>>>

  12. Agent00Soul

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    Hero this hero that, a corpse is a corpse.
  13. Agent00Soul

    Thanks for Handcuffing Me, Bandits.

    Being handcuffed for someone's power trip isn't lucky.. and they aren't heros.. prefer the kos bandits.
  14. Agent00Soul

    Thanks for Handcuffing Me, Bandits.

    Being handcuffed for someone's power trip isn't lucky.. and they aren't heros.. prefer the kos bandits.
  15. Agent00Soul

    Metal Detector in DayZ SA

    Find stashes.. remove mines, sounds good.
  16. Increase injury effects. Less vision..shakes.. blood trails..falling over. Get down with the sickness!
  17. Agent00Soul

    KOS - A Philosophical Discussion

    Ask them if they are the enemy and if they say yes you shoot dem.
  18. Agent00Soul

    Vendetta mask spawn ?

    And cloaks.
  19. Agent00Soul

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    More broken bones, less death. Solved.
  20. What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of the women. Not hidey holes that only exist in particular dimensions.
  21. Wounded half the time.. melee battles... you're doing it wrong.